
Terms for subject Entomology containing 大大 | all forms
东杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperdaEastern spruce
东杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperdaspruce-destroying beetle
乌桕大蚕蛾 Leucoma salicis (L.), Stilpnotia saliciswhite satin moth
乌桕大蚕蛾 Leucoma salicis (L.), Stilpnotia saliciswillow liparid
乌桕大蚕蛾 Leucoma salicis (L.), Stilpnotia salicissatin moth
乌桕大蚕蛾 Leucoma salicis (L.), Stilpnotia saliciswillow moth
乌桕大蚕蛾Atlas moth
云杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasgiant horntail
云杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasNorway spruce borer
云杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasbanded horntail sawfly
云杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasgiant wood wasp
冷杉大小蠹 Pseudohylescinus grandissilver fir beetle
冷杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasgiant horntail
冷杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasbanded horntail sawfly
冷杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasNorway spruce borer
冷杉大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasgiant wood wasp
加州大树蜂 Urocerus californicusCalifornia urocerus
半殖民地大黄蜂semicolonial bumble bee
圆头松大小蠹 Dendroctonus convexifronsround headed pine beetle
蝙蝠隐喙蜱 Argas confususwide bat-Argas
大古巴蟑螂 Blaberus craniifergiant Cuban cockroach
大头旋丽蝇 Chrysomya megacephala (F.)big head screwworm fly
大戟长管蚜 Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thos.)tomato aphid
大戟长管蚜 Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thos.)potato aphid
大杨卷叶蛾 Archips conflictanalarge aspen tortrix
大杨透翅蛾 Sesia apiformispoplar hornet clearwing
大杨透翅蛾 Sesia apiformishornet moth
大松象甲 Pissodes pinilarger pine weevil
大松象甲 Pissodes pinipine weevil
大树蜂 Sirex juvencuspolished horntail
大树蜂 Sirex juvencusblue horntail
大树蜂 Sirex juvencussteel-blue wood wasp
大榆尺蠖 Hybernia defoliaria (L.)great winter moth
大榆尺蠖 Hybernia defoliaria (L.)mottled umber moth
大水蝽 Lethocerus americanusgiant water bug
大理纹墨天牛 Monochamus marmoratorbalsamfir sawyer
大瓢虫螨 Holothyrus coccinellagiant lady-bird mite
大盆地天幕毛虫 Malacosoma fragilisGreat Basin tent caterpillar
大穴星坑小蠹 Pityogenes carinulatusponderosa pine wood engraver
大美国长叶松象鼻虫 Hylobius abietislarge brown pine weevil
大美国长叶松象鼻虫 Hylobius abietisfir-tree weevil
大美国长叶松象鼻虫 Hylobius abietispine weevil
大苹棘胫小蠹 Scolytus maliapple bark beetle
大苹棘胫小蠹 Scolytus malilarge fruit tree bark beetle
大菜粉蝶 Pieris brassicaecabbage worm
大菜粉蝶 Pieris brassicaeEuropean cabbage butterfly
大菜粉蝶 Pieris brassicaelarge white butterfly
大菜粉蝶 Pieris brassicaelarge cabbage-white
大蚊 Tipula oleraceacommon crane fly
大蚊 Tipula oleracealeatherjacket larvae
大蚊 Tipula oleraceacrane-fly
大蚕蛾io moth
大谷盗 Tenebroides mauritanicus (L.)bolting cloth beetle
大谷盗 Tenebroides mauritanicus (L.)bread beetle
大谷盗 Tenebroides mauritanicus (L.)cadelle beetle
大谷盗 Tenebroides mauritanicus (L.)cadelle
大豆-包囊-线虫 Heterodera glycinessoybean cyst nematode
大豆象 Acanthoscelides obtectusdried bean beetle
大豆象 Acanthoscelides obtectuscommon bean weevil
大豆象 Acanthoscelides obtectusbean weevil
大豆食心虫 Grapholita glycinivorellasoybean pod borer
大青叶蝉 Empoasca decipiens (Paoli)green leafhopper
大青叶蝉 Empoasca decipiens (Paoli)green leaf hopper
大青杨天牛 Saperda (anaera) carchariaspoplar borer
大青杨天牛 Saperda (anaera) carchariaspoplar longhorn borer
大青杨天牛 Saperda (anaera) carchariaslarge poplar longhorn beetle
大颚触须mandibular palpus
大麦条足秆蝇 Chlorops pumilionisstraw fly
大麦条足秆蝇 Chlorops pumilionisribbon-footed corn fly
大麦条足秆蝇 Chlorops pumilionisgout fly
大麦水蝇 Hydrellia griseola (Fall.)smaller rice leafminer
大麻列当 Orobranche ramosatobacco broomrape
大麻列当 Orobranche ramosabranched broomrape
大麻列当 Orobranche ramosaherbbane
大麻列当 Orobranche ramosahemp broomrape
大麻列当 Orobranche ramosabroomrape
大黄蜂 Vespa crabrohornet
大黑蚁 Camponotus (spp.)carpenter ants
巨大犀金龟Hercules beetle
巴大小蠹 Dendroctonus barberiSouthwestern pine beetle
散布大蜗牛 Helix aspersaspeckled snail
散布大蜗牛 Helix aspersalarge garden snail
散布大蜗牛 Helix aspersacommon snail
斑纹大豆象 Sitona lineatastriped pea weevil
斑纹大豆象 Sitona lineatastriped bean weevil
斑纹大豆象 Sitona lineatapea and bean weevil
斑纹大豆象 Sitona lineatapea leaf weevil
斑纹大豆象 Sitona lineatapea weevil
昆士兰大实蝇 Dacus tryoni, Bactrocera tryoniQueensland fruit fly
林间大蜗牛 Cepaea nemoralislarger banded snail
林间大蜗牛 Cepaea nemoralisbanded wood snail
林间大蜗牛 Cepaea nemoraliswood snail
枞大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasbanded horntail sawfly
枞大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasgiant horntail
枞大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasNorway spruce borer
枞大树蜂 Sirex gigas, Urocerus gigasgiant wood wasp
栎黄条大蚕蛾 Anisota senatoriaorange-striped oak worm
梅大尾蚜 Hyalopterus prunis (Geoffr.)mealy plum aphid
梅大尾蚜 Hyalopterus prunis (Geoffr.)mealy plum and peach aphid
梅大尾蚜 Hyalopterus prunis (Geoffr.)green peach aphid
棉大卷叶螟 Sylepta derogatacotton leaf roller
欧洲大蚊 Tipula paludosacommon crane fly
欧洲大蚊 Tipula paludosaleatherjacket
欧洲大蚊 Tipula paludosaEuropean crane fly
欧洲大蚊 Tipula paludosamarsh crane fly
沼泽大蚊 Tipula paludosaEuropean crane fly
沼泽大蚊 Tipula paludosaleatherjacket
沼泽大蚊 Tipula paludosacommon crane fly
沼泽大蚊 Tipula paludosamarsh crane fly
深沟大小蠹 Dendroctonus murrayanaelodgepole-pine beetle
澳大利亚蟑螂 Periplaneta australasiaeAustralian cockroach
狭长大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperdaEastern spruce
狭长大小蠹 Dendroctonus obesusSitka spruce beetle
狭长大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperdaspruce-destroying beetle
红翅大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperdaEastern spruce
红翅大小蠹 Dentroctonus rufipennisred-winged pine beetle
红翅大小蠹 Dentroctonus rufipennisspruce beetle
红翅大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperdaspruce-destroying beetle
红翅大松小蠹 Dentroctonus rufipennisspruce beetle
红翅大松小蠹 Dentroctonus rufipennisred-winged pine beetle
落叶松大小蠹 Dendroctonus simplexEastern larch beetle
褐大头蚁 Pheidole megacephala (F.)bigheaded ant
褐大头蚁 Pheidole megacephala (F.)brown house ant
褐大头蚁 Pheidole megacephala (F.)coastal brown ant
西松大小蠹 Dendroctonus brevicornisWestern pine beetle
较大异皮线虫 Heterodera major (H. avenae)oat root eelworm
较大异皮线虫 Heterodera major (H. avenae)oat cyst nematode
间大小蠹 Dendroctonus convexifronsround headed pine beetle
阿杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus borealisAlaska spruce beetle
非洲大蟑螂 Leucophaea giganteagiant African cockroach
麦茎大跳甲 Chaetocnema aridulacereal flea beetle
黄杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus pseudotsugaeDouglas-fir beetle
黄杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus pseudotsugaeDouglas fir bark-beetle
黄角大树蜂 Urocerus flavicornisyellow-horned urocerus
黑脂大小蠹 Dendroctonus terebransblack turpentine beetle