
Terms for subject China containing 坚持 | all forms | in specified order only
坚持走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路的高度from the vantage point of adherence to the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics
充分体现了坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一fully embody the organic unity of the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country and the running of the government according to the rule of law
法律全面准确地体现坚持社会主义基本经济制度give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
在立法过程中始终坚持正确的政治方向constantly maintain the proper political orientation during the process of formulating important legislation
坚持一个中国原则uphold the principle of one China
坚持一个中国原则决不动摇will not waver on the one-China principle
坚持一切从实际出发persist in proceeding from the realities in all aspects
坚持"一国两制"、"港人治港"、"澳人治澳"、高度自治的方针uphold the principle of "one country, two systems", according to which "Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong" and "Macao people administer Macao" with a high degree of autonomy
坚持中国共产党的领导uphold leadership by the Communist Party of China
坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政govern for the people and with their support
坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政serve the people and rely on the people
坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政exercise power for the benefit of the people and with the support of the people
坚持从我国国情和实际出发continue to proceed from the conditions and realities of China
坚持以人为本always be people-oriented
坚持以人为本always keep people's interest in mind
坚持以人为本stick to the people-first approach
坚持以人为本stick to the human-centred approach
坚持以人为本continue to put people first
坚持以人为本human-centred development
坚持以人为本human factors come first
坚持以人为本always keep in mind that people come first
坚持党的领导uphold the leadership of the Party
坚持党的领导uphold the Party's leadership
坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一uphold the organic unity of the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country and the running of the government according to the rule of law
坚持公开透明stay open-minded and transparent
坚持公有制为主体keep public ownership dominant
坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度uphold the basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
坚持办实事seek practical results
坚持办实事, 求实效persist in doing down-to-earth work
坚持原则adhere to the principle
坚持和完善人民代表大会制度uphold and improve the system of people's congresses
坚持和平发展ensure peaceful development
坚持"和平统一、一国两制"的基本方针remain committed to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems"
坚持"和平统一、一国两制"的基本方针continue to follow the fundamental principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems"
坚持和谐发展maintain social harmony during development
坚持四项基本原则adhere to the four cardinal principles
坚持实行对外开放persist in the policy of opening-up
坚持开门整改steadfastly make one's actions more transparent (by)
坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合combine the policies of "inviting home" and "going global"
坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合,a two-way approach featuring of "bringing in" and "going out"
坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合put equal emphasis on "inviting home" and "going global"
坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合combine the policies of "inviting home" and "aiming abroad"
坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合combine the "bringing in" and "going out" approaches
坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合a two-way approach featuring of "bringing in" and "going out"
坚持按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度keep to the distribution system in which distribution according to work is dominant and diverse modes of distribution coexist
坚持改革开放adhere to the reform and opening up policy
坚持改革开放persevere in reform and opening to the outside world
坚持改革开放adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world
坚持有所为、有所不为carefully decide which battles to fight and which not to fight
坚持正确的政治方向keep to the correct political orientation
坚持正确的政治方向adhere to the correct political orientation
坚持民主立法、科学立法的原则adhere to the principle of democratic and scientific legislation
坚持民主集中制uphold democratic centralism
坚持民主集中制、集体行使职权、集体决定问题、依法按程序办事的原则uphold the principles of democratic centralism, collective exercise of functions and powers, collective decision making and acting in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures
坚持法治uphold law and order
坚持独立自主的对外政策consistently carry out an independent foreign policy
坚持... 的原则adhere to the principle
坚持真理upholding truth
坚持真理uphold truth
坚持社会主义基本经济制度adherence to the basic socialist economic system
坚持社会主义基本经济制度adhere to the basic socialist economic system
坚持社会主义道路adhere to the socialist road
坚持科学发展pursue development according to scientific principles
坚持自力更生,艰苦创业uphold the principles of self-reliance and hard work
坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts
坚持走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路adherence to the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics
坚持走可持续发展之路stay on the road of sustainable development
坚持走和平发展道路the country's commitment to a path of peaceful development
坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国有机统一起来organically combine the leadership of the Party, the people's position as the masters of the country and the running of the government according to the rule of law
正确处理加强人大监督工作和坚持党的领导的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with the leadership of the Party