
Terms for subject Computer networks containing 型正压 | all forms
中小型企业网络medium and small-sized enterprise network
主从式总线型网络master-slave bus network
主动型黑洞攻击active black hole attack
互联网小型计算机系统接口internet small computer system interface
人工认知可计算模型artificial cognition calculability model
代理服务器模型proxy server model
令牌环网适配器类型 2token-ring adapter type 2
令牌环网适配器类型 1token-ring adapter type 1
LU-LU 会话类型LU-LU session type
共享信息模型shared information model
分层网络模型hierarchical network model
分层角色网络模型hierarchical role network model
分布式小型计算机网络distributed minicomputer network
分组交换连接类型packet switched connection type
区分服务模型differentiated service model
噪声网络模型noise network model
国际标准化组织/开放式系统互联模型International Organization for Standardization Open Systems Interconnection model
国际电报电话咨询委员会 CCITT 建议的通道类型CCITT channel type
II 型光纤分布数据接口FDDI-II
2 型逻辑链路控制模式logical link control type 2
3 型逻辑链路控制模式logical link control type 3
1 型逻辑链路控制模式logical link control type 1
增强型多级优先和占先业务enhanced multi-level precedence and preemption service
增强型局部网络编码enhanced partial network coding
增强型控制局域网enhanced control area network
增强型数据速率 GSM演进技术enhanced data rate for GSM evolution
复合型模糊神经网络compound fuzzy neural network
多媒体网络模型multimedia network model
多用途互联网邮件扩展类型multipurpose Internet mail extensions type
大型多人线上游戏multiplayer online casual game
大型网络数据库large scale network database
大型网络数据库系统large scale network database system
大型网间分组交换large internetwork packet exchange
局域网参考模型local area network reference model
帧类型frame type
广播与选择型光分插复用器broadcast and select optical add drop multiplexer
应用实体类型application entity type
开放系统互连参考模型open system interconnection/ reference model
开放系统互连参考模型标准OSI reference model standard
开放系统互连模型open system interconnection model
异步网络模型asynchronous network model
微型计算机主从操作microcomputer master/ slave operation
微蜂窝传播模型micro cellular propagation model
抽象数据模型abstract data model
抽象数据模型层abstract data model layer
抽象数据类型编译器abstract data type compiler
数据挖掘模型data mining model
数据链路控制类型data link control type
星型网络拓扑结构star network topology structure
智能型网络增强架构network intelligence capabilities enhancement
智能网功能模型intelligent network functional model
服务类型路由选择type of service routing
柔性数据访问模型flexible data access model
概率布尔型网络probabilistic Boolean network
TCP /IP模型两个重要边界two important boundaries in TCP/IP model
模糊神经网络诊断模型fuzzy neural network diagnosis model
混合流媒体分发模型hybrid stream media distribution model
混合神经网络模型hybrid neural network model
混合路由模型hybrid routing model
神经元网络集成融合模型neural network integration fusion model
稳健的知识神经网络模型robust knowledge-based neural network model
综合数字增强型网络integrated digital enhanced network
网关节点模型gateway nodes model
网站托管模型web hosting model
网络入侵检测模型network intrusion detection model
网络动态模型network dynamic model
网络型病毒network-type virus
网络多媒体应用模型network multimedia application model
网络安全分析模型network security analysis model
网络操作系统类型network operating system type
网络用户行为分析模型analysis model of network behaviors
网络管理信息模型network management information model
ISO 网络管理模型ISO network management model
网络隐蔽通道模型network covert channel model
胖客户机模型fat client model
胖服务器模型fat server model
自适应加速模型adaptive acceleration model
节点移动模型node mobility model
角色网络扩展模型extended role network models
语义层次网络模型semantic hierarchical network model
轻型可扩展认证协议lightweight extensible authentication protocol
逻辑网络模型logical network model
金字塔型配置pyramid configuration