
Terms containing 大陆架 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不稳定大陆架labile shelf
earth.sc.中大西洋大陆架Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf
oil大陆架main shelf
UN关于因勘探和开发大陆架而造成的海洋污染议定书Protocol concerning Marine Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf
UN, geol.关于编写划界案提交大陆架界限委员会的训练手册training manual on the Preparation of a Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
China, polit.制止危及大陆架固定平台安全非法行为议定书Protocol for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
earth.sc.剑桥大学北极大陆架计划Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme
ocean.加拿大斯科舍大陆架Scotian Shelf of Canada
ocean.加拿大斯科舍大陆架Scotian Shelf
navig.大陆架西部Northern Shelf-West
navig.哈萨克斯坦里海大陆架Kazakhstan Caspian shelf
oil大陆架outer continental shelf
oil大陆架outer shelf
nautic., tech.大陆架outer continental shell
tech.大陆架沉积outer shelf deposit
earth.sc.大陆架环境评价方案outer continental shelf environmental assessment program
earth.sc.大陆架租约合同outer continental shelf leasing agreement
earth.sc.大陆架管理局Outer Continental Shelf Office
earth.sc.大陆架领土条例附录1978年美国国会颁布outer continental shelf lands act amendments
tech.外次大陆架outer sublittoral (水深五十~二百米)
busin.外缘大陆架outer continental shelf
geol.大西洋大陆架Atlantic continental shelf
earth.sc.大西洋大陆架科学考察Scientific Exploration of the Atlantic Shelf
earth.sc.大西洋大陆架科学考察委员会Committee for the Scientific Exploration of the Atlantic Shelf
eng.geol.大陆架continental shelves
tech.大陆架neritic zone
UN, geol.大陆架continental shelf
UN, geol.大陆架Continental shelf
environ.大陆架continental shelf The gently sloping seabed of the shallow water nearest to a continent, covering about 45 miles from the shore and deepening over the sloping sea floor to an average depth of 400 ft. It continues until it reaches the continental slope. The continental shelf contains most of the important fishing grounds and a range of resources, including gas and oil, sand and gravel. However, the shelf is, in general, a structural extension of the continent, and so may also be a source of minerals found in that region, such as tin, gold and platinum (最接近大陆逐渐倾斜的浅水海床,包括从海岸45米到平均深400英尺的倾斜海底。 一直延续到大陆坡。 大陆架包括了最重要的渔场和某一范围的资源,包括天然气和石油,沙子和沙砾。 然而,一般而言,大陆架是大陆结构的延伸,因而在那个区域中可以发现例如锡、金和铂等矿物资源。)
econ.大陆架marine shelf
hydroel.st.大陆架continent shelf
desert.大陆架continental platform
tech.大陆架公约Convention on the Continental Shelf
oil大陆架内侧inner continental shelf
earth.sc.大陆架动力学计划shelf dynamics program
earth.sc.大陆架区波浪continental shelf waves
earth.sc.大陆架区浮标continental shelf buoy
earth.sc.大陆架区浮标仪表舱continental shelf buoy payload
commer.大陆架原则doctrine of continental shelf
tech.大陆架名称name of continental shelf
earth.sc.大陆架和石油技术研究所挪威Continental Shelf and Petroleum Technology Research Institute Norway
tech.大陆架地形测量continental shelf topographical survey
tech.大陆架地形测量continental shelf topographic survey
tech.大陆架地貌单元geomorphological unit of continental shelf
tech.大陆架地貌单元geomorphologic unit of continental shelf
interntl.trade.大陆架continental slope
fishery大陆架坡折shelf break
fishery大陆架坡折continental shelf-slope break
tech.大陆架坡折水深depth of break of continental shelf
tech.大陆架外斜面continental talus
tech.大陆架外缘outer continental shelf
tech.大陆架外缘坝bar of continental shelf outer edge
tech.大陆架外缘坝类型type of bar of continental shelf outer edge
UN, geol.大陆架外缘的证据substantiation of the outer limit
tech.大陆架外缘陡坎shelf break
UN, geol.大陆架外部界限outer limit of the continental shelf
tech.大陆架天然气offshore gas
tech.大陆架平原continental shore plain
tech.大陆架平原continental shelf plain
fish.farm.大陆架底栖资源shelf demersal resources
earth.sc.大陆架开采continental shelf mining
tech.大陆架斜坡shelf continental slope
tech.大陆架斜坡continental shelf slope
eng.geol.大陆架断裂带continental shelf break
geol.大陆架条约continental shelf convention
earth.sc.大陆架水下压力shelf subsurface pressure
tech.大陆架水域superjacent waters
ocean.大陆架水系充氧oxygenation of shelf water
tech.大陆架沉积shelf sediment (物)
tech.大陆架沉积continental shelf sediment (物)
tech.大陆架沉积continental shelf deposit (物)
water.res., ecol.大陆架沉积物shelf sediments
ecol.大陆架沉积物continental shelf sediment
oil大陆架continental-shelf act
tech.大陆架海区offshore zone
tech.大陆架海区epicontinental sea
earth.sc.大陆架海洋模型continental shelf sea model
ecol.大陆架环境neritic environment
UN, geol.大陆架界限委员会Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
tech.大陆架石油offshore oil
tech.大陆架石油continental shelf oil
tech.大陆架矿床shelf deposit
tech.大陆架矿床continental deposit
tech.大陆架类型type of continental shelf
tech.大陆架edge of continental shelf
earth.sc.大陆架联合有限公司Continental Shelf Associates, Inc.
earth.sc.大陆架蠕动continental shelf crawler
tech.大陆架调查continental shelf survey
tech.大陆架资源resources of the continent
tech.大陆架资源continental resources
ecol.大陆架资源resources on the continental shelf
ecol.大陆架资源生态系统ecosystem of resources on the continental shelf
ocean.大陆架边缘fringing shelf
tech.大陆架边缘shelf edge
tech.大陆架边缘margin of continental shelf
earth.sc.大陆架边缘变化过程shelf edge exchange processes
oil大陆架边缘礁shelf-edge reef
navig.大陆架采矿continental shelf mining
geol.太平洋外大陆架Pacific outer continental shelf
org.name.巴塔哥尼亚大陆架渔业资源特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Party on the Fishery Resources of the Patagonian Shelf
UN, geol.扩展大陆架extended continental shelf
UN, geol.扩展大陆架Extended continental shelf
geol.挪威大陆架Norwegian continental shelf
earth.sc.挪威大陆架试验Norwegian Continental Shelf Experiment
ocean.斯科舍大陆架Scotian Shelf of Canada
ocean.斯科舍大陆架Scotian Shelf
earth.sc.极地大陆架计划Polar Continental Shelf Project
agric.大陆架地区sublittoral region (regio sublittoralis)
agric.大陆架sublittoral zone (zona sublittoralis)
gen.河口、沿岸与大陆架科学Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
ecol.沿海大陆架coastal shelf
nautic., tech.沿海国的大陆架Continental shelf of a coastal State
UN, geol.法定大陆架legal continental shelf
tech.大陆架shallow continental shelf
tech.海岸大陆架coast shelf
earth.sc.深海大陆架deep continental shelf
earth.sc.澳大利亚西北大陆架North-West Shelf (Australia)
navig.澳大利亚西北陆架风险投资项目Australia's North West Shelf Venture
navig.英国大陆架U.K. continental shelf
navig.英国大陆架United Kingdom continental shelf
earth.sc.英国大陆架United Kingdom Continent Shelf
geol.荷兰大陆架Netherlands continental shelf
navig.西北欧大陆架North West European Continental Shelf
earth.sc.西向大陆架水流western shelf water
UN, geol.证明对大陆架的权利proof of entitlement over the continental shelf
earth.sc.赫德森大陆架海盆Hudson Shelf Valley
tech.近岸大陆架coast shelf