
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一年期准贷款利率one-year benchmark lending rate
三年期外汇金债券期货three-year exchange fund note futures
上市交易publicly trade fund
上市开放式listed open-end fund
上市证券投资listed securities investment fund
上证金指数SSE fund index
上证金指数Fund Index
不分为单位的成分non-unitized constituent fund
不动产real estate fund
不动产金监管制度REIT regime
不动产/房地产投资共同real estate pool
不收费non-load fund
专业市场niche fund
专业投资人professional investor fund
专用special purpose fund
专用restricted fund
专用金存款deposits of specific fund
专门的与本的交易技巧special vs. basic trading skill
专项集中投资于某一行业或特定地理区域的共同基金specialty fund
专项fund for special use
专项投资specialized investment fund
世界global fund
世界股本准系列World Equity Benchmark Series
业绩performance benchmark
业绩准指数performance benchmark index
业绩performance fund
业绩评估performance appraisal benchmark
中国证券业协会金公会Chinese Association of Securities Investment Funds, the
中国证券业协会金公会the CASIF Chinese Association of Securities Investment Fund
中型股混合mid-cap blend fund
中小板交易型开放式指数深圳证券交易所SME Board ETF
中盘股成长mid-cap growth fund
中转feeder fund
主权sovereign fund
主题根据一定标准进行投资的共同基金theme fund
买断buyout fund
买股票卖期权buy-write fund
企业开发enterprise development fund
企业清算gone concern
企业重组corporate restructure fund
优先股preferred stock fund
优先股回收preference sinking fund
优先股收回preferred stock shrinking fund
优先股赎回preferred stock inking fund
优惠利率prime rate fund
优等股票quantity stock fund
估值base of valuation
估值base of valuation
估值衡量value measurement basis
低成本指数追踪型low-cost index tracker
低销售费用的low load fund
作为对冲金投资者的公司corporations as hedge fund investor
作为投机风险的as basis for risk of speculation
债券共同金经理bond mutual fund manager
债券发行bonds issue benchmark
偏爱传统股的金经理traditional value-investing fund manager
做空一种共同基金short fund
偶发损失contingent fund
偿债sinker fund
偿债fund of refinement
偿债金余额sinking fund surplus
偿债金保险sinking fund assurance
偿债金债券偿还准备金reserve for retirement of inking fund bond
偿债金分期摊还款sinking fund installment
偿债金因数sink fund factor
偿债金委托人sinking fund trustee
偿债金存款sinking fund accumulation
偿债金存款因素sinking fund deposit factor
偿债金强制偿还mandatory sinking fund redemption
偿债金折旧depreciation by sinking fund
偿债金的准备金sinker fund reserve
偿债金的可赎回债券sinker fund redeemable bond
偿债金的资金来源funding of compensation fund
偿债金系数sink fund factor
偿债金规定sinking fund requirement
偿债金资产sinking fund asset
偿债金赎回sinking fund redemption
偿还以到期日为基准计算债券的收益率maturity basis
充分服务full service fund
克隆clone fund
克隆货币市场clone money-market fund
免佣金no load fund
免佣金共同no load mutual fund
免税收益tax exempt income fund
免税货币tax-free money fund
免税货币市场tax exempt money market fund
全国保险national insurance fund
全国消费信贷national foundation for consumer credit
全国社会保障National Social Security Fund
全国社会保障金理事会National Council for Social Security Fund China
全天候all-weather fund
全权委托投资金经理discretionary fund manager
全球global fund (可以投资任何国家公司的共同基金)
全球债券global bond fund
全球共同global mutual fund
全球宏观global macro fund
全营fully managed fund
公众共同public mutual fund
公债government bond fund
公共事业税共同tax-managed utility mutual fund
公共信息设施public information infrastructure
公共信托public trust fund
公募商品public commodity fund
公司债券corporate bonds fund
公司型corporate fund
公司收益corporate income fund
公司治理corporate governance benchmark
公司治理corporate governance fund
公司类投资corporate type fund
公平equitable basis
公平arm's length basis
公开上市交易的投资publicly traded investment fund
公开交易public traded fund
公开交易投资public held
共同金信托mutual fund trust
共同金信用级别mutual fund ratings
共同金公司mutual fund company/corporation
共同金分销渠道mutual fund distribution channel
共同金分销途径mutual fund distribution channel
共同金报价栏目mutual fund quotation
共同金招募书mutual fund prospectus
共同金招募说明书mutual fund prospectus
共同金排行榜mutual fund scoreboard
共同金现金与资产比率mutual fund cash to assets ratio
共同金现金比率mutual fund cash ratio
共同金理论mutual fund theorem
共同金管理人mutual fund custodian
共同金经理mutual fund manager
共同金股份share of mutual fund
共同金评级mutual fund ratings
共同金评级mutual fund rating
关爱love money
其他金垫款due from other fund
其他金替付款due from other fund
养老金证券组合pension fund portfolios
养老金金持有的房地产投资信托pension-held REIT
内罗比共同Nairobi common fund
分散化普通股diversified common stock fund
分散化的投资diversified fund
分离式split fund
分配basis of allocation
创业start-up fund
创业risk fund
创业risk capital
创业risk based capital
创业投资venture capital fund
利息准掉期basis swap (指同一货币两种不同利率互换协定之间的差别)
利率础转换rate basis conversion
到期计时maturity basis
区域型共同regional mutual fimd< <->
区间interval fund
区间具开放和封闭两种特性的基金interval fund
区间清算interdistrict settlement fund
匿名give-up-name basis
半固定型semi-fixed fund
单一single fund
单一金条款single fund provision
单一国家single country fund
单一国家股票single country equity fund
单一对冲single hedge fund
单一市政债券single municipal bond fund
单一投资unitary investment fund
单一赔偿single compensation fund
单位信托unit trusts fund
单位信托unit trust
单位投资unitary investment fund
单位证券组合管理unit portfolio management fund
单向买人多样化商品期货long-only diversified commodity futures fund
卖空short-selling fund
历史记录础上的公司价值corporate value based on track record
合伙pool fund
合并偿债consolidated sinking fund
合成指数synthetic index fund
合格qualifying fund
合资金管理公司joint venture fund management firm
吉尼美共同Ginnie Mae mutual fund
后端收费back-end load fund
启动金投人initial funding
员工投资employee stock fund
商品in commodity pools
商品commodity pools
商品金与管理基金commodity pools and managed funds
商品金管理人commodity pool operator
商品金经理commodity pool operator
商品期货commodity fund
在上证所占有席位的机构和金管理公司SSE-seat institutions and fund management companies
在充分掌握信息的础上on an informed basis
地方country fund
地方财政自筹fund raised by local revenue
场外市场over the counter market fund
境外offshore fund
夏普Sharpe benchmark
外国本利率foreign prime rates
外国债券foreign bond fund
外汇金债券计划exchange fund notes programme
外汇金债务工具exchange fund debt instrument
外汇金债务证明exchange fund debt certificate
外汇金条例exchange fund ordinance
外汇金票据foreign exchange fund bill
外汇金票据计划exchange fund bills programme
外汇稳定exchange stability fund
多元市场础设施multiple market infrastructure
多样化普通股diversified common stock fund
多样化的投资diversified fund
大众认可的public authorized fund
大宗建拨款block capital grant
大盘价值large cap value
大盘增长large-cap growth
大盘混合一种共同基金large-cap blend
大盘股一种共同基large-cap fund
大盘股票本比率base rates for large stocks
夹层贷款人/mezzanine lenders/fund
契约型indirect type fund
契约型contractual type
契约型contract fund
契约型共同contractual mutual fund
套利arbitrage basis
套利fund arbitrage
套利/相对价值对冲arbitrage/relative value funds
套期保值hedge fund
奥本海默全球Oppenheimer global fund
存货金账户stock fund account
封闭型投资信托closed-end investment trusts
封闭式closed-end fund
封闭式 ETF closed-end ETF
封闭式同 closed-end mutual fundclose fund
封闭式投资close securities investment fund
封闭式财产closed-end property fund
小公司价值small-cap value fund
小公司成长small company growth fund
小公司混合small-cap blend fund
小型金管理公司small money management firms
小资本microcap fund
小额市值small capitalization fund
市场本面分析师market fundamentalist
市场础设施market infrastructure
市场market tone
市场market fund
市场中性market neutral fund
市场技术本建设market technology infrastructure
市场技术础设施如建立股市的网络系统market technology infrastructure
市场稳定market stabilization fund
市政公债municipal bond fund
帕皮尔斯规则因美国名叫帕皮尔斯基的投资者起诉一名投资顾问后制定出的相应规则Papilsky rules
带有保证的fund with guarantees
常设standing fund
平均费用交纳平均管理费的共同基金level load fund
平衡balanced funds
平衡式共同balanced mutual fund
年度金运作费用annual fund operation expenses
并购为并购或反并购而准备的大量资金war chest
并购buyout fund
开发式指数open-end index fund
开放open fund
开放式open end fund
开放式金净资产价值net asset value of open-end fund
开放式共同open end mutual fund
开放式投资企业open-ended investment companies fund
开放式证券投资open securities investment fund
=wide basisweak basis
弹性共同flexible mutual fund
弹性组合flexible portfolio fund
强化式指数enhanced index fund
归还借款的折旧depreciation fund used in redeemed value
总计aggregate basis
恶性一种投资基金vice fund
慢兔slow rabbit benchmarks
成分constituent fund
成本准制cost basis
成本会计数据cost accounting data base
成长go-go fund
成长型金管理人growth manager
成长型金经理growth fund manager
所有权根root of title
托管escrow fund
市场Yankee market
股发行Yankee stock offering (非美国公司在美资本市场上发行的股票)
指定交易所交易designated exchange-traded fund
指数准报价index-based offer
指数准期货index-based future
指数tracker fund
指数金/盯住指数indexing / index funds
指数偿债金债券index sinking fund debenture
指数追踪index tracking fund
按可比on comparable basis
按比例分摊偿债pro rata sinking fund
挪用沉淀raid the sinking fund
授权的金公司authorized fund house
摊还amortization fund
摩根士丹利房地产Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund
支援罢工的strike fund
收人revenue base
收人利息或分红与投资额之比income basis
收人revenue fund
收人income fund
收人共同income mutual fund
收人股本income-equity fund
收尾end money
收现准/方式cash collection basis
收益revenue base
收益earnout basis
收益债券income-bond fund
收益混合型income-mixed fund
收益率准曲线benchmark yield curve
收益股本income equity fund
收费收佣金的基金load fund
收费fund load
放牧决策后交易价pastured benchmarks
放贷loan fund
政府债券government bond fund
政府部门government sector fund
效益performance fund
明斯一肯德贝格尔的理论模式Minsky-Kindleberger model
晨星共同金等级Morningstar mutual fund ranking
普通债券general bond fund
普通债券偿债general bonded debt fund
普通股common stock fund
本的谨慎标准minimum prudential standards
有偿付能力的solvency fund
期权共同option mutual fund
期权增长型option growth fund
期权收益option income fund
期货futures fund
期货future fund
期货金经理commodity pool operator
期货金经营商futures pool operator
期货与期权futures and options fund
期货与期权杠杆geared futures and options fund
期货和期权式futures and options fund
期货和期权杠杆geared futures and options fund
期货赔偿金委员会香港证监会Futures Compensation Fund Committee
未人保险的non-insured fund
未偿付金累积funding of reserves
未被认可的unauthorized fund
未被认可的对冲unauthorized hedge fund
机构institution fund
机构金行业institutional fund industry
权益对冲equity hedge fund
杠杆leveraged fund
杠杆买断leveraged buyout candidate
杠杆收购leveraged buyout fund
标准standard benchmark
标普债务本评级Standard and Poor's underlying rating
标普500指数S&P 500 index fund
核准的金公司authorized fund house
核准的共同authorized mutual fund
核准的存款approved deposit fund
概念notional principal
概念concept fund
概念性notional fund
次级second-tier fund
欧洲金及资产管理协会European Fund and Asset Management Association
止损stop basis
正常arm's length basis
永久evergreen fund
永续持续不断地供应企业发展所需的资金evergreen fund
汇票remittance fund
汇通remittance fund
沉淀sinker fund
沉淀金折旧depreciation by sinking fund
活跃金管理active fund management
流动liquidity fund
流动资产liquid asset fund
浮动准利率floating prime rate
浮动幅度不超过准指数300%fluctuation amplitude not exceeding 300% of that of the benchmark index
清理clean-up fund
清算础上的每股储备价值reserve value per share on liquidation basis
清算机构clearing house funds
港元货币市场Hong Kong dollar money market fund
港元金融市场Hong Kong dollar money market fund
漏斗沉淀funnel sinking fund
特别征税special levy fund
特别成分specialized constituent fund
特别税捐special assessment fund
特定specialized fund
特定共同specialized mutual fund
特殊性投资specialized investment fund
特种specialty fund
用于对冲金估值的分析工具analytical tools for evaluation of hedge fund
用赔偿金支付payment out of the compensation fund
由股票和债券主导的养老金金组合stock-and-bond-dominated pension fund portfolios
留本non-expendable fund
百万级megafunds (美国五种基金群体之一)
破产担保指美国联邦存款保险公司的担保insolvency guaranteed fund
指标利率确定准日fixing date
社会意识共同socially conscious mutual fund
社会经济础建设socio-economic infrastructure
社会良知型共同不投资于有害于社会环境产业的基金social consciousness mutual fund
禁止动用的non-expendable fund
税收管理共同tax-managed mutual fund
稳妥和灵活的结算础设施robust and resilient clearing infrastructure
稳定又称 intervention fund 干预基金stabilization fund
差距期货与现货价格之间窄小的差距narrow basis
指数判断某类特别股走势的指数narrow base index
米奇数通道Mike base
B 类class B fund
紧急事件emergency fund
累积沉淀accumulative sinking fund
网上金认购online fund subscription
罢工strike fund
职业养老occupational pension fund
职工人股信托employee stock ownership trust
联合交易所赔偿United Exchange Compensation Fund
联合交易所赔偿Unified Exchange Compensation Fund
联合投资collective investment fund
联合返还首次抵押偿债金债券consolidated refunding first mortgage sinking fund bonds
联接feeder fund (一种投资基金,全部基金投人其他基金,由他人操作自己渔利)
联营pooled fund
联营pool fund
联营金中介pooled fund media
联邦Federal fund
联邦金利率Federal fund rate
联邦金同业交易Federal intrafund transaction
联邦金实际利率Federal fund effective rate
联邦金市场federal fund market
联邦金票据Fed Fund Bill
联邦储备金利率Fed fund rate
联邦储备金券Fed Fund Bill
联邦定期term federal fund
脆弱的本面fragile fundamentals
艾一道货币市场金平均数美国货币市场基金的平均收益率IBC/Donoghue money fund report average
蜘蛛复制标普500指数,追踪几乎涵盖美国股市总市值2/3的标普500 指数Spider, Standard & Poofs depository receipt
蜘蛛复制标普500指数,它追踪几乎涵盖美国股市总市值2/3的标普500指数Spider SPDR
行业投资fund for industrial investment
行业类交易型开放式指数或行业类交易所交易基金sector ETF
补充赔偿replenishment of compensation fund
调整后的数/基价adjusted basis (证券出售时,计算资本收益的基础价格)
豁免exempted fund
贝塔等式Beta equation funds
财产property fund
财产税收投资信托estate duties investment trust
财务本因素financial based materiality
财团法人incorporated foundation
账目综合本算法basis of consolidation
货币money fund
货币currency fund
货币市场金自动转账money market fund sweep
货币市场共同money market mutual fund
货币市场共同金股份/份额monetary market mutual fund shares
购买buying basis
购并buyout fund
贵金属precious metals fund
贷款公司本利率finance house base rate
费巴信托VEBA trusts
资产价格脱离其本价值assets value moving out of line with their fundamental worth
资产分类金经理assets class fund managers
资产分类共同assets class mutual funds
资产配置assets allocation fund
资产配置共同assets allocation mutual fund
资本capital base
资本保证capital guarantee fund
资本收益最大化共同maximum capital gains mutual fund
资本资产capital assets (fund)
资金money fund
赎回股份stock redemption fund
赎回费用共同contingent deferred sales charge (back-end loan fund)
赔偿金储备账户compensation fund reserve account
赔偿金管理management of compensation fund
超短期债券ultra short term bond fund
超级本工具superprime instrument
超级super fund
超级金债务superfund liability
超级金法super-fund law
超额金计划的终止termination of over-funded plan
转人金的净金额net transfer to fund
退休准备provident fund
退出/进人金的权利exit/ entry privilege
选择性discretionary fund
递增stepped-up basis
道・琼斯-斯特克斯指数欧洲交易所交易基金公司发行的 ETF,追踪的是 Dow Jones Stoxx 50 index,在法兰克福的德国证券交易所上市DJ Stoxx 50 LDR
道德ethical fund
道纳夫货币金平均值Donoghue's money fund average
避险套利hedge fund
配合match fund
配对match fund
镜子投资人通过寿险参与另一家公司投资的共同基金mirror fund
长期long term fund
长期业务long-term business fund
长期股本long equity fund
附属captive fund
限定restricted fund
限额共同closed-end mutual fund
除权准日ex right day
非居民投资non-resident-owned NRO fund
非本地投资non-resident-owned NRO fund
非风险投资non-venture capital fund
预付佣金投资front-end load fund
预先约定booking the basis
预期金持有人prospective fund holder
预期成本prospective cost basis
预期转账prospective carryover basis
预计pro forma basis
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