
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
一国在国际货币金中的总份额the total tranche position of a country in the Fund
一年one year rule
一种金于另一种基金的合并amalgamation of a fund with another
一般general fund
上市总价值total market value basis
上缴建结余资金remit ted remaining balance of capital construction fund
不必偿还的non-reimbursable funds
不累积计算the non-cumulative basis
专用fund of special use
专用special-purpose funds
专用fund for special use
专用金及专用拨款表statement of specific fund sources and specific appropriations
专用金及专用拨款表a statement of specific fund sources and appropriations
专用金存款bank deposit on specified funds
专用金拨款specific fund
专用金资产assets special funds
专项贷款special funds for lending
世界上面临的最本问题the bottommost problems facing the world
20 世纪金会the Twentieth Century Fund
两种价格two-price basis
个人消赛fund for individual consumption
个别鉴定存货价法identification method
个性金会Personality Fund
中国出口商品地建设总公司China National Export Commodity Base Construction Corporation
南非中央能源Central Energy Fund
中期金贷款extended fund facility
中期金贷款安排extended fund facility arrangement
主体已经本完工尚需收尾配套工程the basically completed matching project awaiting finishing
主要本指标main basic indicator
主要的fundamental fund
互助mutual fund
互联网金管理人Internet fund manager
交货的basis of delivery
企业works relief
企业发展an enterprise expansion fund
企业发展venture expansion fund
企业固定enterprise fixed fund
企业折旧depreciation funds remarked for enterprises
会计本原理postulate of account
会计fundamentals of accounting
估价valuation basis
住宅建设housing fund
供应common financing fund
借入borrowed funds
债券及优选股bond and preferred stock fund
债务统一金特别会计账户debt consolidation fund special account
假定的偿债hypothetical sinking fund
停泊basic freight rate per ton for a stay in port
偿债折旧sinking fund
偿债sinking relief
偿债the extinguishment fund
偿债extinguishment fund
偿债a sinking fund
偿债amortization fund
偿债金付款因数sinking fund factor
偿债金信托人a sinking fund trustee
偿债金债券sinking fund bond
偿债金公债sinking fund bonds
偿债金分期付款sinking fund instalment
偿债金制度sinking fund system
偿债金存款因数sinking tund deposit factor
偿债金应提款sinking fund requirement
偿债金折旧法depreciation by sinking fund method
证券的偿债金条款sinking fund provision
折旧偿债金法sinking fund method
偿债金法sinking fund method
偿债金现象sinking fund cash
偿债金积累sinking fund accumulation
偿债金表sinking fund table
偿债金表redemption table
偿债金贷款sinking fund loan
偿还debt service fund
偿还资本准备a capital redemption reserve fund
充分就业fund sufficient to employ
全国对外贸易理事会金会National Foreign Trade Council Foundation
公众联系public liaison funds
公债付息fund for payment of interest on government securities
公共积累public accumulation fund
公司金的标准报酬率normal rate of return on company fund
公用事业偿债utility sinking fund
共同common base
共同common base
共同general fund
共同communal funds
共同股份不定投资公司,互助资金mutual fund (open-end investment company)
共同金合同mutual fund
共同金基本要素fundamental elements of the common fund
共同金的第二窗口经济合作与发展组织Common Fund's 2nd window
共同金集体提留accumulation and retention of common funds by the collective
共同体community fund
共同农业common agricultural fund
共同海损保证general average deposit
共有金投资mutual fund investment
共用金的运用operation of the common fund
养老pension fund
再生产reproduction relief
再贴现rediscounting facilities of the central bank
军事war fund
军事war chest (fund)
军队military chest
产品agrobased product
工业the agro-based industry
农业信贷捐赠agricultural credit endowment fund
农业现代化金制度agricultural improvement funds system
农业管理farm management funds
分担退休金办法contributory pension plan (scheme)
分段期货geared futures and options fund
分销础设施distribution infrastructure
创办the seed money
利润profit fund
利润留成fund of partly remained profit
刺激经济的pump-priming funds
剩余本资产net stock of capital
剩余本资本net stock of capital
功能power base
劳务产生service-yield basis
劳动labour fund
医疗保险the Medical Benefits Fund
医疗保险Medical Benefit Funds
卡内财团Carnegie Foundation
卫星a satellite base
原料raw material base
原料a raw material site
原料raw material site
原材料raw materials site
参考reference datum
合伙投资the hedge fund
合作cooperative fund source
合并fund pool
向银行增拨信贷the additional allocation of credit funds to the bank
员工福利employee welfare fund
周转循环revolving fund
周转working capital relief
周转金资本revolving funds capital
周转金资本revolving account
周转性借贷resolving relief
咖啡多样化Coffee Diversification Fund
在各分一半的础上on the basis of a 50% split
参加国在国际货币金中的储备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
在…的基础on the basis of
在补偿础上的经济合作economic cooperation on compensatory basis
地方础设施投资grassroot investment
地方统筹建拨款appropriations for capital construction projects undertaken by the local governments
坚实的经济the secure economic foundation
增长growth fund
处理船主责任范围以外的索赔limitation fund
备抵本存量缺额allowances for deficiency in base stock
备用辅助reserve base
备用standby base
备用reserve base
外债还本付息fund for payment of principal and interest on external debts
外汇周转foreign exchange operation fund
外汇平准foreign exchange stabilization fund
外汇清算funds for foreign exchange settlement
外汇稳定exchange equalization fund
外部金资本capital from outside funds
多方捐助信托multidonor trust fund
多边信托multilateral trust fund
大修major repair fund
大修fund for major overhaul
大修折旧major repair depreciation fund
大修理an overhaul fund source
大修理capital repairs fund
大修理金存款bank deposit on major repair fund
大学退休权益college retirement equities fund
奖励bonus pool
奖励premium fund
奖金及福利bonus and welfare fund
套头the hedge fund
存储金的观念sinking fund concept
存款deposit funds
安全金制度safety-fund system
安全网safety net fund
安装设备建费unit installed capital cost
完全由管理部门控制的fully managed fund
发展速度speed of development of fixed base
增长comparative growth on fixed basis
指数fixed base index number
base system
动态的速率basis speed (dynamic)
定价的basis of valuation
实物natural fund
实际取得成本actual acquisition cost basis
审查的必要essential guide liner for examination
封存the sterilized fund
将投资利息滚入本金的信托accumulation units
英国属于由金维持的机构on the foundation
岀租船只hire base
市价market price basis
外汇平准stabilization relief
平准the stabilization fund
外汇平准equalization fund
平准solution fund
平均金征税equalization fund levy
平均筹集金方案level-funding plan
平均筹集金法level-funding method
平衡equilibrium fund
平衡交易the hedge fund
平衡股利dividend equalization fund
年金annuity fund
应交折旧depreciation fund payable
应急emergency fund
应急贷款needs fund
应提偿债金数debt service fund requirement
应计an accrual basis
庚屋建筑物外的其他construction other than buildings
开发贷款development loan fund
开放互惠金的转盘价an offering price
开放式软件金会Opening Software Foundation
征收collection basis
征税tax assessment
待核销建支出capital construction expenditure pending write-off upon approval
得到金的费用cost of obtaining the funds
循环周转the rotary fund
循环revolving fund (rotary fund)
总合aggregate fund
恢复使用desterilize fund
恩布里技术公司Enbridge Technologies Inc.
意外损失contingency fund
慈善金的政府信托official trustees of charitable fund
固定资产会计的成本cost basis (in fixed asset accounting)
成本估价cost valuation, basis
成本效益准方法cost-effective basis method
成本效益准贡献cost-effective basis contribution
我们应在竞争性招标的础上采办全部材料和设备We shall procure all materials and equipment on a competitive bid basis
我们必须筹集储备金以应付不测We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergencies
我们把我们的钱合起来成为共同We put our money into a general pool
战时救济war fund
战时救济war chest (fund)
南非战略燃料strategic fuel fund
房屋与地house and lot
所得income fund
所有收到的款项由会计作为信托金加以保管All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust
执行performance fund
扩充expandable fund
投入sinking fund
投资investment base
投资investment funds
投资invested funds
投资investment fund
投资capital fund
投资前the preinvestment fund
投资的本原子atoms of investment
折旧depreciation base (基数)
折旧amortization fund
抚恤pension fund
抚恤金准备pension fund reserve
抚恤金应扣额pension fund deductions
抚恤金base pension
抵补replacement fund
担保guarantee funds
指数的定制度system of fixed base index
期固定加权fixed weight at the base period
按产量提取的更新改造a renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按产量提取的更新的改造renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按政府清算础计算的国际收支差额balance on official settlement basis
捐赠金给一个学院endow a college
损失发生loss occurring basis
掠夺the vulture fund
摊额basis of assessment
支出expense fund
收敛convergence criterion
收现cash collection basis
收益的revenue standard
政府内部金往来intra-governmental fund account
政府内部服务intergovernmental service funds
救济fund for relief
救济和保障relief and guarantee fund
救灾信托Disaster Relief Trust Fund
教会的patrimony (或财产)
数列的reduction of series to the same base
斯勒茨命题Slutsky's proposition
斯勒茨方程Slutsky Equation
货币名,老挝New Kip
fresh funds
新产品试验new product trial run fund source
新开工的建项目newly-started capital construction project (item)
方案础预算法program-based budgeting
方案比较的bases for comparison of alternatives
普遍信托general trust fund
层水平lowermost level
本的生活保障minimum-means of subsistence
最佳optimal criteria
金公债debt funded
金的债务funded debt
有关the related fund
有效available fund
期望值expected value basis
期货和期权futures and options funds
未保险的抚恤养老non-insured pension fund
本协议中的一部分由本合同的条款组成A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract
机会opportunity fund
指外国发行人,包括外国政府和公司等在美国债券市场上发行的债券Yankee bond
定存单Yankee CDs
极小minimal basis
稳固的公司a well-established company
欧洲共同体European Fund
欧洲发展European Development Fund
欧洲货币合作European Monetary Co-operation Fund (组织)
正常线normal baseline
水准bench mark
永久permanent fund
永久性的infrastructure (social overhead capital)
汇率平准exchange stabilization fund
汇率平准exchange equalization fund
瑞士汽巴一嘉公司Ciba-Geigy S.A.
油价稳定oil price stabilization fund
洛克斐勒Rockefeller Foundation
美国洛克菲勒金会Rockefeller Foundation
流动operating fund
流通current funds
浮动本优惠利率floating prime rate of interest
海上本危险stranding, sinking, burning, collision
海关customs basis
日本海外经济协作Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
消去elimination criteria
渔业funds for fisheries
渔业fund for fisheries
点上础结构local infrastructure
特别金存款special fund receivable
特别金收入账户special fund receipt accounts
特别准special reserve fund
特别福利reserve welfare fund
特定层管理人员specific level of management
特殊金存款special fund deposit
特殊金收入账户special fund receipt accounts
特种金拨款账户special fund appropriation
特种收入reserve-revenue fund
犹太民族金会Jewish National Fund
现值础上的比较present worth basis for comparison
现有available fund
现有funds in hand
生产准法折旧depreciation by production basis method
生产性本建设productive infrastructure
生产性础设施productive infrastructure
生产组一级的最层管理人员first-line manager
生活资料fund for providing the necessaries of life
由某金会维持的机构on the foundation
留归企业单位支配使用的各种专项the various special purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises
留本金本金余额endowment principal fund balance
留本收益金余额endowment earning fund balance
研究the research foundation
研究员fellowship fund
确定的firm basis
社会social basis
社会础设施费用the social overhead cost
社会主义本经济规律basic economic law of socialism
社会主义经济socialist economic base
社会保险social security
社会保险social security relief
社会保险social security fund
社会保险信托social insurance trust funds
社会消费social consumption relief
社会消费public consumption fund
社会物质material foundation of society
社会的本构成单位fundamental unit of society
社会经济a socioeconomic base
票据清算差额funds for clearing balance
禁支信托the non-expendable trust fund
禁止挪拨a non-appropriation fund
禁止挪拨non-appropriation fund
福利welfare relief
福利储备benefit fund reserve
福特Ford Foundation
私人金会private foundation
程式模拟处理程序与programming procedured and standards
税收计算础的确认confirmation of the tax computation basis
稳固的secure foundation
稳定the stabilization fund
稳定stabilization fund
第一本回归first elementary regressions
第一次不动产保证偿债金替并债券consolidated refunding first mortgage sinking fund bond
第三世界金会Third World Foundation
等级制度hierarchical basis
国际货币基金组织粮食贷款Food Facility (IMF)
粮食贷款Food Facility
精算the actuarial basis
紧急emergency funds
累积偿债accumulative sinking fund
红利the bonus pool
纲铁本金属业basic metal
纳税the taxable base
纳税差别的非收入the non-income base for tax discrimination
缓冲solution fund
缓冲库存solution stock fund
缓冲库存buffer stock funds
置存金的准备funded reserve
美元dollar pool
美国互相信托投资balance fund
美国州际清算金组织Interdistrict Settlement Fund
美国平准American Stabilization Fund
美国建筑金会American Architectural Foundation
美国石油金会Petroleum Foundation of America, Inc.
职工储蓄employee saving fund
职工奖励employee incentive fund
职工工资pay packet
职工抚恤退休employee's pension fund
职工福利employees welfare fund
联合国环境规划署Fund for the United Nations Environment Programme
联合国经济开发特别Special United Nation Fund for Economic Development
联邦金市场federal fund market
联邦金市场federal-fund market
联邦金,收入和支出federal-funds, receipts, and outlays
美国联邦技术合作Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation
股份the share fund source
股份固定的投资closed-end investment funds
股利均衡化dividend equalization fund
航运basic freight rate per for sailing
节约金率fund usage efficiency rate
行业gild fund
行会gild fund
衡平征税tax equalization fund
补偿fund for compensation awards
被告于物权的抗辩real defense
被告于物权的抗辩real defence
规划和预测fund for planning and projections
计算国民收入的本帐户体系basic accounts of national income
设备投资funds for equipment investment
证券估价的权益equity basis of valuation of securities
证券投资stock investment fund
调整后的本价格adjusted base price
财务会计the fundamentals of financial accountings
财政支援financial support fund
财政补贴a grant-in-aid fund
货币monetary base
货币monetary base
货币monetary funds
货物固定fixed basic freight rate
购买fund for purchase
贷款loan fund
费率rate base
资产置换retired fund
资助结构调整的国家公共national public funds for financing structural adjustment
资本发展capital development fund
资本大修capital repairs fund
资本积累fund of capital accumulation
资本计划capital projects funds
资源resources base (础)
资源resources base
资源resource base
赠与gratuity fund
车间础控制shop floor control
因食品援助GM food aid
转入准备储备transfer to reserve fund
辅助satellite base
辅助a satellite base
辅助reserve base
退休养老old-age pension fund
退休储备provident fund
退休养老pension for the retired
退休金计算the salary basis for pension purpose
退休金计算pension basis
退还retired fund
通汇remittance fund
销售计价the basis for recording sales
阿拉伯货币组织Arab Monetary Fund
限定专用restricted funds
限额closed-end fund
随机需求的础结构infrastructure for random needs
本港口a non-basic port
本规定a non-essential provision
非动本non-expendable funds
非洲发展由美国政府发起的一个旨在减轻非洲贫困,促进广义的可持续发展的机构African Development Foundation
非累积偿债the non-accumulative sinking fund
项目信托project trust fund
预先筹集的advance funding
预定支付工资的funds destined for the payment of wages
预定的the predetermined basis
预想imaginary fund
预算内本建设拨款budgetary appropriations for capital construction
预算内fund in budget
领取金会提供的奖学金on the foundation
领取由金会提供的奖学金on the foundation (或津贴)
黄金金条款reference-to-gold clause
黄金清算gold settlement funds
黄金清算gold settlement fund
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