
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一切损保险all-loss insurance
一般损ordinary damage
一般损ordinary breakage
一般损general damage
严重损badly damaged
严重损serious damage
估计estimated bad debts
估计estimated bad debt
估计账百分率estimated percent uncollectible
估计损费用estimated cost of dilapidation
伽布勒损Gambler's ruin
余缺及损报告over, short and damage report
余缺损报告over, short and damaged report
使用设备损server breakdown
冲击破impact wreckage
冲销write off uncollectables
冲销write off uncollectable accounts
由货主负责owner's risk of freezing
刚性破hard breakdown
创造性破creative destruction
创造性破过程process of creative destruction
反破罢工法antistrike breaking act
反罢工破者法anti-strike breaker law
受潮损damaged by damp
原因cause of degradation
可能最条件worst possible conditions
吊货损sling damage
商誉bad will
因其他货物导致的被保货物的损damage caused by other cargo to the insured cargo
因货物损失或损而提出索赔claim based on physical loss or damage
上坏的操作条件worst-on-worst operating conditions
bad lot
消息bad news
uncollected debt
uncollectable debt
lending loss
呆账准备reserve for bad debts
呆账准备bad debt provision
账与不可靠账准备provide for bad and doubtful debt
账与赊销比率ratio of bad debts to credit sales
账与销售比率ratio of bad debts to sates
账估计estimating bad debts
账冲销bad debt write-offs
账准备bad debt reserve
账准备reserve for uncollected accounts
账准备bad debt provision
账划销bad debt written off
账和可疑账bad and doubtful account
账备抵allowance for uncollectable receivable
账备抵allowance for uncollectable accounts
账备抵provision for bad debt
账折让损失loss from allowance for bad debt
账损失loss on uncollectible account
账损失loss on bad debt
账损失loss on bad account
账收回recovery of uncollectible account write-off
账收回bad recoveries
账直接冲销法direct write-off method for bad debts
账直接冲销法direct charge-off method for bad debts
账费用bad debt expense
账逐项扣除法specific charge-off method
账重新收回账户bad debt recovered account
处于损状态in damaged condition
备抵provision for bad debts
如果发生损,你方可以在货物险公司开立的检验报告Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a your end
实际损real damage
实际损或损失physical damage or loss
实际损失或损physical loss or damage
对损负责liable for damage
对腐蚀破的敏感性susceptibility to corrosive attack
交货前已知损known damage
市场破效应market-destroying effect
应力破stress cracking
应力破stress crack
应力破性能stress-rupture properties
应力破试验机stress-rupture machine
应力破试验设备stress-rupture testing equipment
应提存账准备的贷款credit qualifying for bad debts reserve
循环损cycling failure rate
性能急剧变bad as old
恣意破wanton destruction
保险恶意malicious damage
恶意破malicious damage
恶意行为损malicious damage
不赔free from damage
估定damage assessment
原因causa of damage
存货damaged stock
工件库存pieces damaged stock
工件汇总表summary of spoiled work
工作资料material of spoiled work
货物折扣allowance for damage
材料废料报告spoiled material report
百分率percentage of the damage
的支票defaced cheque
的钞票defaced notes
硬币defaced coin
程度extent of damage
赔偿indemnity for damage
赔偿reparation for damage
赔偿compensation for damage
赔偿付款payment of the damage
赔偿责任liability for damage
频率frequency of failure
损失与损loss and damage
损失或损通知notice of loss or damage
损毁或损索赔claim for loss or damage to
搁置损shelf failure
收回recovery of uncollectible account write-off
收回账收入income from recovery of bad debt
收回已注销bad debt collected
放款账额loan charge-offs
故意损intentional damage
故意损财产intentional interference with property
文件毁destruction of document
无法查明原因的损non-attributable damage
无破读出存储器non-destructive read-out memory
卸船卸货明显的损apparent damage
财产perishable property
易损零件vulnerable part
情况下的设计电路worst case designed circuit
情况决策worst case decision
情况条件worst case conditions
情况法worst case technique
情况界限worst case limit
情况评价法worst case approach
未发现的损hidden damage
未破自然环境unspoilt nature
机器损machinery damage
机器损保险machinery damage insurance
横向损transverse failure
正常损normal spoilage
证明书certificate of destruction
注销write off a bad debt
注销一笔write off a bad debt
泰勒最条件Taylor Worst Case
消费者consumer bad debts
火灾损货物出售fire sale
灭失与损loss and damage
灭失,损或费用loss, damage or expense
热损thermal breakdown
物质损physical damage
生产的破disruption of production
生产破production sabotage
worn with use
零件worn-out parts
worn-out surface
矿山破恢复rehabilitation of mine damage
bust up
产业结构distortion of industrial structure
保险单destruction policy
协议break an agreement
封锁breach of block
性检验destructive check
性资本流动disruptive capital flow
性资本流动disruptive capital movement
的控制control of spoilage
罢工者strike breaker
行为disruptive behaviour
行为disruptive acts
行规的人job stealer
誓言breach of parole
负荷failure load
社会经济破socioeconomic disruption
立足于收益表的账估计法income statement approach of estimating uncollective account
箱压case crushed
箱子压case crushed
累进损progressive failure
维修中损breakdown in maintenance
罢工破blackleg scab
自由溢流水损free water damage
蓄意损malicious damage
行规破job stealer
表面损surface failure
表面损superficial damage
表面损subsurface failure
表面破destruction of surface
被保险财产损失或损的赔偿compensation for loss or damage to the insured property
设备破disruption of equipment
调查损原因investigate the cause of damage
财产损property damage
财产损damage to property
财产损诉讼property claim
财产损责任保险property damage liability insurance
货物损proportion of goods damaged
货物的灭失,损或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
货物的灭失、损或延误loss, damage or delay of goods
资源的破destruction of resources
资源破mine damage
catch a cold
车辆损vehicle damage
途中意外损accidental way damage
销售账调整sales uncollectible accounts adjustment
销记write off allowance account
间接损consequential damages
保险附加意外损条款ad damnum
陈旧与损商品obsolete and damaged merchandise
隐藏损hidden damage
雨淋与淡水损rain and/or fresh water damage
雨淋损rain water damage
非破性分析non-destructive assay
非破性检査non-destructive inspection