
Terms for subject Business containing 基 的 | all forms
不须偿还的基金non-reimbursable fund
以一定收益为基准的证券购入buying on a yield basis
以企业为基本单位的自主联合劳动autonomous associated labour with enterprises as the basic unit
以成本为基础的人力资源会计cost based human resources accounting
以收入为基础的退休金income-based retirement benefit
以电子计算机为基础的系统computer-based system
以自然资源为基础的工业natural resource-based industry
以获得收益的生产基础production basis of revenue realization
以计算机为基础的设备computer-based device
企业准备金与发展基金的增加increase of reserve fund and expansion fund
低于基本生活费的工资starvation wages
低于市场价格的基础价值value less than market price basis
你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们在谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?
偿债基金的投资investment of sinking fund
具有工业待培基础的学员industry based student
分类所得税的基本免税额basic exemption for the classified income tax
单纯购置的基建单位capital construction unit using only purchased items
可用于投资的基金investible fund
固定资产会计的成本基础cost basis in fixed asset accounting
国家计划内的基建项目capital construction project within the state plan
基于事实的数据分析fact based data analysis
基于合同的诉讼action found in contract
基于存货的空头short of the basis
基于年龄的退休政策age-based retirement policy
基于知识的假定knowledge-based assumption
基于销售的收入确认法sales basis of revenue recognition
基础广大的经济broad-based economy
基金的分配distribution of fund
基金的补充replenishment of the fund
审查的必要基准essential guideline for examination
投资前研究的基本方向和种类basic aspects and categories of preinvestment study
指定用于支付工资的基金fund destined for the payment of wages
按产业分组的报告基础industry groupings reporting base
按产量提取的更新改造基金renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按年基数净收益计算的留成率net income retaining percentage on base year net income
支付外币债券本息摊提的基金fund for amortization of principal and interest of foreign currency bond
未保险的抚恤基金non-insured pension fund
根基稳固的公司well-established company
用于对外债务的本息支付基金fund for payment of principal and interest on external bonded debts
用于政府债券的本息支付基金fund for payment of principal and interest on government securities
用基本资产来规定劳动力数量的系数factor of provision of labour with basic assets
编制基金计算书的工作表work sheet for statement of fund
获得营业收入的生产基础production basis of revenue realization
调整基金的业务funding operation
重新配置的双边机构和基金bilateral redeployment institution and fund
非扩展目的用的基金fund for non-expansionary purposes