
Terms for subject Air defense containing 基线 | all forms | in specified order only
创新性天基雷达天线技术innovated space-borne radar antenna technology
基线双基地雷达change baseline bi-static radar
地基天线罩ground radome
基本天线elementary antenna
基线延长baseline extension
基线截断break in baseline
天线线reference boresight of antenna
情报界通用用户基线common user baseline for the intelligence community
护栏地面基线guardrail ground baseline
时间基线time base line
基线双基地雷达least baseline bi-static radar
超长基线双基地雷达over length base line bi-static radar
连续波照射天线基准波束指令制导continuous wave illuminator antenna reference beam command guidance
基线双基地雷达length baseline bi-static radar
基线雷达long base radar
阿基米德平面螺旋天线plane Archimedes spiral antenna
陆基巡航导弹飞行航线flying route of land-based cruise missile
陆基无线电制导Earth-based radio guidance