
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
边和双边机构合作组Unit for Cooperation with Multilateral and Bilateral Agencies
《世界文化样性宣言》行动计划Plan of Action of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity
《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后》方利益相关者对话Multistakeholder Dialogue for the WFS:fyl
世贸组织关于农业、渔业和林业的边贸易谈判WTO Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
东亚及南亚学科小组Multidisciplinary Team for Eastern and Southern Asia
东加勒比证券交易所东加勒比地区安圭拉、米尼加、安提瓜、格林纳达、圣卢西亚Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange
为建设一个无饥饿的世界而保护生物样性Safeguarding biodiversity for a world without hunger
乌拉圭回合后续活动和农产品边贸易谈判总体培训计划Umbrella Programme for Training on Uruguay Round Follow Up and Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture
亚洲生物样性利用和保护计划Biodiversity Use and Conservation in Asia Programme
作物样化工作组Crop Diversification Team
全球作物样性信托基金与《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构关系协定Relationship Agreement
全球作物样性信托基金与《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构关系协定Relationship Agreement between the Global Crop Diversity Trust and the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
全球作物样性基金Crop Trust
全球作物样性基金Global Crop Diversity Trust
全球生物样性战略Global Biodiversity Strategy
全球生物样性论坛Global Biodiversity Forum
关于对外贸易法律和条例及其变化的边通知系统Multilateral System of Notification
关于对外贸易法律和条例及其变化的边通知系统Multilateral Notification System for Laws and Regulations concerning Foreign Trade and Changes therein
关于建立边贸易组织的协定Agreement establishing the Multilateral Trade Organization
关于建立维利亚湖渔业组织的公约Convention for the Establishment of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization
南美洲学科小组Multidisciplinary Team for South America
厄瓜尔公司监管委员会Ecuador Superintendencia de Companias
国际投资及国企业委员会Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises
国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物样性保护和可持续利用准则》Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests
国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物样性保护和可持续利用准则》ITTO/IUCN Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests
国际生物样性中心Bioversity International
国际生物样性年International Year of Biodiversity
股票交易所厄瓜多尔Bolsa de Valores de Quito
伦多35指数Toronto 35 Index
伦多股票交易所100指数Toronto Stock Exchange 100 Index
伦多股票交易所300综合指数Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Composite Index
伦多证券交易所加拿大Toronto Stock Exchange TSE
国计划和执行中心Multinational Programming and Operational Centre
学科基金Multidisciplinary Fund
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SFE
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SLM
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SFS
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SFC
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SLC
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SNE
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SAP
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team, SEC
学科小组Multidisciplinary Team
年工作计划Multiyear Programme of Work
样化、生计、健康及收入组Diversification, Livelihoods, Health and Income Team
种语言农业术语汇编Multilingual Thesaurus of Agricultural Terminology
米尼加股票交易所多米尼加Bolsa de Valores do la Republica Dominicana
米尼加证券监管委员会Superintendencia de Valores de la Dominican Republic
纤维安排Multifibre Arrangement
边系统Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing
边系统Multilateral System
边组织绩效评估网Multilateral Organisations Performance Assessment Network
边贸易组织Multilateral Trade Negotiations
家畜样性信息系统Domestic Animal Diversity Information System
家畜样性秘书处Secretariat for Domestic Animal Diversity
家畜样性网络Domestic Animal Diversity Network
家畜样性计划Initiative for Domestic Animal Diversity
巴巴斯证券交易所巴巴多斯Securities Exchange of Barbados
巴巴斯证券交易所巴巴多斯Barbados Stock Exchange
巴巴斯证券委员会Securities Commission of Barbados
2010年生物样性指标伙伴关系项目Biodiversity Indicators Partnership
2010年生物样性指标伙伴关系项目2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership Project
拉丁美洲国肥料销售企业Latin American Multinational Fertilizer Marketing Enterprise
更好More and Better
杜塞尔夫证券交易所德国Dusseldorf Stock Exchange
欧洲家畜生物样性信息系统European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System
气候变化与粮食和农业生物样性专家会议Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
热带年生油料作物研究发展局Bureau for the Development of Research on Tropical Perennial Oil Crops
特利尼达和巴哥证券交易所特利尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange
特立尼达和巴哥证券交易委员会Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission
生物样性促进粮食安全Biodiversity for Food Security
生物样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正和公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书Nagoya Protocol
生物样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正和公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
生物样性公约和国际植物保护公约秘书处合作备忘录Memorandum of Cooperation between the CBD and the IPPC
生物样性组Biodiversity Team
生物样性行动网Biodiversity Action Network
粮农组织/荷兰农业和土地功能特性会议Maastricht Conference
粮农组织/荷兰农业和土地功能特性会议FAO/Netherlands Conference on the Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land
粮农组织驻哥代表处FAO Representation in Togo
粮农组织驻米尼加共和国代表处FAO Representation in Dominican Republic
粮农组织驻厄瓜尔代表处FAO Representation in Ecuador
粮农组织驻巴巴斯代表处FAO Representation in Barbados
粮农组织驻摩尔瓦代表处FAO Representation in Moldova
粮农组织驻特立尼达和巴哥代表处FAO Representation in Trinidad and Tobago
粮农组织驻萨尔瓦代表处FAO Representation in El Salvador
粮食和农业生物样性的综合管理Integrated Management of Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture
利亚湖渔业开发和管理分委员会Sub-Committee for the Development and Management of the Fisheries of Lake Victoria
利亚湖渔业开发和管理计划Programme for the Development and Management of the Fisheries of Lake Victoria
利亚湖渔业管理及发展区域应用研究计划Regional Programme of Applied Fisheries Research for the Management and Development of the Fisheries of Lake Victoria
联合国国跨学科发展咨询小组United Nations Multinational Interdisciplinary Development Advisory Team
《联合国国际货物式联运公约》United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods
获取和利益分享边系统Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing
获取和利益分享边系统Multilateral System
萨尔瓦证券交易所萨尔瓦多El Salvador Stock Exchange
萨尔瓦证券交易所Bolsa de El Salvador
萨尔瓦证券监理委员会El Salvador Superintendencia de Valores
近东东部学科小组开罗Multidisciplinary Team for Oriental Near East Cairo
非洲环境资源用途数据库Multipurpose Africover Database for the Environmental Resources
预防和减少食品和饲料中二恶英和二恶英类氯联苯污染的操作规范Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Dioxin and Dioxin-like PCB Contamination in Food and Feeds
预防和减少食品和饲料中二恶英和类二恶英氯联苯污染操作规范Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to reduce Dioxin and Dioxin-like Contamination of Foods
饮水、能源、健康、农业和生物样性WEHAB Initiative
饮水、能源、健康、农业和生物样性water, energy, health, agriculture, biodiversity
饮水、能源、健康、农业和生物样性water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity