
Terms for subject Business containing 大众 | all forms | in specified order only
大众口味cater to the popular taste
合乎大众口味cater to the popular taste
大众general public
大众传媒工具如报纸、电视、广播等mass communication media
大众传播mass communication
大众利益general interest
大众化价格popular price
大众化广告方法如利用电视,广播,报纸等admass or ad-mass
大众商品质量quality of the general run
大众嗜好popular tastes
大众市场mass class market
大众广告mass advertising
大众服务系统mass service system
大众消费mass consumption
大众消费品large-scale goods
大众消费品public goods
大众消费社会mass consumption society
大众福利general welfare
大众购买力mass purchasing power
早期大众early majority
款式适合大众胃口suit the patterns to the popular taste
消费大众consuming public
高度大众消费high mass consumption