
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
人口population growth An increase in the total number of inhabitants of a country, city, district or area (在国家、城市、区或者区域居住的居民总数的增量。)
人工precipitation enhancement Increase of precipitation resulting from changes in the colloidal stability of clouds. This can be either intentional, as with cloud seeding, or unintentional, as with air pollution, which increases aerosol concentrations and reduces sunlight (增加降雨,主要是借助云层胶体稳定性的变化造成降水。这可以刻意为之,如在云层散步降雨剂,或无意的,如空气污染,气溶胶浓度的增加,减少了阳光照射。)
图像强、影像强化image enhancement In remote sensing, the filtering of data and other processes to manipulate pixels to produce an image that accentuates features of interest or visual interpretation (在遥感技术中的资料过滤与其他程序,其目的是通过控制像素,产生能突显特征或视觉解释的影像。)
城市长模式pattern of urban growth The combination of acts, tendencies and other observable characteristics that demonstrates a municipal area's progress or state of development, including its population trends (一系列条例的组合,在这些条例的作用下城市区有了可见的改观,包括人口。)
氧比oxygen enhancement ratio
thickening Any process beyond gravity sedimentation that increases the concentration of solids in sludge with or without the use of chemical flocculants (有或没有化学絮凝剂的使用,使物质超越重力沉降过程,从而增加了污泥中的固体浓度。)
污垢fouling growth The adhesion of different marine organisms to the underwater parts of ships, causing the ships to loose speed (不同的海洋生物附着在船舶的水下部分,使船速度减慢。)