
Terms for subject Technology containing 地表 | all forms | in specified order only
人为地表man-made surface
人工地表man-made surface
人造地表man-made ground
仪表地窖meter pit
仪表接地instrumentation grounding
修正的麦卡利地震烈度表modified Mercalli intensity scale
修正麦卡里地震烈度表MM Modified-Mercalli intensity scale
修订的麦卡利地震烈度表modified Mercalli scale
全球地表活动性global seismic activity
内部地址分辨表build address resolution table
净地球辐射表net pyrgeometer
出露地表crop out
前寒武纪地质年代表【地】Pre-Cambrian geochronological scale
前寒武纪地质年代表【地】Pre-Cambrian geochronologic scale
地表existing ground surface
原子地质年代表atomic time scale
合成表示法专题地图thematic map of synthetical representation
合成表示法专题地图thematic map of synthetic representation
同位素地质年代表isotopic geochronological scale
同位素地质年代表isotopic geochronologic scale
在实验地设置的量雨表a rain gauge installed at the experimental site
在实验地设置的量雨表a rain gage installed at the experimental site
地下水水量平衡计算表groundwater inventory
地下水位上升表raising of groundwater table
地下水表观流速apparent groundwater velocity
地下水资源总表groundwater inventory
地下水资源总表groundwater budget
地史年代表chronological scale
地名表list of geographical names
地名表list of geographic names
地图投影图表map projection table
地图表示法map representation
地图表示法method of cartographic representation
地图表示法method of cartographical representation
地图表示法map expression
地基岩表面容许坡度值surface permissible gradient dip of underlying bed rock
地层产状数据列表data table of geodip
地层倾角测井解释成果数据列表data table of interpretation result for dip log
地层对比表correlation table
地层年stratigraphical time scale
地层年stratigraphical timetable
地层年stratigraphic timetable
地层年stratigraphic time scale
地层序列表chronological succession
地层时序表stratigraphic time scale
地层时序表chronological succession
地层时间表stratigraphical time scale
地层时间表stratigraphic time scale
地层时间表chronological time scale
地层表table of strata
地形表示topographic expression (法)
地形表示topographical expression (法)
地形表示relief representation (法)
地方材积表local volume table
地板表面top of floor
地板表面光泽floor sheen
地沥青表面处治asphalt topping
地沥青表面处治asphalt surface treatment
地温表soil thermometer
地温表ground thermometer
地球物理记录表record table of geophysics
地球表面法线方向map vertical
地球表面法线方向geographical vertical
地球表面法线方向geographic vertical
地球表面辐射terrestrial surface radiation
地磁极性年geomagnetic polarity time scale
地籍表册cadastral list
地表ground surface (面)
地表free surface of ground
地表一地下水关系surface-groundwater relationship
地表下基岩subsurface bedrock
地表下沉ground depression
地表下沉测量measurement of surface subsidence
地表不平度记录仪profile recorder
地表使用权surface rights
地表侵蚀terrestrial erosion
地表储藏要素surface storage element
地表入流surface inflow
地表冰冻指数surface freezing index
地表冲刷surface washoff
地表准备surface preparation
地表分散surficial dispersion
地表分水线topographical divide
地表分水线topographic divide
地表化探surface geochemical exploration
地表surface soil
地表overlying earth
地表土壤living soil
地表土层surface horizon
地表圬工墙surface masonry wall
地表地质surficial geology (学)
地表地质surface geology (学)
地表地质勘察surface geologic investigation
地表坍陷surface ground fall
地表垂向入渗条件condition of vertical infiltration
地表垂直位移量surface vertical displacement
地表基岩surface bedrock
地表塌陷surface collapse
地表塌陷ground settlement
地表塌陷ground collapse
地表塌陷earth surface collapse
地表填平复元surface reinstatement
地表定向surface orientation
地表密度surface density
地表岩层top stratum
地表岩溶surface karst
地表岩溶形态surface karst form
地表岩石surface rock
地表崩坍ground fall
地表工程surface works
地表开挖surface excavation
地表形态线landform line
地表影响带zone of affected overburden
地表径流flowing surface water (量)
地表径流overland runoff (量)
地表径流runoff water (量)
地表径流overland flow (量)
地表径流immediate runoff (量)
地表径流surface flow (量)
地表径流surface runoff (量)
地表径流surface running fluid (量)
地表径流flowing sheet water (量)
地表径流处理系统overland-flow treatment
地表径流峰值surface runoff peak
地表径流形成期net supply interval
地表径流排水surface washing
地表径流排水surface wash
地表径流模图surface runoff modulus map
地表径流水surface runoff water
地表径流水running off water
地表径流深度等值线图isobath map of surface runoff
地表径流率surface runoff rate
地表径流系数surface runoff coefficient
地表径流系数overland runoff coefficient
地表径流过程线overland flow hydrograph
地表径流过程线direct runoff hydrograph
地表径流量direct surface runoff
地表微迹伽马测量ground minute trace gamma survey
地表微迹系统surface system
地表恒温带深度surface constant temperature
地表恒温带深度depth of surface constant temperature zone
地表截流水量surface storage
地表截流水量surface retention
地表所有权surface rights
地表挖掘surface digging
地表挖掘机surface digging machine
地表振动surface vibration
地表排水top drainage
地表排水surface water drain
地表排水surface ditch
地表排水兼渗流排水管surface cum seepage drain
地表排水沟surface water drain
地表探测surface exploration
地表摄像机earth terrain camera
地表放射线图earth's radius chart
地表断层surface fault
地表断裂surface breakage
地表暴雨径流spate runoff
地表暴雨径流spate flow
地表构造surface structure
地表样品surface sample
地表植物区系ground flora
地表概要摄影术synoptic terrain photography
地表气压表surface pressure chart
地表水位动态观测behaviour observation of surface water level
地表水位动态观测behavior observation of surface water level
地表水位变化曲线curve of surface water level change
地表水体surface waters
地表水体terrestrial waters
地表水体surface water body
地表水体特征characteristics of surface water body
地表水体的变化量change in surface water quantity
地表水体调查investigation of surface water body
地表水体酸化surface water acidification
地表水体酸化acidification of surface waters
地表水供应surface water supply
地表水保护surface water protection
地表水冻结天数freezing days of surface water
地表水分界线surface watershed line
地表水动态观测behaviour observation of surface water
地表水动态观测behavior observation of surface water
地表水取水构筑物surface water intake
地表水图mapping of surface waters
地表水型水稻土surface water rice soil
地表水处理系统surface water treatment system
地表水处理要求surface water treatment requirement
地表水对潜水的补给量recharge quantity of phreatic water replenished by surface water
地表水平位移量surface horizontal displacement
地表水年鉴Surface water Yearbook
地表水影响surface water influence
地表水径流surface water runoff
地表水排除surface water drain
地表水排除管surface water sewer
地表水样surface water sample
地表水水文学surface water hydrology
地表水水质terrestrial water quality
地表水水质surface water quality
地表水水质卫生标准surface water quality sanitary standard
地表水水质恶化surface water degradation
地表水水质评价surface water quality assessment
地表水水资源地面水源surface water source
地表水水量surface yield
地表水污染surface water pollution
地表水污染pollution of surface water
地表水污染图surface water pollution map
地表水污染治理contamination and remediation of surface water
地表水流surface flow
地表水流域surface watershed
地表水流量观测flow observation of surface water
地表水渗入surface water infiltration
地表水源surface source
地表水漏失surface water leakage
地表水灌溉surface water irrigation
地表水环境影响综合评价synthetical environmental impact assessment for surface water
地表水环境影响综合评价synthetic environmental impact assessment for surface water
地表水的流入量inflow of surface water
地表水的流出量outflow of surface water
地表水管理surface water management
地表水系surface water system
地表水系surface pattern
地表水给水surface water supply
地表水聚集impoundage of surface water
地表水观测点observation point of surface water
地表水诱导补给induced recharge of surface water
地表水调查surface water survey
地表水质surface water quality
地表水进口surface water inlet
地表水重金属污染surface water heavy metal pollution
地表沉积terrestrial deposition
地表沉积subaerial deposit
地表沉降settlement of earth surface
地表沉降subsidence of ground surface
地表沉陷land subsidence
地表沙砾层sand wash
地表河流污染surface stream pollution
地表surface spring
地表subaerial spring
地表surface current
地表流水沉积型surface flowing waters sedimentary type
地表流水量surface retention
地表浓度concentration on ground
地表渗入surface inflow
地表渗入率infiltration rate
地表温差surface temperature contrast
地表温度earth-surface temperature
地表温度suface temperature
地表温度变化surface temperature variation
地表温度异常surface temperature anomaly
地表温度测量surface temperature survey
地表温度的日变化daily variation of surface temperature
地表溢流surface outflow
地表滞流surface detention
地表滞留surface retention
地表滞留层layer of surface retention
地表漫流surface overflow
地表漫流overland runoff
地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow-land treatment system
地表漫流系统overland flow system
地表漫流速度velocity of overland flow
地表灌溉surface irrigation
地表surface fire
地表ground fire
地表热异常图式surface thermal pattern
地表环境surficial environment
地表环境earth surface environment
地表电波surface wave
地表疏干surface dewatering
地表的损害赔款location damages
地表移动surface movement
地表移动shifting of earth
地表移动曲线surface movement curve
地表移动观测surface movement observation
地表移动观测站surface movement observation station
地表空穴kettle hole
地表surface pipe
地表线terrain line
地表臭氧surface ozone
地表臭氧污染surface ozone pollution
地表航行surface navigation
地表蒸发surface evapouration
地表蓄水池storage pool on surface
地表补给surface inflow
地表被覆surface cover
地表钻探设备surface rig
地表设备的管线surface connections
地表起伏surface relief
地表起伏disfigurement of surface
地表边界层friction layer
地表边界层ground layer
地表边界层planetary boundary layer
地表边界层surface layer
地表边界层atmospheric boundary layer
地表边界层表面界面层surface boundary layer
地表运动surface motion
地表重力异常surface gravity anomaly
地表钻孔surface borehole
地表钻孔surface hole
地表降雨量ground rainfall
地表陷落land subsidence
地表陷落柱surface downcast pillar
地表隆起surface upheaval
地表震动钻机earth surface vibration drill
地表露头surface exposure
地表ground level
地表面疏干法surface drainage
地表预注浆pregrouting from earth's surface
地表高程变化surface elevation change
地表黏土surface clay
地貌光影立体表示法illuminated relief
地貌分层设色表orographical tinting
地貌分层设色表orographic tinting
地貌晕渲表示法shade lining
地貌立体表示simulated relief
地貌表示法representation of the shape of ground
地貌表示法terrain representation
地貌表示法geomorphical representation
地貌表示法representation of ground
地貌表示法relief representation
地貌表示法geomorphic representation
地貌观测点记录表record table of morphological observation point
地貌观测点记录表record table of morphologic observation point
地质信息转换表transformation table of geological information
地质信息转换表transformation table of geologic information
地质年代学及同位素地质学图表scales and diagrams for geochronology and isotope geology
地质年代表geological time scale
地质年代表stratigraphical scale
地质年代表chronological table
地质年代表chronological series
地质时代表geological time scale
地质时代表geologic time scale
地质时间表geological time scale
地质温度表geological thermometer
地际表面积ground-line area
地震强度表scale of seismic intensity
地震烈度表seismic intensity scale
地震烈度表intensity scale
地震表面波seismic surface wave
地面辐表terrestrial radiation thermometer
地表土清除site stripping
城市地表径流surface runoff of city
多余地表excess surface water
大地测量成果表geodetic data sheet
大地测量星表catalogue of geodetic stars
大地测量星表catalog of geodetic stars
大型地表水工程large surface water project
套式地表水监测网nested surface water monitoring network
地表local panel
就地拌和表面处治mixed-in-place surface treatment
山坡地表hillside surface water
工地代表field man
常规地表水处理法conventional surface water treatment process
平均地表温度average surface temperature
平均地表mean sphere level
平均地表average sphere level
年代地层对比表chronostratigraphical correlation chart
年代地层对比表chronostratigraphic correlation chart
底层地表格栅ground joist
微污染地表micro-polluted surface water
挖除场地表stripping of the site
排入地表水体drainage to surface water
排除地表drainage surface water
操作员控制地址向量表operator control address vector table
收获表标准地yield sample plot
地表渗入non-infiltration from surface
日本地震烈度表Japanese intensity scale
显生代地质年代表Phanerozoic Time-Scale
显生宙地质年代表Phanerozoic geochronological scale
显生宙地质年代表Phanerozoic geochronologic scale
显示到地表的孔内爆炸作用shothole disturbance
暗河与地表水联系relation between ground river and surface water
最大地表径流maximum surface runoff
地表均匀渗入uniform infiltration from surface
本地代表local representative (商)
标准世界地质年代表standard global geochronologic scale
标准全球地质年代表standard global geochronologic scale
标号地址表label address table
概括表示法专题地图thematic map of synoptical representation
概括表示法专题地图thematic map of synoptic representation
段表起始地址segment table origin
污染地表polluted surface water
沟壑地表gullied surface
油污染地表oil-contaminated surface water
治理地表水和地下水treating surface water and ground water
沼泽地表top moor layer
泄地电流表earth current meter
流出地表的地下热水geothermal discharge water
测地星表catalogue of geodetic stars
测地星表catalog of geodetic stars
浮动地址表relocation dictionary
浮雕式地貌立体表示法orthographical relief method
浮雕式地貌立体表示法orthographic relief method
海洋地震表marine seismometer
消灭地表extinguishing grass fire
地表水体fresh surface waters
潮流数据可查表的地方tidal stream data position
环境地表水水质标准environmental quality standard for surface water
球形地面辐射表spherical pyrgeometer
球形地面辐射表spheric pyrgeometer
生物地质年代表biological time scale
盐溃化地表标志ground surface symbolization of salinization
目的地表示器destination indicator
目的地控制表destination control table
稳定性微污染地表stable micro-polluted surface water
空地或空房调查表quantity surveying
空地或空房调查表quantity survey
第四纪地质年代表quaternary geochronological scale
第四纪地质年代表quaternary geochronologic scale
粉尘地表面积specific surface area of particle
聚积的地表impounded surface water
脉动式地表热流pulsating surface heat-flow
自然光照地貌立体表示法plastic color-relief presentation
自然光照地貌立体表示法plastic colour-relief presentation
自然光照地貌立体表示法natural colour-relief presentation
自然光照地貌立体表示法natural color-relief presentation
薄层地表sheet flow
薄层地表sheet flood
藏仪表的地下温室meter pit
表地址操作数table address operand
表地迁移global migration
表层剥除的地面stripped surface
表层地形surface feature
表层地质图surface geological map
表层地质图surface geologic map
表格基地址寄存器table base register
表观地震系数apparent seismic coefficient
表面不平的地形accidented topography
表面地形surface topography (学)
表面接地surface earthing
被污染的地表polluted surface water
观测线与地表水流向夹角angle between observation line and surface water flow direction
设备地脚螺栓一览表list of anchor bolts for the equipments
地表solid earth surface
辅助地址向量表secondary address vector table
地表地震near surface seismic event
地表地震near surface of earthquake
地表开挖near surface excavation
地表效应near surface effect
地表upper roots
地表水体near by surface water
地表矿床near surface deposit
进入地球表面的中子通量Q-incoming neutron flux
远离地表水体far from surface water
采空区地表最大变形值的估算estimation of maximum value of ground surface movement in mined-up region
采空区的容许地表变形值allowable value of movement of ground surface in mined-up region
隧道地表沉陷surface settlement
隧道地表沉陷ground surface subsidence over tunnel
隧道施工所引起的地表影响surface effects of tunnel construction
集料颗粒表面质地particle texture
非渗透性地表impervious surface
预处理过的地表pretreated surface water
驻地代表团resident mission
驻工地代表field representative
高地地表upland surface water
麦卡利地震烈度表Mercalli scale
麦卡利地震烈度表Mercalli intensity scale
麦氏地震烈度表Mercalli scale