
Terms for subject Electronics containing 型的 | all forms | in specified order only
中子学与热工水力学耦合的模型coupled neutronic thermohydraulic model
主厂房的典型设计type design of main building
使用小型终端机的电视中继站television relay using small terminals
光刻及蚀刻剖面的模拟与模型设计程序simulation and modeling of profiles for lithography and etching
光刻及蚀刻的模拟与模型设计simulation and modeling of photolithography and etching
关于我们的新型播种机的广告设计,你有什么想法吗?Have you got any ideas about the advertising of our new type seed spreader?
单一能源型式回路中的瞬态过程single-energy transient
双肖特基叉指double Schottky interdigitated
可划分为单指令流多数据流/多指令流多数据流型的计算机partitionable SIMD/MIMD computer
在 P 型衬底上生长的 V 形槽内条型结构V-grooved inner stripe grown on p-type substrate
基于对象的设备模型object-based equipment model
基于巨型计算机的精密三维工艺模拟程序rigorous three-dimensional process simulator on a supercomputer
基于性能的设备模型behavior-based equipment model
基于段长分布的非齐次隐马尔科夫模型duration distribution based hidden Markov model
基于物理的连续短沟道绝缘栅场效应晶体管模型physically based continuous short-channel IGFET model
基于知识的模型管理系统knowledge-based model management system
基于车辆模型的诊断vehicle model based diagnosis
始发移动增强逻辑的定型应用签约信息originating-CAMEL subscription information
始发/终接移动增强逻辑的定型应用签约信息originating/terminating-CAMEL subscription information
富有生命力的系统模型viable system model
对网络评估的总性能指数模型overall performance index model for network evaluation
型的low volume
小型寻的导弹miniature homing vehicle
带散热器的缩小型四边引线扁平封装heat sink shrink quad flat pack (age)
带自由手柄的"入口-出口"型信号箱【铁路】entrance-exit signal box with free levels
扩展的结构模型extensive structure models
按比例缩小的模型试验scale-model test
接入低压网的小型发电装置small scale embedded generator
推测的模型stochastical model
推测的模型stochastic model
改进的改进型调频制modified modified frequency modulation
改进的轻型太阳能电池阵列improved lightweight solar array
改进的隐埋条型异质结构modified strip buried heterostructure
演化[改进]中的自然语言信息模型evolving natural language information model
用于分析复杂系统的通用电磁模型general electromagnetic model for the analysis of complex system
真实的打印字型true type
移动增强逻辑的定型应用customized applications for mobile enhanced logic
装备了改进型应急信息自动化传输系统的国防指挥控制终端defense IEMATS replacement command and control terminal
型的容器船只light vessel
轻型因特网协议承载的传输控制协议和用户数据报协议TCP and UDP over lightweight Internet protocol
这种新型电锤实际上是通过粉碎硬物来开凿的This new rotary hammer virtually smashes its way through hard materials
远距离操作的小型检查系统remotely operated miniature inspection system
远距离操作的小型检査系统remotely operated miniature inspection system
面向对象的分析模型object-oriented analysis model
面向对象的图形模型设计系统object-oriented graphical modeling system
面向对象的网络资源模型object-oriented network resource model
面向对象的超媒体数据模型object-oriented hypermedia data model
面向模型的控制程序model oriented control program