
Terms for subject Statistics containing 型 D | all forms
下型偏误upward downward type bias
FOX产量模Fox production model
企业类type of enterprise
假定模assumed model
全球纤维供应模Global Fibre Supply Model
分析cross analysis
分析period analysis
分析cross-sectional analysis
对比canonical correlation
年份typical year
时期typical period
标志typical characteristic
特征值typical characteristic
相关系数canonical correlation coefficient
矩陈canonical matrix
调查typical survey
调查model survey
内曼―斯科特模Neyman-Scott model
剩余产量模Fox production model
单位补充量产量分析模yield-per-recruit analysis
单时模unitemporal model
博克斯―詹金斯模Box-Cox transformation
同质小组或类homogeneous groups or types
固定影响模fixed effects constants model
C分布type C distribution
B分布type B distribution
U分布U-shaped distribution
D区域type D region
E区域type E region
C区域type C region
B区域type B region
A区域type A region
I抽样type I sampling
C数列type C series
B数列type B series
A数列type A series
U*植1/4U-shaped distribution
U 模式U-shaped model
多方程模multiequational model
多*1/2程模multiequational model
巴特利特―刘易斯模Bartlett-Lewis model
布雷特利―特里模Bradley-Terry model
拉奥―库珀模Rao-Kupper model
按产品类分类on a type-of-product basis
文件类定义简写为DTDdocument type definition
曲线回归curvilinear regression
交叉type weight crossing
格位姆一查利尔C数列type C series
格位姆一查利尔B数列type B series
格兰姆―查利B数列Gram-Charlier series type B
格兰姆―查利C数列Gram-Charlier series type C
格兰姆―查利A数列Gram-Charlier series type A
移动―停留模mover-stayer model
移动模method of mobile models
第II错误type II error
第I错误type I error
第一极值分布Gumbel distribution
第一极值分布type I extreme value distribution
第一风险type I risk
第三极值分布Weilbull distribution
第三极值分布type III extreme value distribution
第二极值分布Fréchet distribution
第二极值分布type II extreme value distribution
第二风险type II risk
简化方法reduced-form method
约翰孙―梅乐模Johnson-Mehl model
约莉―西伯模Jolly-Seber model
衰减分析模depletion analysis
设计类:PPdesign type O:PP
贝茨―内曼模Bates-Neyman model
里德―弗罗斯特模Reed-Frost model
静态模unitemporal model
非典病例borderline case
预测模predictive modelling