
Terms for subject Statistics containing 大大 | all forms
一致最大功效1/4煅UMP test
一致最大功效1/4煅uniformly most powerful test
“大折刀”方法的伪值pseudo-values of the jackknife
大数强率strong law of large numbers
大数惯性律law of inertia of large numbers
大数法规law of large numbers
大样gross sample
大的年龄组broad age group
大错误gross error
弱大数定律weak law of large numbers
按与容量大小成比例的概率抽样PPS sampling
按与容量大小成比例的概率抽样sampling with probability proportional to size
最大似然估1/4maximum likelihood estimate
最大似然估计maximum likelihood estimate
最大功效1/4煅most powerful test
最大可能估计maximum likelihood estimate
最大负值negative peak
最大负载maximum demand
最小最大估1/4minimax estimation
最小最大决策函数minimax decision function
最小最大3/4霾吆minimax decision function
有效群体大小effective population size
极大似然估计量maximum likelihood estimator
极大似然率maximum likelihood ratio
极大F比maximum F-ratio
极小极大原理minimax principle
洋葱、大蒜、韭葱和其他葱属蔬菜onions, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables
负无穷大minus infinity
香蕉和大蕉bananas and plantains