
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
三分段式浮船three-sectional dock
三叉式船trident-type dock
三段式浮船three-section floating dock
不进检修wet docking
不进检修afloat repair
不进检修设备wet-docking facility
不进检修设备in-water maintenance facility
不进验船in-water survey
中间intermediate gate
串联式船tandem dock
临时干temporary dry dock
主要船principal dock
人船盘木docking keel block
修船repairing dock
修船repairing basin
修船repairing drydock
修船graving drydock
修船湿slip dock
修船船graving dock
修船船dry dock
修配船repair shipyard shop
修理通知书docking order
方法method of docking
时间docking time
设备docking accommodation
设施docking facility
设施docking accommodation
dock charges
dock dues
全焊接式浮船all-welded floating dock
内河船river dock
内河船inland dry dock
冬季藏艇winter quarters
ice dock (在冰面开船池保护过冬船不受压伤)
leaving dock
分格卧式cellular flap gate
分段式船sectional dock
分段浮船sectional floating dock
分段厢式船sectional box dock
分段式箱形浮船sectional box dock
分段接合浮self-docking dock
分节sectional dock
分节sectional pontoon dock
分节self-docking dock
分节sectional floating dock
分节sectional box dock
分节式浮船sectional pontoon dock
升托式浮船depositing floating dock
升船浮offshore dock
升船浮lifting dock
升降式船lift dock
式船台slip dock
式船台half-dock type shipbuilding berth
半分段式浮船half sectional dock
半日潮汐船semi-diurnal tidal dock
半潮差船semi-tidal dock
半潮汐船semi-tidal dock
半潮船half tide basin
墙式浮offshore dock
墙式浮lifting dock
墙式浮depositing dock
卧倒flap dock gate
卧式box gate
卧式falling gate
卧式box falling gate
卧式bottom-hinged box type flap gate
室式船坞dock with intermediate gate
双端干船canal dock
双船twin docks
可分段拆卸的浮船self-docking dock
周期性进periodical docking
周期性进periodic docking
周期性进cyclical docking
周期性进cyclic docking
哈瓦那式浮船Havana dock
固定浮float bridge
侧壁有踏步的地下船altar course
中支撑dock shore
dry dock
dry docking
docking repair
修和上排docking and slipping
修设施dock facility
内临界吃水critical docking draft
内梁格结构gridiron in dock
内龙骨垫docking keel block
口宽度width of dock entrance
口水深depth on sill
sidewall of dock
dock wall
docking block
dock block
壁平台altar platform
壁梯阶altar steps
interior of dry dock
dock chamber
室宽度width of dock barrel
底板剖面dock floor profile
底板纵坡longitudinal slope of dock floor
底静水压力hydrostatic under-pressure
底静水压力hydrostatic pressure on dock floor
座垫块docking block
座墩木docking block
座龙骨grounding keel
式船闸闸室dock-type lock chamber
dock sill
dock apron
depth of dock
灌水涵管dock filling culvert
grouped docks
grounded dock
dock group
边起重机dockside crane
边起重机导轨dockside crane rail
长度length of dock
entrance caisson
sluice of the dock
dock gate
门干船坞graving dock
门开启dock gate opening
门槛gate sill
门槛标高dock sill level
headward end of dock
entrance of dry dock
dock head
堤式船jetty dock
多段式浮船multisectional floating dock
好莱式床Hollywood bed
定期periodical docking survey
定期periodic docking survey
实体干船solid dry dock
实体式船构造solid type of dock construction
岸边浮offshore dock
岸边浮lifting dock
dry dock
供电electrical service to dry dock
供电electric service to dry dock
坞墙设计design of dry dock walls
坞墙顶高height of dry dock cope
坞闸dry dock lock
墙宽度width of dry dock barrel
dock floor
底板设计design of dry dock floor
抗浮安全系数factor of safety of dry dock against floatation
抗浮安全系数factor of safety of dry dock against flotation
抽水设备outflow installation of dry dock
排水dewatering of dry dock
横剖面cross-section of dry dock
dry dock pump
灌水filling of dry dock
的现场调查site investigation for dry dock
规划planning of dry dock
辅排水泵dry dock drainage pump
选址siting of dry dock
长度length of dry dock
集水坑设计design of dry dock sump
龙骨墩keel block of dry dock
干船floating dry-dock
干船basin dry dock
干船入口entrance of dry dock
干船前港池basin into which the dock opens
干船台阶altar steps
干船吃水dry dock draft
干船垫船木docking block
干船dry dock wall
干船头顶部apex of dry dock
干船interior of dry dock
干船chamber of dry dock
干船式建筑物dry dock type structure
干船式建筑物dry dock type building
干船放水设备dry dock flood device
干船放水设备dry dock floating arrangement
干船的尺度dimensions of drydock
干船的能力capacity of drydock
干船进口entrance of dry dock
干船长度dry dock length
干船闭坞装置closing plant of drydock
干船闸门dry dock caisson
干船附属设备dry dock accessories
干船龙骨墩dry dock keel-block
平衡balance dock
平衡balance dock
平衡式浮balance floating dock
底排水式干船bottom drained drydock
底板下排水式底板under-drained dock floor
底筒分节式浮sectional pontoon dock
应力docking stress
引船进haul in
引船进装置leading-in gear
引船进设备leading-in equipment
引船进设备haul in equipment
恒定高水位的港impounded dock
悬臂式壁小车dock arm
打捞浮salvage dock
打捞用的船salvage dock
拴接分部式浮bolted sectional dock
指形船finger dock
挖泥船mud dock
排空压舱水的浮船pumped-out dock
排空压舱水的浮船emptied floating dry dock
推拉式sliding pontoon
推拉式sliding caisson
推拉式traversing caisson
推拉式rolling caisson
救助浮船salvage floating dock
敞开式船open basin
整体式浮one-piece floating dock
整体式船monolith type dock wall
整体浮船unit-type drydock
斜底船slip dock
方驳式分段浮船sectional pontoon dock
墙的干坞dry dock without walls
有拉杆的船tied wall
有雨棚的干船covered dry dock
木质浮船timber floating dock
机械提升mechanical lift dock
板桩sheet-pile dock wall
横动traversing dock-gate
横动沉箱式船闸门traversing caisson
横拉式sliding dock gate
横牵式轨道干船side-haul railway dry dock
母子船pontoon aboard floating dock
水力起重hydraulic dock
水力升降船hydraulic lift dock
水压升降船hydraulic dock
水泥浮船concrete floating dock
沉箱caisson dock
沉箱式water gate
沉箱式caisson gate
沉降式浮船depositing floating dock
shallow dock
offshore drydock
wing wall
式载驳船sinking platform lighter aboard ship
的建造floating dock construction
船台联合系统combined system of floating dock and repairing berth
选址floating dock siting
锚泊装置floating dock mooring
gate caisson
ship caisson
floating pontoon
dry dock caisson
floating gate
floating caisson
caisson gate
门灌水舱室gate cell
浮式干船floating dry-dock
浮式混凝土干船floating concrete dry dock
浮箱式ship caisson
浮箱式pontoon dock-gate
浮船pontoon dry dock
浮船pontoon dock
浮船floating dry-dock
浮船举力lifting capacity of floating dock
浮船刚杆固定floating dock fixed by rigid boom
浮船坞墙floating dock side wall
浮船泊位floating dock berth
浮船锚定floating dock anchorage
浮船飞桥flying bridge
海上浮offshore floating dock
海军工厂船起重机naval yard crane
海军船naval yard
海军船naval dockyard
涨潮flood tide gate
旧式的液压升降船hydraulic lift dock
旧式的液压升降船hydraulic dock
液压提升船hydraulic lift dock
深水港deep-water dock
混凝土干船concrete graving dock
渠式干船canal dock
港内系terminal dock
港口terminal dock
湿non-tidal basin
湿wet basin
湿wet dock
湿可进水使船浮起的船坞wet dock
湿closed dock
滑船道式船slip dock
滚动式rolling caisson
满溢船flooding dock
tidal basin
潮水船impounding dock
潮船tidal basin
灌水下沉的浮船flooded floating dry dock
灌水下沉的浮船filling floating dry dock
灌水式船impounded dock
灌水船flooding dock
灌水船filling-up dock
砌块block type dock wall
硬木hardwood timber block
dock out
离岸式浮offshore dock
离岸浮船offshore floating dock
竖轴干船排水泵vertical spindle dry dock drainage pump
箱式closing pontoon
箱式caisson gate
箱式浮box dock
箱形dock caisson
箱形浮box dock
组合式浮船pontoon dock
组合式浮船integrated floating dock
修船坞self-docking dock
自承式分段浮船self-docking dock
自行入self-docking type
dry dock
修船的graving drydock
修船的graving dock
berthing dock
中的船底垫块docking block
中部门槽intermediate groove
中部闸门intermediate caisson
中部闸门门槽intermediate caisson groove
人字闸门mitre gate
人字闸门miter-type gate
停泊费dock charges
入口dock gate
入口dock entrance
内用的一种小艇monkey boat
内稳船垫木docking keel block
出入证dock pass
叠梁门stop-log gate
坞首dock head
墩木block of dock
dock chamber
工人dock worker
工程dry dock engineering
工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of shipyard
工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of shipyard
底板dock floor
底板apron of a dock
开发dock development
形冰山valley iceberg
形冰山dry dock iceberg
扩建dock expansion
排水系统dock drainage system
插板门vertical-lift gate
插板门plate gate
dock sill
横拉门sliding gate
水头dock head
水泵dock pump
浮闸门flood gate
灌水系统dock-filling system
牵引机mooring tractor
登陆舰landing ship dock
登陆舰dock landing ship
立轴单扇旋转门single-wing gate
索道shipyard cableway
结构dock structure
绞车dock winch
舷侧撑柱shore spur
营运dock operation
设备dock facility
设备dock equipment
设备dock installation
设备dock accommodation
起重机dockside crane
起重机dock crane
进口dock entrance
进口航道dock entrance channel
进口闸entrance lock
进口闸板dock entrance sill
进口闸门dock entrance lock
铁路marine railway
dock superintendent
dock gate
门限dock sill
闸门ship caisson
闸门槽室caisson chamber
龙骨墩dock block
船厂用浮船yard floating drydock
船只装配船fitting-out basin
船形浮ship gate
船形浮ship-shaped caisson gate
船形浮ship caisson gate
船形浮船ship-shaped floating dock
舾装船fitting-out dock
螺栓分节拼装的箱式浮船bolted sectional box type of floating dock
螺栓连接分段浮船bolted sectional dock
装配式分节浮船bolted sectional dock
装配式钢fabricated steel block
设备齐全的船well-appointed dock
设备齐全的船well-equipped dock
设备齐全的船self-contained dock
试车船wet slip
轨道干broadside railway dry dock
辅助修理干船auxiliary repair drydock
辅助修船auxiliary repair dock
辅助浮船auxiliary floating dock
运河船canal dock
dry dock
dock in
传令钟docking telegraph
作业docking operation
修理docking repair
docking plan
契约docking indent
报告docking report
排水量dock displacement
纳费收据dock pass
绞车docking winch
航道navigation approach
设备docking facility
设备docking accommodation
docking fee
docking charges
进出操纵docking and undocking maneuver
进干船dry docking
进干船dry dock
连尼氏船sectional pontoon dock
通潮闸tidal dock
通潮闸impounded dock
造船construction dock
造船shipbuilding dock
造船building dock
造船厂船起重机naval yard crane
造船湿ship wet dock
造船船building dock
造船船building basin
重力式干坞墙gravity drydock wall
重力式干底板gravity drydock floor
钢制浮船steel floating dock
钢浮船steel coffer
钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete dock wall
钢筋混凝土干船reinforced concrete dry-dock
钢筋混凝土浮箱式干船reinforced concrete graving-dock from floating tank
钢筋混凝土浮船reinforced concrete floating dock
钢筋混凝土船reinforce concrete dock
钢船闸门steel caisson
链型系统chain system (船坞)
锚拉式底板tied dock floor
锚碇tied wall
工程dock work
工程dock engineering
露天船open dock
靠岸offshore floating dock
靠岸单墙式浮船single-walled floating dock
靠浮船的栈桥码头floating dock berth