
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
东亚和东南亚长经验区域讨论会Regional Seminar on East/South-East Asian Growth Experience
保养费中还包括远程递distance-related increment is applied to the maintenance rates
全球机制催化作用资金具有的信效益multiplier effect of GM catalytic resources
减少贫穷促进长信贷办法Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
减少贫穷促进长信贷额度Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
《减少贫穷促进长信贷额度》Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility of the International Monetary Fund IMF
减少贫穷促进长贷款机制Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
可以在减少贫穷促进长信贷额度方案中"浮动更多的份额"floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
在发展中国家进环境意识和设立环境机构的活动的技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for Activities in Developing Countries on Environmental Awareness and Machinery
加优惠的重债穷国倡议enhanced HIPC Initiative
加优惠的重债穷国倡议》enhanced HIPC Initiative
加资源additional resources
Empowerment of older persons
生会聚型大陆边accretionary convergent continental margin
生楔accretionary wedge
实际长预算编制zero real growth budgeting
实际出口actual export growth rate
工作人员费用依法加幅度statutory cost increases for staff
生或非增生型会聚型大陆边poor or non-accretionary convergent margin
快速长城市可持续发展环境和都市地质Environmental and Urban Geology for Sustainable Development of Fast-growing Cities
扶贫性pro-poor growth
推进手段和强战斗力的手段enablers and force multipliers
未加权年均出口unweighted annual average export growth
用卡氯菊酯或类似化合物浸泡蚊账甚至衣物已证明可加对蚊子的防护。impregnation of bed nets and even clothing with permethrin or similar compound has been shown to increase protection against mosquitoes
第三方责任问题将是谅解备忘录补充安排或编中的内容third-party liability will be the subject of supplementary arrangement or addendum to the MOU
被动或主动红外线、热追踪或图像强夜视观察passive or active infrared, thermal, or image intensification night-time line of sight visual observation
运费因数incremental transportation factor
运输系数是指支付根据湿租赁制度或保养租约提供的备件和消耗品的运输递增费用的系数,即从部队派遣国内的装载港和任务区进入港之间的托运路线上800公里500英里之后起算,每行驶800公里500英里,租赁费率递增0.25%incremental transportation factor means a factor to cover the incremental costs of transportation of spare parts and consumables under the wet lease system or lease for maintenance in increments of 0.25 per cent of the leasing rate for each complete 800 kilometres 500 miles distance, beyond the first 800 kilometres 500 miles, along consignment route between the port of embarkation in the home country and the port of entry in the mission area
运输费率incremental transportation rate to cover general transportation costs of spare parts
通过经济长和社会发展减缓贫穷委员会Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development
通过经济长和社会发展减缓贫穷委员会Committee on Poverty Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development
降低通货膨胀而牺牲长与就业reducing inflation at the expense of growth and employment
非递性资金non-incremental resources