
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
中华人民共和国土地值税暂行条例Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Land Appreciation Tax
人工益调整manual gain control
侧向lateral accretion
修正温度-日modified heating degree-day
几何级数geometric growth
利润长额特别税extra tax on profit increased
单调地monotonically increasing
卫星图像强与描绘廓线系统satellite picture enhancement & contouring system
合成金红石强过程synthetic rutile enhancement process
图像识别、强与合成系统image discrimination, enhancement, and combination system
土地值税 betterment tax of land
土地值税 betterment levy of land
土壤水分soil moisture accretion
地球资源观测系统数据中心数字图像强系统EDC digital image enhancement system
地理量绘图系统geographic incremental plotting system
地理信息系统强判别辅助景观地球化学法GIS enhanced decision support landscape geochemical approach
地面ground level enhancements
城市人口机械长率mechanical growth rate of urban population
城市人口自然长率natural growth rate of urban population
值价值税value added tax
值估定appraisal increment
值成本incremental cost
加概率的倍数time of increased probability
塑砂浆压力管reinforced plastic mortar pressure pipe
广拉格朗日算子算法Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm
开型modified open
强图结合器enhanced graphics adapter
强式专题绘图仪enhanced thematic mapper
强红外图像enhanced infrared picture
扩实境augmented reality
扩虚境augmented virtuality
核燃料再生系数breeding ratio
殖系数breeding ratio
温区increasing temperature region
温度日heating degree days
温深度geothermic depth
生边缘overgrowth margin
益控制调整gain control
益频宽gain bandwidth
稠速凝剂increasing viscosity-flash setting admixture
补环境成文报告final supplement environmental statement
量动态规划incremental dynamic programming
量后果评估incremental consequence assessment
量水灾等级incremental flood hazard category
量调和平衡incremental harmonic balance
量雨区底轨迹IRF subtrajectory
多级量动态规划multilevel incremental dynamic programming
天电干扰突sudden enhancement of atmospherics
实验性殖反应堆-IIExperimental Breeder Reactor-II
对数logarithmic growth
平均加费用average incremental cost
年生物质长量annual biomass increase
当年资费用incremental cost of capital
微分相位和微分differential phase and differential gain
微影像显示与图形强器micro-based image display and graphics enhancement tool
快中子殖反应堆fast-breeder reactor
恩里科-费米快中子殖反应堆enrico-fermi fast breeder reactor
指数式exponential growth
收入递law of increasing returns
收益递law of increasing returns
版本added edition
日本快中子实验反应堆Japan Fast Experimental Breeder
time control gain
模型输出model output enhancement
正常时间normal move-out
气冷快中子殖反应堆实验gas-cooled fast-breeder reactor experiment
水文长季节hydrology growing season
沟道强 X 射线发射光谱学channeling-enhanced X-ray emission spectroscopy
河川流量streamflow increase
液体金属冷却的快速殖反应堆liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor
液体金属燃料快速殖反应堆liquid metal fast breeder reactor
液态金属钍殖反应堆liquid metal thorium breed reactor
的经济和制度的压力increasing financial and institutional pressure
湍流进器turbulence promoter
激光强离子化光谱测定法laser enhanced ionization spectrometry
状态量动态规划State Increment Dynamic Programming
玻璃纤维glass-fibre reinforced
玻璃纤维强塑料glass reinforced plastic
玻璃纤维强塑料glass-fibre reinforced plastics
玻璃纤维强聚酯fiberglass reinforced polyester
由生物加的粒状活性炭biologically enhanced, granular activated carbon
瞬间长率instantaneous rate of increase
强管silicon intensifier tube
强靶silicon intensifier target
磁暴突sudden commencement of geomagnetic storms
磁暴突storm sudden commencement
租金递租赁graduated rental lease
程序益控制预置preset of programmed gain control
程控益放大器programmable gain amplifier
等宽量法equal-width-increment method
等流量量法equal-discharge-increments method
简化广拉格朗日算子梯度法Reduced Gradient with Augmented Lagrangian
简化广拉格朗日运算模型Reduced Operations Model with Augmented Lagrangian
粒子矿物质强聚酰胺尼龙particulate mineral reinforced polyamide
纤维强塑料灰浆fibre reinforced plastic mortar
自动益控制automatic volume control
自动益控制器automatic gain controller
自动益测距automatic gain ranging
自动益调整装置automatic gain controller
表面强式拉曼光谱测定法Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
财产益税accessions tax
贫困-人口长-环境退化poverty, population, and environment
资本capital gain
资本产量递比率incremental capital-output ratio
轻水殖反应堆light-water breeder reactor
逐次逼近量动态规划incremental dynamic programming with successive approximations
落下试验incremental drop test
通道倍器阵列channel multiplier array
零经济zero economic growth
非均匀递相移non-uniform progressive phase shift
益长周期high-gain long-period
高压压泵high pressure intensifier pump
高斯Gauss increment