
Terms for subject Technology containing 地界 | all forms | in specified order only
世界主要盆地名称world's major basin name
世界土壤地图world soil map
世界地图spheric map
世界地图world map
世界地图spherical map
世界地图map of the world
世界地图集world atlas
世界地图集atlas of the world
世界地理基准系world geographical reference system
世界地理基准系world geographic reference system
世界地磁图the world geomagnetic chart
世界地震分布简图sketch map of earthquake of the world
世界地震图seismic world map
世界地震资料world-wide earthquake data
世界大地测量坐标系world geodetic coordinate system (统)
世界大地网world geodetic network
世界标准地震仪台网world-wide standard seismograph network
世界范围的耕地损失the world loss of cropland
世界辐射地图world radiation map
世界遗产保护地world heritage site
个人地产与国家公路之间的界线front property line
中新生界盆地地下水groundwater in Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin
临界地质不连续面critical geological discontinuity
临界地质不连续面critical geologic discontinuity
临界地面运动critical ground motion
临界阻尼地震仪critically damped seismograph
临界阻尼地震仪critical damping seismograph
交界地区border land
住宅土地临街界线residence lot frontage
公共地界线common property line
区划地块的界线front line of a zone lot
区域地块分界线boundary line of zone lot
半圆形地界half-round termination
地界线rear plot line
国际百分之一世界地图international one-in-a-million map
国际百分之一世界地图图幅编号international one-in-a-million map numbering
地界线borderline of land
土地边界metes and bounds (线)
土地边界线lot line
线lot line
地下分水界underground water parting
地下分水界underground watershed
地下分水界subterranean watershed
地下水临界深度critical depth of underground water
地下水临界深度critical depth of groundwater
地下水分水界hydrological divide
地下水分水界hydrologic divide
地下水分界phreatic divide
地下水分界subterranean water parting
地下水分界underground water divide
地下水分界groundwater divide
地下水界subsurface divide
地下界面模型subsurface model
地产前沿界线front property line
地产界property boundary
地产界possessory limit
地产界测量property boundary survey
地区界prefecture boundary (线)
地区界area boundary (线)
地区边界测量boundary surveying
地块界线测量法metes and bounds survey
丈量的地块边界metes and bounds
地基临界深度critical foundation depth
地基界线plot line
地壳地幔界面crust-mantle interface
地壳地幔边界crust-mantle boundary
地层分界线boundary stratotype
地层界限stratigraphical boundary
地层界限stratigraphic boundary
地形分水界topographic divide
地形分水界topographical divide
地形分水界orographical divide
地形分界线topographic divide
地形分界线topographical divide
地形分界线orographical divide
地形分界线orographic divide
地核地幔界面core-mantle boundary
地核地幔边界core-mantle boundary
地段界线border line of lot
地球化学临界值geochemical critical value
地界lot line
地界parcel limits
地界right of way
地界property corner
地界butts and bonds (地界的宽窄长短)
地界lot boundary
地界land net
地界修正rectification of boundaries
地界right-of-way map
地界land boundary map
地界property line wall
地界lot-line wall
地界property line post (志)
地界标柱property line post
地界标石property corner
地界测量property survey
地界测量boundary survey
地界right-of-way monument
地界线property line
地界线plot line
地界角标witness corner
地盘界线property line
地磁边界geomagnetic boundary
地表水分界线surface watershed line
地表边界层friction layer
地表边界层ground layer
地表边界层planetary boundary layer
地表边界层surface layer
地表边界层atmospheric boundary layer
地表边界层表面界面层surface boundary layer
地质界线geologic boundary
地质边界geological boundary
地质边界geologic boundary
地铁限界metro gauges
地铁限界metro gages
地面下分界层等高线图subsurface contour map of the key bed
地面分水界surface drainage divides
地面分水界surface watershed
地面分水界orographic divide
地面分水界orographical divide
地面分水界drainage divide (line)
地界线land boundary
太阳风地磁场边界solar wind geomagnetic field boundary
实地定界demarcate on the ground
岩性地层界线lithostratigraphical boundary
岩性地层界线lithostratigraphic boundary
延伸的地界线extended property line
建筑基地界线border line of lot
建筑用地界线border line of lot
建设项目地界线project boundaries
建设项目用地界线project boundaries
当地政界local politicians
房地产边界线lot line
旁侧地界线side property line
无生界【地Azoic erathem
未精测地区界线limit of unsurveyed area
板块边界地震plate boundary earthquake
标准世界地质年代表standard global geochronologic scale
标定地界land-line adjustment
注册地界recorded plat
地界right-of-way boundary
地界线land line
界地址limit address
界地申请marginal land acquisition (取得路边地权)
界面地质interfacial geology
盆地的边界boundary of basin
盆地边界性质boundary property of basin
相邻地界线neighbouring property
相邻地界线neighboring property
矿区地界boundary of property
矿床水文地质边界hydrogeological boundary of mineral deposit
矿床水文地质边界hydrogeologic boundary of mineral deposit
种植地界plant canopy community
统一世界大地基准Unified World Geodetic Datum
老世界腕足动物地理区系old world brachiopod realm
街道地界线street property line
路线征购地界right of way
车场地界yard limit sign
车场地界线yard limit sign
边界四址已定的土地data tract
边界地带border land
边界地方border land
道路用地界right-of-way monument
邻地边界线boundary line of adjacent land
铁路用地界right-of-way boundary
地界anchorage limit
地界限浮标anchorage limit buoy
陆地进入视界raise the land
限界以下的耕作土地submarginal land
高地边界断层highland boundary fault