
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一股stock with multiple votes (复数表决权)
一股multiple voting
一股权股票multiple voting share
不得股票do not increase
long buying
buying long
市场long market
市场价值long market value
产权元化diversity of equities
享有更的决策权enjoy more decision-making power
股东numerous stockholders
buy long
in long
go long
forward buying
市场价值long market value
全方面层次防止证券犯罪prevent securities crime in all-round and multi-level scope
全球样化投资global diversification
兼并活动米诺骨牌效应一家公司对另一家公司的收购会引起一系列收购交易domino effect of merger activity
头头寸net long position
出售更股票put of more
信息positive news
消息favorable news
劳而无获的stale bull
单向买人样化商品期货基金long-only diversified commodity futures fund
卖主过买方市场sellers over
卖出股数的ask size
厄瓜尔公司监管委员会Ecuador Superintendencia de Compañías
只需要简单即50%票数批准即可require approval by a simple majority i. e. 50% of the votes
可分离重指数divisive multilateral index
合成头期货synthetic long futures
合资企业中的数股权控制majority control in joint venture
含一年期股价上涨因素的因素模型multifactor model combining one year price appreciation
国际元通货证券市场international market for multiple currency securities
国际投资元化international diversification
国际投资样化international diversity
地方样化country diversification
头轿子front running for long
证券交易所厄瓜多尔Quito Stock Exchange
个不联合账户severally but not jointly
个区域股票发行multi-jurisdictional equity offering
个发行人资金池multiple issuer pools
付款项/金额amount overpaid
付风险overpayment risk
伦多交易所300指数Toronto Exchange 300 index
伦多交易所35种股票指数Toronto 35 Stock Index
伦多交易所300综合指数TSE 300 Composte Index
伦多期货交易所Toronto Futures Exchange
伦多股票交易所Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE)
伦多证券交易所Toronto Stock Exchange
伦多证券交易所创业板Toronto Stock Exchange Venture
余现金spare cash
余现金流excess cash flow
余资金吸收absorption of surplus funds
元化投资策略diversification as investment strategy
元化投资组合diversified investment portfolio
元化海外投资diversified foreign investment
元回归相关分析multiple regression-correlation
元国外投资portfolio foreign investment
元市场基础设施multiple market infrastructure
元市场机制multiple market mechanism
元投资portfolio investment
元投资multiple investment
元投资选择portfolio selection
元管理multiple management
元管理体制multi-management system
元经济diversified economy
元资本结构公司multiple capital structure company
元通货惯例multiple currency practice
元通货证券multiple currency securities
卖价密封式投标拍卖multiple-price sealed-bid auction
multiple round lots
不同还款期组成的因素模型multifactor model (of term structure)
国上市multinational listing
国公司产权/股本multinational equity
国回报率multinational rates of return
处上市multiple listing
看涨而囤积证券的投机者long side
long leg
头买人bull operation
头交易人long of exchange
头价差bull spread
头作空股票投机商bull seller
头出尽sell out for long
头卖空交易against the box
头套利部位long arbitrage position
头套期purchase hedge
头套期保值者long hedger
头宽跨式套利long strangle
头投机speculate on a rise
头攻势趁利好消息,强力买人bull raid
头期权long options
头期权仓位long options position
头期权持有量long options position
头期货long futures
头汇票long of exchange
头派bull clique
头/空头权益策略long /short equity strategy
头认沽期权差价交易bull put spread
头认购差价交易bull call spread
头购人buy long
头跨期交易bull straddle
头跨期组合long straddle
头轧平强制平仓long squeeze
头远期long forward
头造势为抬高市价而买人bull compaign/movement
头陷阱bull trap
头集团投资者联合起来操纵股票价格上涨bull pool
家买方政策multibuyer policy
家兼任董事interlocking director
家报价bid away
层市场结构multi-level market construction
层推介multi-level marketing
层次证券市场multi-layered securities market
层次账户管理模式multi-level account management mode
层次资本市场multi-layer capital market
层营销multi-level marketing
年积累的问题long-standing problem
年购置year's purchase
成分票据贷款multiple component facility
手交易multiple round lots
批交收处置程序batch settlement run
批多地区发行的债券multiple tranche bond
批结算程序multiple batch-settlement-run
指数模型multiple index model
数人的决定majority decision
数受托人several trustees
数受益人several beneficial
数持股majority shareholding
数控股子公司majority owned subsidiary
数股份majority stake
数股权控制majority control
数表决规则majority voting rule
数裁定majority verdict
数裁定规划majority rule
方代理multi-lateral agency
方代理multilateral agency
方共同所有multiple ownership
方头寸long position
方策略multi-legged strategy
方纠纷处理机制multi-party dispute settlement mechanism
日收益seven day yield
时段multi-time section
期二项式定价multi-period binomial pricing
期二项式定价期权模型multi-period binomial pricing model
期式债券multi-class bonds
期息票multiple coupon
期权看跌证券multiple option put security
期权认沽证券multiple option put security
期豁免multi-period immunization
栏式账册columnar journal
栏式账册columnar account books
样化交易机制diversified trading mechanism
样化交易机制diverse trading mechanism
样化原则principle of diversification
样化投资公司diversified investment company
样化投资组合diversified portfolio
样化收益diversification benefits
样化散户diversified retail buyers
样化普通股基金diversified common stock fund
样化普通股投资公司diversified common stock company
样化的微小差别diverse nuances
样化的投资基金diversified fund
样化魔术magic of diversification
样性良好组合well-diversified portfolio
次创业企业家serial entrepreneur
次创业者serial entrepreneur
次到期serial expiration
渠道增资减债increase capital and reduce debts through various channels
点套利multiple point arbitrage
用途账户omnibus account
种保障逆向可转债Multi-barrier reverse convertible
种分期/分步发行multi-tranche offering
种分期/分步发行债券multiple tranche bond
种分期票据multi-tranche notes
种判别分析multiple discriminant analysisMDA
种到期债券multi-maturity bond
种发行人资金组合multiple issuer pools
种形式合伙multi-form partnership
种所有制diversified ownership
种投票权股票multiple voting share
种放款人意义multiple lender implication
种期权融资便利multiple options funding facility
种期权融资便利multiple option funding facility
种期权融资贷款multi-option financing facility
种管理multiple management
种类别单一牌照one licence, multiple categories
种经营的持股公司diversified holding company
种货币债券multiple currency bond
种货币准备制度multiple currency reserve system
种货币放贷multicurrency loan
种货币条款的债券multiple currency clause bond
种货币票据融资multicurrency note facility
种货币证券multiple currency securities
种货币选项贷款multicurrency option loan
种资产保障型multi-asset barrier (期权)
种选择融资便利multiple options funding facility
种选择融资便利multiple option funding facility
种限期存款multiple maturing time deposit
空套做long straddle
空指标技术分析bull and bear index
/空权益long/short equity
米尼加证券监管委员会Superintendencia de Valores de la Dominican
米诺骨牌效应一家大企业倒闭,会引起其他企业如骨牌般倒闭domino effect
系统跨国交易multi-systems and cross-country trading
级安排multi-class arrangement
股一权fractional voting
股一票权fractional voting
角套汇价arbitrage rate
边互换multi-legged swap
边偿付清算multilateral compensation
边冲销multilateral netting
边净结算余额multilateral net settlement position
边投资担保代理机构multilateral investment guarantee agency
边清算multilateral netting
边清算体系multilateral system for settlement
边清算体系multilateral netting system
边金融机构multilateral financial institution
选期权alternative option
重上市multiple listing
重压力multiple compression
重头肩形态技术分析multiple heads and shoulders pattern
重持仓multiple positions
重收益multiple of earnings
重期权策略multiple option strategy
重管理multiple management
重结算系统multiple clearing system
重负债multiple liabilities
重账户multiple accounts
重长期战略multiple long-term strategy
阶段效应cascade effect
项单独记账compound journal entry
奥波衍生工具交易所葡萄牙Oporto Derivatives Exchange
定量仓比空仓对冲基金quantitative long/short funds
巴巴斯证券委员会Barbados Securities Commission of
市场中立空策略market neutral long-short strategy
投机买进头期货buy long
投资investing long
投资样化investment diversification
投资样化规划diversified program of investment
投资分红元计算法portfolio method of dividend calculation
投资组合样化portfolio diversification
抢购front running for long
拥有数投票权的股东majority shareholder
拥有数股权的国外附属企业majority owned foreign affiliates
拥有数股权的国外附属企业majority-owned foreign affiliates
拥有数股权的子公司majority owned subsidiary
持有家银行股份的公司multibank holding company
持有数股controlling holding
按投资少分红sharing profits according to contributions
控制corner bulls (long positions)
暂停批准起 IPOsuspend approvals for many IPOs
Max. (Maximum)
有卖无买或卖于买的市场情况sellers over
期权long position in an options
杜塞尔夫证券交易所Dusseldorf Stock Exchange
格雷汉姆与德投资方法Graham and Dodd method of investing (认为投资者应购买被低估的证券,因其价格最终将上涨到与其真实价值相等的水平)
水平头价差horizontal bull spread
long side
看涨的垂直向空套做bull vertical spread
巴证券交易所哥伦比亚Cordoba Stock Exchange
稳健型分散化、防御性样化defensive diversification
空头与short vs. long positions
简单大会simple majority
简单样化naive diversification (简单投资于一系列不同证券以降低预期收益率方差)
索回付款项refund the excess amounts paid
约翰・为法律文件中无名一方起的名字John doe
绝大数股东同意的修改supermajority amendment
绝对占到某公司至少80%流通股的股东super majority
绝对数投票权股super majority vote shares
绝对数条款公司重大决策需经绝对多数股东同意super majority provision
绝对数条款lock-in provision
有关股东绝对数的规定absolute majority requirement
绝对数选举权投票权股份supermajority voting shares
美元过dollar gilt
股东们可以得到更实惠yield more substantial benefits to shareholders
薄利small profits, quick returns
薄利larger sale at a small profit
行业样化sector diversification
要求的majority required
规定的majority required
证券样化测试security diversification test
负债过的企业thin corporation
财产样化property diversification
货币元化currency diversification
资本过plethora of capital
资本额over capitalization
赚少亏get less than the capital invested
跨境重上市mutual cross-listing
squeeze bulls or long positions
squeeze bulls or long positions
corner bulls (long positions)
与不足条款more or less clause
供款overpayment of contributions
投人overpayment of contributions
指令excessive order numbers
部门样化sector diversification
采取市场元化战略adopt the strategy of a multi-outlet market
销售更期权put of more option
萨股票交易所阿根廷Mendoza Stock Exchange
间接元化利益indirect diversification benefit
样化管理的公司non-diversified management company
马科威茨样化Markowitz diversification