
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing | all forms
intermed pier
中心体安装支assembly pedestal for the hub
分水dividing pier
分水baffle pier
分水separation pier
分流splitter pier
分流chute block
single wall buttress
厚支massive buttress dam
双支double buttress
双柱式queen-post supporting pier
发电机机generator support
圆头支round-head buttress dam
圆头支坝大头坝round-head buttress dam
圆筒式机cylinder pier of turbine
圬工支masonry buttress
埋人式岸buried abutment
weir pier
wall pier
墙式机wall-type pier of turbine
buttress head
pedestal abutment
式桥台abutment pier
支座pillar bearing
pier shaft
实体支solid buttress
实体支massive buttress dam
宽尾end-flared pier
宽尾消能flaring pier energy dissipation
尾水管支draft tube pier
land pier
pier abutment
land abutment
shore pier
边墩abutment pier
平头blunt nosed pier
平板式支slab buttress dam
平板式支flat slab buttressed dam
平板支slab and buttress dam
平板支flat slab buttress dam
平板支flat-deck buttress dam
弧形面板curved buttress dam
悬臂式支cantilever buttress dam
拱式支arch buttress dam
拱支flying buttress
拱支arched buttress
拱支arch buttress
推力thrust block
supporting pier
净间距clear buttress spacing
counterfort dam
buttress dam
基础板soleplate for the pedestal
安装pedestal installation
水平度测量pedestal leveling check
调整pedestal adjustment
间横梁buttress strut
间距间距buttress spacing
鼻端里衬pier nose liner
turbine pier
板柱式支slab and column buttress dam
column pile
格形支cellular buttress
桁架式支truss-buttress dam
框格式边cellular abutment
pier abutment
bridge pier
尖端pier nose
水轮机机外形turbine pit contour
消力baffle pier
消力energy dispersion baffle
消力energy dispersion block
消力baffle block
混凝土concrete pier
混凝土消力concrete baffle pier
淹没submerged pier
溢洪道闸spillway pier
矮式机short pier of turbine
空心支hollow buttress
空心支cellular buttress
空腹支hollow buttress
wing abutment
蘑菇状支mushroom-head buttress dam
覃头式支mushroom-head buttress dam
观测instrument pier
bridge abutment
abutment pier
重力gravity block
重力式岸gravity abutment
钢筋混凝土支reinforced concrete buttress dam
钢筋混凝土支reinforced concrete buttressed dam
钢筋混凝土闸reinforced concrete pier
钻石头式支diamond head buttress dam
铰接平板支articulated flat-slab buttress dam
anchor block
anchorage pier
anchor pier
anchorage block
gate pier
gate pier
下游端downstream pier nosing
墩头pier nose
头部pier head
尖端pier nose
尾部downstream pier nosing
式厂房pier-head powerhouse
式电站pier-head power station
收缩系数pier-contraction coefficient
陡槽消力chute block
陡槽消力,分流墩chute block
diversion pier
division pier
separation pier
dividing pier
预应力混凝土闸prestressed concrete pier