
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
临时的减贫与长贷款interim PRGF
为符合减贫与长贷款资格的成员国设立战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members
人口population growth
人均长率per capita growth
份额全面equiproportional increase in quotas
份额全面general increase in quotas
份额均equiproportional increase in quotas
份额均general increase in quotas
伴随经济长的调整adjustment with growth
低限额减贫与长贷款安排low access PRGF arrangements
信贷驱动的经济credit-driven growth
具有包容性的经济inclusive growth
内生长模型Endogenous Growth Model
减贫与长信托Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust
减贫与长贷款Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
减贫与长贷款业务处PRGF Operations Division
减贫与长贷款信托PRGF Trust
减贫与长贷款信托储备账户Reserve Account
减贫与长贷款信托储备账户PRGF Trust Reserve Account
减贫与长贷款信托补贴账户Subsidy Account
减贫与长贷款信托补贴账户PRGF Trust Subsidy Account
减贫与长贷款信托贷款PRGF Trust loan
减贫与长贷款信托贷款账户Loan Account
减贫与长贷款信托贷款账户PRGF Trust Loan Account
减贫与长贷款合格国家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible members
减贫与长贷款合格国家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-conflict and Natural Disaster Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account
减贫与长贷款和重债穷国融资处PRGF and HIPC Financing Division
减贫与长贷款-外生冲击贷款信托PRGF-ESF Trust
减贫与长贷款安排PRGF arrangement
减贫与长贷款-重债穷国信托PRGF-HIPC Trust
减贫与长贷款-重债穷国信托文件PRGF-HIPC Trust Instrument
减贫与长贷款/重债穷国信托账户PRGF-HIPC Trust Account
减贫与长-重债穷国信托Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
减贫与长-重债穷国信托PRG-HIPC Trust
减贫与长-重债穷国信托Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
制造品的加值value added in manufacturing
劳动力-产出量比率incremental labor-output ratio
包容性inclusive growth
可持续sustainable growth
《可持续全球长伙伴关系宣言》Partnership for Sustainable Global Growth, Declaration on Interim Committee
基于对全球长贡献的过滤器filter based on contribution to global growth
基金组织的经济长跟踪系统IMF's Growth Tracker
基金组织的经济长跟踪系统Growth Tracker
值税value-added tax
topping up Paris Club
加份额increase in quotas
加值的缩减指数value-added deflator
加援助topping-up assistance
加援助scaling-up of aid
加的优惠enhanced concessions Paris Club
加的资金augmented Fund resources
加的资金augmented resources
加资金augmentation of resources
强储备的信贷额度Reserve Augmentation Line
强掌控感strengthening of ownership
SDDS强版special standard
SDDS强版more demanding standard
SDDS强版Special Data Dissemination Standard
收努力revenue effort
收措施revenue-enhancing measures
increase in quotas
量法incremental approach IMF quota calculations
长与发展委员会Commission on Growth and Development
长受阻stunted growth
长导向的调整growth-oriented adjustment
长核算框架growth accounting framework
长途径growth path
外向型长战略outward-oriented growth strategy
外生长模型exogenous growth model
外生冲击贷款-减贫与长贷款补贴账户ESF-PRGF Subsidy Account
季度环比长率quarter-on-quarter growth rate
就业与包容性长工作组Working Group on Jobs and Inclusive Growth
市场导向的market-led growth
强劲、可持续和均衡长框架Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth
持久sustained growth
数据公布特殊标准强版SDDS Plus
数据公布特殊标准强版Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus
的信贷fresh money
的信贷new credit
的信贷new money London Club
zero growth
zero draft
洛斯卡沃斯长与就业行动计划Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan
洛斯卡沃斯长与就业行动计划Los Cabos Action Plan
潜在potential growth
特别ad hoc quota
特别ad hoc quota increase
《稳定与长公约》Stability and Growth Pact
稳态steady-state growth
等比例加份额equiproportional increase in quotas
等比例加份额general increase in quotas
经济长跟踪系统IMF's Growth Tracker
经济长跟踪系统Growth Tracker
自我维持的减贫与长贷款self-sustained PRGF
自然长率natural rate of growth
调整长两不误adjustment with growth
资本-产出量比率incremental capital-output ratio
份额selective increase in quotas
选择地加份额selective increase in quotas
的边际收益increasing marginal return
"部分"partial topping-up
重债穷国减贫与长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托PRG-HIPC Trust
重债穷国减贫与长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
重债穷国减贫与长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
zero growth
zero draft
非洲长和机会法案African Growth and Opportunity Act
预期的长率anticipated growth rate