
Terms for subject Construction containing 型正压 | all forms
一套小型公寓房间studio apartment
三元三次型〔形式〕ternary cubic form
中型加班公共汽车paratransit vehicle
亚声速流中的超声速区模型试验法bump method
倒V型天线Grecian type antenna
偶极子振荡型dipole mode
典型〔正则〕变换canonical transformation
典型〔代表性〕流域representative basin
典型轨迹canonical path
凸半圆成型铳刀convex cutter
分型剂〔物〕parting powder
加有添加剂型的油品additive-type oil
压出的型材extruded shapes
压强型〔声压式〕水听器pressure hydrophone
压强型器件pressure unit
原始 〔标准〕模型master pattern
叠箱〔铰链式〕铸型book mold
可换型板reversible pattern plate
商用〔工业〕型铁commercial iron
地坑型pit type
型卷〔模绕〕线圈former-wound coil
型心撑sand bearing
T 型材T section
T 型材tee section
型板match board
型线mould line
V型缺〔切〕口izod notch
型芯胶core gum
型钢〔铁〕profiled iron
型钢〔铁〕fashioned iron
型锻swage process
壳型铸造crab process (热硬化性树脂和砂混合作铸型法)
多模穴模型gang of cavities
大〔电站〕型机组utility type unit
大型〔重点〕工业major industry
大型锥型球磨机tricone ball mill
大型大规模工程计划major project
大型多钻头钻机drill jumbo
大型管底〔座〕goliath base
菱形孔型的顶角pass angularity
实尺模型full-sized model
密度分布型〔剖面图〕density profile
小〔中〕型型钢轧机jobbing mill
小型〔紧装,简装干〕电池compact battery
小型〔可移动〕装置packaged plant
小型〔可移动,密封〕装置packaged plant
小型工程计划small project
小型传声器支架lazy arm
小型元件miniature component
小型冲机punching bear
汽车等小型反光装置cat eye
小型无线电收发机pack unit
高空气象观测用小型火箭pencil rocket
小型装置〔设备〕midget plant
小型货车jubilee wagon
平头型汽车forward type
开型〔直接插人〕子程序open subprogram
开放型浇注casting in open
弓型框架upswept frame
张拉成型stretch wrap forming
弧形底脚修型笔scotch club cleaner
微〔超小〕型轴承miniature bearing
微型管心柱〔管茎〕button stem
微型装置〔设备,组件〕micromodule equipment
微矩型插头座microribbon connector
成型磨法form grinding process
坯轧辊孔型slabbing pass
扁平型 〔安装在底板下面的〕发动机floor engine
扭型〔扭曲〕波导管twisted waveguide
抛物型变换parabolic transformation
抛物线型分布载荷parabolic load
拖挂型〔式〕pulling type
振荡型oscillating mode
改良型锡青铜铜 58% - 60%, 锰0% ~2%,铁1%,铝1. 1%,其余锡Roman bronze
显示城市市区房屋建筑物及其层数和建筑类型的地图sanborn map
曲型共轭量canonical conjugate
替代〔置换〕型杂质substitution impurity
车辆的最大型限maximum moving dimensions
板型〔多点〕接触grid-spaced contacts
栅格型指示器grid type indicator
树脂型酸resinoic acids
格林伯格-史密斯型撞击检尘器Greenburg-Smith impinger
模型test piece model
模型〔制〕箱mould case
母〔主〕模型pattern master
不同波型波模交叉mode crossing
波型〔振荡型〕选择器wave mode selector
configuration of flow
水线下流线型船尾clean run
浅室型自由沉降分级机shallow-pocket free settling classifier
测分布压力的模型pressure-plotting model
涂芯型浆型芯涂料core wash
涡型剪床scroll shear
涡型管剪切机scroll shear
涡轮型分子泵backer pump
波导管中的混附振荡型ghost mode
溶胶塑料在空心模中成型法slush casting
漏斗型浇口杯sprue cup
炮架型车架〔身〕cradle frame
热后〔二次〕成型post forming
热芯盒造型法hot box process
理想类 〔体〕型true type
生产型专业化(生产),专用,无升降台式铣床manufacturing miller
电压比型继电器voltage-ratio type relay
电容倍增器型延迟电路capacity multiplier
直接气压模铸成型direct-air die-casting
砂假型sand match
砌体基本型式block basic forms
离型〔脱模,分型〕剂mould release
立柱可移式龙门型刨床pit type
笔型测温计colour pencil
简单〔普通〕型断路器plain type breaker
管子〔电子管〕型号tube type
箱型〔移箱式〕给料器sliding box feeder
细长型slimline type
芯型轴barrel core
芯型钻机core cutting machine
单面平的螺旋型天线式,盘香式芯撑radiator chaplet
贫乏〔耗尽〕型半导体deplete semiconductor
起模式震压造型机jolt squeeze pattern drawing machine
超大型数据库very-large data base
超精密小型焊机super welder
车库〔工厂〕用大型千斤顶garage jack
轧辊孔型roll calibre (型缝)
轻型主轴plain spindle
轻型钢梁junior beam
造型〔象征的〕设计figurative design
造型术formative technology
道砟清筛机应用于铁路轨道路基的中、重型道砟清理作业The ballast cleaner is applicable for medium- and heavy-duty ballast cleaning operation of railway track bed
重〔大〕 型heavy-section
重型物件heavy wares (机械,车辆)
重型轴承铅合金Everest metal
钢锭铸型ingot case
铰接式金属型book mold
链型〔多节〕 滤波器chain filter
链型钏chain riveting
镶嵌〔拼合〕型板cliche pattern plate
闭口孔型dead hole
闭口式孔型〔轧槽〕closed pass
阻抗型类比impedance-type analogy
预成型钢索preformed wire rope
高次波型耦合higher-mode coupling
齿轮驱动误差图型gear pattern