
Terms for subject Economy containing 基 的 | all forms | in specified order only
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
一国在国际货币基金中的总份额the total tranche position of a country in the Fund
一种基金于另一种基金的合并amalgamation of a fund with another
不必偿还的基金non-reimbursable funds
世界上面临的最基本问题the bottommost problems facing the world
主要的基金fundamental fund
交货的基础basis of delivery
他们将为基金的管理作出适当的安排They will make appropriate arrangements for the administration of the funds
以供给为基础的信贷supply-led credit
以偿还为基础的on a payment basis
以农业为基础的经济agriculture-based economy
以农业为基础的经济agriculture based economy
以农民为基础的农业peasant-based agriculture
以单位面积为基础的标准贷款standard loan on a per unit area basis
以国际货币基金为标准计算的国际收支统计balance of payments statistics based on the IMF standard
以外币为基准的汇率giving quotation
以层次为基础的方法level-based approach
以年龄为基本条件的退休政策age-based retirement policy
以成本与产品之间的关系为基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
以成本为基础的人力资源会计cost-based human resources accounting
以成本为基础的定价法cost based pricing
以抵押品为基础的贷款secured loan
以抵押品为基础的贷款guaranteed loan
以抵押品为基础的贷款loan granted on the basis of guarantees
以抵押品为基础的贷款collateralized loan
以抵押品为基础的贷款secured credit
以政策手段为基础的方法instrument-based approach
以本国货币为基准的汇率receiving quotation
以本国资源为基础的工业resources based industry
以本国资源为基础的工业resource-based industry
以知识为基础的假定knowledge-based assumption
以社区为基础的农村发展community-based rural development
以自然资源为基础的工业natural resources-based industry
以资产为基础的贷款asset-based lending
以非偿还为基础的on a non-reimbursable basis
价值理论的基本方程式fundamental equation of value theory
价格变化的基本规律basic law of price change
价格核算是以世界市场价格为基础的The calculation of prices is made on the basis of world prices
价格的基础basis of price
假定的偿债基金hypothetical sinking fund
公司基金的标准报酬率normal rate of return on company fund
共同基金的第二窗口经济合作与发展组织Common Fund's 2nd window
共用基金的运用operation of the common fund
出口商品生产的基地bases for producing export commodities
刺激经济的基金pump-priming funds
可靠的资力财力基础sound financial footing
固定生产基金的损耗capital consumption
国际货币基金组织成员国的配额quota system
联合国国际货币基金组织的黄金份额购买权gold tranche position in International Monetary Fund
在各分一半的基础上on the basis of a 50% split
参加国在国际货币基金中的储备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
在…的基础上on the basis of
在补偿基础上的经济合作economic cooperation on compensatory basis
坚实的经济基础the secure economic foundation
基于价格的矿区滑动费price-based sliding scale royalty
基于吸入-保留的决策支持简写为ARLDSaspiration-reservation-led decision support
基于市场的机制market-based mechanism
基于性能的速率performance-based rates
基于性能的速率performance-based rate
基于数据分析的事实fact based on data analysis
基于管理项目的网络network-based project management
基于能力的教育competence based education
基于自我实践的学习方法experimental learning
基于风险的综合生产模型risk-based integrated production model
基准的号码key number
基地在外国的公司foreign-based parent company
基地在外国的公司foreign-based company
基地在外国的公司收入foreign-based company income
基数减一的补码diminished radix complement
基本守法的私人工商户basically law-abiding private industrial and commercial units
基本数据的误差errors in base data
基本的便利条件basic facilities
基本的经济单位basic unit in a modern economy
基本社会经济目的basic socio-economic purpose
基本财物的更换replacement of capital goods
基础会计中的项目结构programme structure in fund accounting
基础会计中的项目结构program structure in fund accounting
基础结构的支柱infrastructure support
基金内部的往来intra-fund transaction
基金的分摊额contribution to the fund
基金的补充the replenishment of fund
处理船主责任范围以外的索赔基金limitation fund
存储基金的观念sinking fund concept
完全由管理部门控制的基金fully managed fund
定价的基础basis of valuation
审查的必要基准essential guide liner for examination
将投资利息滚入本金的信托基金accumulation units
英国属于由基金维持的机构on the foundation
已开发及可能开发的基本生产要素basic exploited and potentially exploitable production factors
庚屋建筑物外的其他基建construction other than buildings
建立农民所有权的基金意大利Fund for the establishment of peasant ownership Italy
建筑地基的地租building site rent
开放互惠基金的转盘价an offering price
得到基金的费用cost of obtaining the funds
慈善基金的政府信托official trustees of charitable fund
我们应在竞争性招标的基础上采办全部材料和设备We shall procure all materials and equipment on a competitive bid basis
我们把我们的钱合起来成为共同基金We put our money into a general pool
所有收到的款项由会计作为信托基金加以保管All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust
投资的基本原子atoms of investment
指数的定基制度system of fixed base index
按产量提取的更新改造基金a renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按产量提取的更新的改造基金renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按政府清算基础计算的国际收支差额balance on official settlement basis
收益的基准revenue standard
教会的基金patrimony (或财产)
数列的基化reduction of series to the same base
新开工的基建项目newly-started capital construction project (item)
方案比较的基础bases for comparison of alternatives
日常需要的基础结构infrastructure for daily needs
最基本的生活保障minimum-means of subsistence
有基金的债务funded debt
未保险的抚恤养老基金non-insured pension fund
本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract
根基稳固的公司a well-established company
永久性的基地infrastructure (social overhead capital)
满意工资的基础basis of satisfactory wages
现值基础上的比较present worth basis for comparison
生产组一级的最基层管理人员first-line manager
由某基金会维持的机构on the foundation
留归企业单位支配使用的各种专项基金the various special purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises
目的基础研究fundamental research
确定的基础firm basis
社会的基本构成单位fundamental unit of society
税收计算基础的确认confirmation of the tax computation basis
稳固的基础secure foundation
纳税差别的非收入基准the non-income base for tax discrimination
经济结构的基础the warp of the economic structure
经济结构的基础warp of the economic structure
置存基金的准备funded reserve
股份固定的投资基金closed-end investment funds
被告基于物权的抗辩real defense
被告基于物权的抗辩real defence
计算国民收入的基本帐户体系basic accounts of national income
证券估价的权益基础equity basis of valuation of securities
调整后的基本价格adjusted base price
资助结构调整的国家公共基金national public funds for financing structural adjustment
部分筹集基金的方案partially funded plan
随机需求的基础结构infrastructure for random needs
零为基础的预算编制法zero-based budgeting
零为基础的预算编制法zero-base budgeting
预先筹集的基金advance funding
预定支付工资的基金funds destined for the payment of wages
预定的基础the predetermined basis
领取基金会提供的奖学金on the foundation
领取由基金会提供的奖学金on the foundation (或津贴)