
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一美元平买进证券计算方法dollar average method
衡报价order imbalance
业绩好于市场平market outperform
中期变化平线medium term moving average
交易加权平价值trade-weighted average value
值偏离tilting away from equilibrium
以低于平价格购人average down
价值加权平成交价value weighted average price
价值平value average
价值线综合平value line composite average
价格加权平指数price-weighted average
价格平price averaging
企业债券衡收益率corporate equivalent yield
伦敦银行同业平利率London interbank mean rate
估计平结算价格estimated average settlement price
供求衡价格equation price
修改后的平期限modified duration
修正的平股价adjusted stock price average
债券平价格bond average
债券平bond average
债券平期限的收益率yield to average rate
公用事业股票平指数utility average
几何平收益值geometric mean return
利润转化为平利润conversion of profit into average
力口权变化平线weighted moving average
力口权平成交价weighted average traded price
力口权平贡献weighting-average contribution
力口权平贡献weighted average contribution
加权平债券利息率weighted average coupon
加权平净资产收益率weighted average return on net assets
加权平剩余期限weighted average remaining maturity
加权平库存法weighted average inventory method
加权平总市值weighted average market capitalization
加权平息票weighted average coupon
加权平抗稀释weighted-average antidilution
加权平期限weighted average maturity
加权平期限weighted average life
加权平移动线weighted moving average
加权平证券组合收益weighted average portfolio yield
十周变化平ten-week moving average
即往平historical average
历史平historical average
压低平成本average down
变化平moving average
变化平线交叉点moving average crossovers
LIBID和LIBOR 的平London interbank mean
和谐平harmonic mean
和谐平数指数harmonic index
国库券的平贴现率average discount rate on treasury bills
值回复过程mean-reverting process
线差指标技术分析different moving average
线差指标技术分析displaced moving average
衡佣金level load
衡利率neutral rate
衡市场的风险价格equilibrium market price of risk
衡息票债券level coupon bond
增加average up
天变动平线fifty days moving average line 50
天变化平线表示以往200天平均价格变化的曲线two hundred days moving average line 200
50天移动平线fifty days moving average line 50
好于平水平better than average
季度平资产额quarterly average assets
实际衡汇率equilibrium real exchange rate
工业股平指数industrial average
市值加权平market value weighted average
市场平market average
业绩表现average performance
付款计划level pay
average price
价格price average
价格parity price
价格期权average-price option
价格认沽期权average price put
价格认购期权average price call
价订单average value order
会计收益average accounting return
偿付期限average life
偿债level debt service
净固定资产值average net fixed assets
分组分析decile analysis
占用的经常性资金额average occupied amount of current capital
反转个股价格逐渐接近市场水平mean reversion
变化技术分析moving average
售出averaging out
存款额deposit line
定向移动指数average directional movement index
实现收益率average realized rate of return
年限收益率yield to average rate
成本法cost averaging
执行价期权average strike option
持有期average life
排名mean ranks
措施average measures
收人average income
证券分析收益mean return
收益率average rate of return (ARR)
收益率期权average rate option
方向指数评级average directional index rating
方差分析mean variance analysis
方差有效组合mean variance efficient portfolio
方差标准mean variance criterion
有效期收益yield to average life
期限mean term
期限average maturity
期限收益yield to average life
本金level principal
权益average equity
权益法averaging equity
每日交易量average daily turnover
每日产量average daily turnover
每日成交额average daily volume
每日股票交易量average daily share volume
每日资金持有量average daily holding of funds
每月交易量average monthly turnover
每股加权收益weighted average earning per share
汇率middle rate
汇率货币期权average rate currency options
盈利average earning
真实区域average true rangeATR
真实幅度average true range
结算余额average cleared balance
结算信贷余额average cleared credit balance
结算期average cleared period
股利收益average dividend yield
股息准备金reserve for equalization of dividends
股息补偿equalizing dividend
负担level load
负担税租equal sacrifice
购人averaging in
贷方余额average cleared credit balance
费用level load
费用基金交纳平均管理费的共同基金level load fund
复合增长率compound annual growth rate
年平变化数annual moving average
年平折旧法depreciation-equal-annual payment method
异动平线技术分析moving average convergence-divergenceMACD
成交量加权平价指令VWAP order order
成交量加权平价格volume-weighted average price
投资平收益率average rate of return on investment
拉低平价格average down
指数匀法技术分析exponential smoothing
指数加权平移动法exponentially weighted moving average
指数加权平线exponential weighted average
指数变化平exponential moving average
按平摊算subject to average
按平数分担subject to average
按成本平投资dollar-cost averaging
按道・琼斯工业平in DJLA
接近to the buck
提高平价格average up
收人平income averaging
收益运算平arithmetic average rate of return
日平总市值daily average total market capitalization
日经平指数Nikkei Average Index
日经股票平指数Nikkei Stock Average
日经道・琼斯平指数Nikkei Dow average
日经道・琼斯股价平Nikkei Dow-Jones Stock Price Average
未平化的资本利润率unequalized profit rate of capital
本息付清payoff the principal and interest
标准普尔500加权平指数Standard and Poor's 500 equal weight index
根据"平成本加利润"原则制定的价格rule-of-thumb pricing
每季平quarterly average
每日平交割效率daily average settlement efficiency
每日平流通市值daily average negotiable market capitalization
每日平浮动average daily float
每日资金净额平效率daily average funds netting efficiency
每月贷款余额的年化平annualized average of monthly loan balance
狭义加权平规定公司章程中保障原股东权益不被摊薄的规定narrow based weighted average
目前主要股票的平头寸current position of leading stocks averages
短期平变化short-term moving average
离差平divergence average
种债券平指数eleven bonds index 11
移动平线moving average line
移动平线偏差moving average deviation
移动平线取中centering of moving averages
移动平线图moving average chart
移动平线通道moving average band envelopes
移动平趋同和变异的变化指标moving average convergence-divergenceMACD
简单移动平线simple moving average
算数平arithmetic mean
算术平Arithmetic Mean (AM, 技术分析)
算术平收益arithmetic mean return
累积平收益残余cumulative average residual (CAR)
纽约道・琼斯工业平指数New York Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
综合平指数composite average
综合平差价率composite average margin rate
美国股票交易所平指数ASE Index
股价平stock average
股利衡化准备金dividend equalization reserve
股息衡补偿equalizing dividend
股票指数和平stock indexes and averages
艾一道货币市场基金平美国货币市场基金的平均收益率IBC/Donoghue money fund report average
获得高于市场平数的收益beat the market
行业平某行业整体市场价格、市盈率以及每股收益率等的平均值,可供同行业者比较group average
评级consensus rating
贫富不wealth inequality
资本加权平成本weighted average cost of capital
资本平成本average cost of capital
超额平证券组合回报excess mean portfolio return
趋向平价值的回归regression toward the mean
远期平forward averaging
道・琼斯交通业平指数Dow Jones transportation average
道・琼斯债券平指数Dow Jones bond average
道・琼斯公用事业平指数Dow Jones utility average
道・琼斯工业平指数Dow Jones industrial average
道・琼斯工业平指数期货DJIA futures
道・琼斯平指数Dow Jones average
道・琼斯平股价Dow Jones average price of stocks
道・琼斯综合平指数Dow Jones composite average
道纳夫货币基金平Donoghue's money fund average
里普共同基金行业平指数Lipper mutual fund industry average
降低平费率reduced rate average
随机投资平收益率高于其他投资的假设random walk theory
顾匹复合移动平日线图技术分析Guppy Multiple Moving Average GMMA Daily
顾比复合移动平日线图Guppy Multiple Moving Average Daily
预期equilibrium expected
预计平交付价格estimated average settlement price