
Terms for subject Ecology containing 地表 | all forms | in specified order only
土壤和地表体数字化数据库soil and terrain digital database
地球表面平均反射率earth's average surface albedo
地球表面的热环境thermal environment of the earth's surface
地表-地下径流相互作用interaction of surface runoff and groundwater
地表富集作用surface enrichment
地表径流ground runoff
地表排水top draining
地表枯落物surface litter
地表水水质模型surface water quality model
地表水流水力学hydraulics of overland flow
地表水监测monitoring of surface water
地表水资源surface water resource
地表滴灌surface drip irrigation
地表漫流系统overland flow systems
地表粗糙度surface roughness degree
地表过程land surface process
富营养化地表eutrophicated surface water
林地地表forest floor
河源区地表river source surface water
生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区first-class protection zones for surface domestic and drinking water sources
街道地表street dust
地表覆被furring mulch
地表面温度land surface temperature