
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
伴有先性综合征的毛细管扩张telangiectasia associated with congenital syndrome
异常儿童心理congenitally abnormal psychological state of children
眶静脉曲张congenital orbital varix
性上睑下垂congenital ptosis
性上腹壁疝congenital epigastric hernia
性主动脉口狭窄congenital aortic stenosis
性二尖瓣关闭不全congenital mitral insufficiency
性二尖瓣狭窄congenital mitral stenosis
性代谢异常congenital abnormal metabolism
性再生障碍性贫血congenital aplastic anemia
性动静脉交通congenital arteriovenous communication
性卵巢发育不全Turner syndrome
性后鼻孔闭锁congenital atresia of posterior res
性吸收不良congenital malabsorption
性唾液腺缺失congenital absence of salivary gland
性喉喘鸣congenital laryngeal stridor
性外耳道闭锁congenital atresia of external acoustic meatus
性完全性心脏传导阻滞congenital complete heart block
性室间隔瘤congenital aneurysm of ventricular septum
性家族性非溶血性黄疸congenital familial nonhemolytic jaundice
性岁囊性疾病congenital renal cystic diseases
性巨结肠 症congenital megacolon
性幽门痉挛congenital pylorospasm
性弱视congenital amblyopia
性心包缺损congenital pericardial defect
性心脏异常手术护理nursing care of congenital heart defect surgery
性心脏衰竭congenital heart failure
性心血管畸形congenital cardiovascular anomaly
性无发congenital alopecia
性涎腺缺失congenital absence of salivary gland
性甲状腺功能减退症congenital hypothyroidism
性甲状腺肿congenital goiter
性白内障congenital cataract
性盲congenital blindness
性眼球震颤congenital nystagmus
性睾丸发育不全Klinefelter syndrome
性结核病intrauterine infective tuberculosis
性结核病congenital tuberculosis
性耳凹congenital auricular pit
性耳前痿管congenital preauricular fistula
性耳聋congenital deafness
性耳郭囊肿congenital auricular cyst
性肌张力缺失congenital amyotonia
性肌强直congenital myotonia
性肛管闭锁congenital imperforate anus
性肝囊肿congenital cyst of liver
性肝硬化congenital cirrhosis
性肥大性幽门狭窄congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
性肺囊肿congenital pulmonary cyst
性肺静脉狭窄congenital pulmonary vein stenosis
性肾上腺增生症congenital adrenal hyperplasia
性肾上腺皮质增生 congenital adrenal cortical hyperplasia
性肾性失盐综合征congenital renal salt-losing syndrome
性肾病综合征congenital nephrotic syndrome
性胸腺发育不良congenital thymic aplasia
性脑疾患护理nursing care of congenital intracranial diseases
性腹股沟疝congenital inguinal hernia
性膈疝congenital diaphragmatic hernia
性视神经盘小凹congenital pit of optic disc
性视盘前血管襻congenital prepapillary vascular loops
性视网膜剥离congenital detachment of retina
性视网膜皱襞congenital retinal fold
性视网膜色素上皮肥厚congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigmented epithelium
性视网膜镰状脱离congenital falciform ablatio of retina
性角膜混浊congenital corneal opacity
性转运障碍congenital disorder of transport
性遗传性肾小管性酸中毒familial hypophosphatemia
性镫骨固定congenital fixation of stapes
性青光眼congenital glaucoma
性非溶血性黄痘间接胆红素增高型Gilbert syndrome
性非球形红细胞溶血性贫血congenital non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia
性颈部囊肿congenital cervical cyst
性风疹综合征fetal rubella syndrome
性食管狭窄congenital stenosis of esophagus
性食管裂孔疝congenital esophageal hiatal hernia
性髋关节发育不良congenital hip dysplasia
性髋关节脱位congenital dislocation of the hip
性髋关节脱臼congenital dislocation of hip
性高氨血症congenital hyperammonemia
性黄斑纤维化congenital fibrosis of macula
性黑矇congenital amaurosis
愚型Down syndrome
愚型Down disease
无神经节性巨结肠congenital aganglionic megacolon
畸形congenital malformation
性盲acquired blindness
近视acquired myopia
增殖性疱疮pemphigus vegetans
性视网膜镰状脱离congenital retinal fold
然耐受natural tolerance
然耐药natural drug-resistance
然自动免疫natural active immunity
然药物natural drugs
花粉引产trichosanthininduction of labour
寻常性疱疮pemphigus vulgaris
红斑性疱疮pemphigus erythematosus
结膜疱疮pemphigus of conjunctiva
落叶性疱疮pemphigus foliaceus