
Terms for subject Securities containing 基 的 | all forms
不分为单位的成分基金non-unitized constituent fund
专门的与基本的交易技巧special vs. basic trading skill
以一定收益为基准的证券购人buying on a yield basis
以交易/订单为基础的制度order-based system
以人民币计价的基金Renminbi-denominated fund
以价值为基础的策略value based strategy
以工资收人为基础的人股计划Payroll-based Stock Ownership Plan
以期权为基础的估价option-based valuation
以结转扣减为基础的交易carryover basis transaction
以评估为基础的指数appraisal-based indexes
以资产或成本为基础的收购assets or cost basis acquisitions
以避险为基础的方法risk-based approach
以银行为基础的公司治理体制bank-based corporate governance system
以风险为基础的押金计算法risk based algorithm
低销售费用的基金low load fund
作为对冲基金投资者的公司corporations as hedge fund investor
作为投机风险的基础as basis for risk of speculation
保证基金的准备金reserve charge for guaranteed fund
偏爱传统股的基金经理traditional value-investing fund manager
偿债基金的准备金sinker fund reserve
偿债基金的可赎回债券sinker fund redeemable bond
偿债基金的资金来源funding of compensation fund
公开上市交易的投资基金publicly traded investment fund
养老金基金持有的房地产投资信托pension-held REIT
分散化的投资基金diversified fund
历史记录基础上的公司价值corporate value based on track record
可供投资的基金investable funds
可借贷的基金lendable fund
可用于分配的基金funds available for distribution
固定收益的交易所交易基金fixed income ETF
国有的投资基金state investment fund
国际货币基金的特别提款权drawing right of IMF
在上证所占有席位的机构和基金管理公司SSE-seat institutions and fund management companies
在充分掌握信息的基础上on an informed basis
基于期权的估价option-based valuation
基差的波动basis fluctuation
基本加权的拉斯派尔斯指数base-weighted Laspeyres index
基本点的美兀价值证券价值变动一个基本点带来的收益率变动dollar value of basis point
基本点的美元价值证券价值变动一个基本点带来的收益率变动dollar value of basis point
基础波动的可预测性on predictability of basis fluctuations
基金的分类fund category
基金的基金Fund of Fund
基金的基金一种投资于封闭基金的共同基金fund of fund
基金的补充replenishment of funds
基金的财产property of the fund
基金的资金fund of fund
基金管理的资金fund of funds management
多样化的投资基金diversified fund
大众认可的基金public authorized fund
对冲基金与传统的资产管理方式hedge funds vs. traditional asset management
对冲基金包罗万象的特点eclectic nature of hedge fund
对冲基金的业务架构business structure of hedge fund
对冲基金的名称name of hedge fund
对冲基金的基金FoHFs (Fund-of-Hedge-Fund)
对冲基金的所在地location of hedge fund
对冲基金的来源sources of hedge fund
对冲基金的法律构架legal structure of hedge fund
对冲基金的监管regulation of hedge fund
对冲基金的组织结构organization structure of hedge fund
对基本证券法的了解understanding of basic securities laws
差异资本化比率的基础basis for split capitalization rate
已有的避险基金ready-made hedge fund
带有保证的基金fund with guarantees
建立在预测基础上的市场market-based forecasting
建立基金的费用fund set-up fee
归还借款的折旧基金depreciation fund used in redeemed value
投资于传统股票的基金经理traditional value-investing fund manager
授权的基金公司authorized fund house
接受管理的期货基金managed futures funds
控股集团的基础control group basis
提供适量权益的成分基金constituent fund with discretionary benefits
支援罢工的基金strike fund
新授权的基金newly authorized fund
新核准的基金newly authorized fund
明斯基一肯德贝格尔的理论模式Minsky-Kindleberger model
最基本的谨慎标准minimum prudential standards
有偿付能力的基金solvency fund
未人保险的基金non-insured fund
未被认可的基金unauthorized fund
未被认可的对冲基金unauthorized hedge fund
核准的共同基金authorized mutual fund
核准的基金公司authorized fund house
核准的存款基金approved deposit fund
清算基础上的每股储备价值reserve value per share on liquidation basis
用于对冲基金估值的分析工具analytical tools for evaluation of hedge fund
由股票和债券主导的养老金基金组合stock-and-bond-dominated pension fund portfolios
盈利潜力基础上的公司价值corporate value based on earning potential
目标资产增加的基础step-up bases of target's assets
短期借款的偿债基金fund for repayment of borrowing
禁止动用的基金non-expendable fund
稳妥和灵活的结算基础设施robust and resilient clearing infrastructure
管理下的期货基金managed futures funds
组成赔偿基金的资金money constituting the compensation fund
经营的基本面business fundamental
经过批准的集合式投资基金approved pooled investment fund
股权资产类基金中的货币风险currency risk in equity asset class funds
背景雄厚的私募基金行业strong background of private fund industry
脆弱的基本面fragile fundamentals
被管理的基金managed fund
规定的基准customized benchmarks
认可的共同基金authorized mutual fund
证券投资基金的资产assets of securities investment fund
调整后的基数/基价adjusted basis (证券出售时,计算资本收益的基础价格)
超额基金计划的终止termination of over-funded plan
跟踪中国 A 股市场表现的交易所交易基金ETF tracking the perfonnance of the China A-share market
跟踪交易所交易基金的债券指数bond index tracking ETFs
跟踪印度股市表现的交易所交易基金ETF tracking the India stock market
转人基金的净金额net transfer to fund
退出/进人基金的权利exit/ entry privilege
银行担保的债券基金bank-guaranteed bond funds
零利率为基础的预算zero based budgeting
零售基金的认可制度retail fund authorization regime