
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
性中耳畸形congenital malformation of middle ear
性内耳畸形congenital malformation of inner ear
性双侧面瘫综合征Mobius syndrome
性发音困难congenital dysphonia
性后鼻管闭锁congenital atresia of posterior nares
性听骨链畸形congenital malformation of ossicular chain
性唇裂congenital hare-lip
性唇裂congenital cleft-lip
性喉下垂congenital laryngoptosis
性喉畸形congenital malformation of larynx
性喉畸形congenital laryngeal malformation
性喉痉挛congenital laryngeal spasm
性喉裂congenital cleft of larynx
性喉蹼congenital web
性喉软化症congenital laryngomalacia
性喉软骨畸形congenital malformation of laryngeal cartilages
性喉闭锁congenital atresia of larynx
性喉隔congenital diaphragm of larynx
性囊肿congenital cyst
性声带发育不良congenital dysplasia of vocal cord
性声带沟congenital ditch of vocal cords
性声门下狭窄congenital stenosis of infraglottic portion
性外耳道闭锁congenital atresia of external auditory meatus
性大声带麻痹congenital paralysis of vocal cord
性成骨不全症osteogenesis imperfecta congenita
性梅毒综合征Hutchinson syndrome
性狭窄congenital stenosis
性疾病congenital diseases
性皮样囊肿congenital skinlike cyst
性皮样囊肿和痿管congenital skinlike cyst and fistula
性缺鼻畸形congenital arhinia
性翼突关节肌发育不良Rossi syndrome
性耳畸形congenital deformity of ear
性耳痿fistula auris congenita
性耳痿ear pit
性耳痿congenital aural fistula
性耳胆脂瘤congenital cholesteatoma of ears
性耳裂fissura auris congenita
性耳道闭锁congenital aural atresia
性耳郭畸形congenital malformation of auricula
性聋散发性甲状腺肿综合征Pendred syndrome
性聋-眼病-白额发综合征Wardenburg syndrome
性聋视网膜色素变性综合征Usher syndrome
性胆脂瘤congenital cholesteatoma
性腭裂congenital cleft-palate
性腮裂囊肿及痿管congenital branchial cyst and fistula
性转运障碍症congenital disorder of transport
性迷路畸形congenital malformation of labyrinth
性颈痿fistula colli congenita
性颊龈粘连trismus capistratus
性风疹综合征Gregg syndrome
性食管狭窄congenital oesophageal stricture
性食管畸形vongenital deformation of esophagus
性鼻尖畸形congenital malformation of tip of nose
性鼻尖畸形congenital malformation of nasal apex
性鼻赘congenital appendage of the nose
性鼻部畸形congenital malformation of nose
性咽畸形postnatal malformation of the pharyngeal
性唇裂acquired hare-lip
性唇裂acquired cleft-lip
性声嘎acquired veil
性狭窄acquired stenosis
性畸形acquired deformity
性耳畸形postnatal malformation of the ears
性聋acquired deafness
性腭裂acquired cleft-palate
性鼻畸形postnatal malformation of the nose
喉先性囊肿congenital laryngocele
喉及颈部的先性疾病congenital lesions of larynx neck
外鼻先性畸形congenital malformation of external nose