
Terms for subject Technology containing 地层 | all forms | in specified order only
一层接地平面图grounding on ground floor
三分量模拟深层地震仪analogue deep seismograph in three-azimuth
三分量模拟深层地震仪analog deep seismograph in three-azimuth
三层地下室three-level basement
上升盘地层厚度strata thickness of upthrow side
上层地下室upper basement
上层地下水groundwater of the upper zone
上层楼的壁炉地面upper floor hearth
上盘的地层strata of hanging wall
上覆地层overlying bed
上覆地层压力pressure of overlying strata
上覆地层厚度thickness of overlying strata
上覆非渗透地层overlying impermeable strata
下地壳层lower crust
下层地层构造under strata formation
下层地基subjacent bed
下层地板blind floor
下盘的地层strata of foot wall
下落盆地断层down-to-basin fault
下覆地层underlying stratum
下覆地质层组underlying geological formation
下覆地质层组underlying geologic formation
下覆系统地层strata of underlying system
下降盘地层厚度strata thickness of downthrow side
不整合地层unconformity stratum
不整合地层unconformable stratum
不渗透地层impervious stratum
不稳定地层unstable formation
不稳定地层bad ground
不连续记录地层倾角仪discontinuous dipmeter
不透水地层impermeable strata
不透水地层water-tight stratum
不透水地层confining stratum
不黏钻头的地层clean cutting formation
地层倾斜不一致的断层fault dipping against the beds
中研磨性地层middle abrasive formation
中硬地层medium hard formation
企口地板的底层matched sub-floor
倒转地层inverted stratum
分子地层molecular stratigraphy
分层地in layers
分层抽取地下水stratified pumping up of underground water
分层次征收地产使用费collecting land use fees on different levels
分层着色地layered map
分层设色地势图merged relief map
分层设色海底地形layered bathymetrical chart
分层设色海底地形layered bathymetric chart
分带生物地层zonal biostratigraphy
刚性地层rigid stratum
初步地层propaedeutic stratigraphy
到达工地前预先涂绝缘层的coated prior to arrival on site
合成树脂地板覆盖层synthetical resin floor covering
合成树脂地板覆盖层synthetic resin floor cover
同一地层标高the same stratigraphic level
向斜地层synclinal stratum
向斜地层synclinal formation
含地下水层water-bearing stratum
含有多量地下水层waterbearing stratum
含气地层gas horizon
含水地层water bearing stratum
含水地层wet formation
含水层底板地层岩性lithological characters of bottom layer of aquifer
含水层底板地层岩性lithologic characters of bottom layer of aquifer
含水层底板地层时代age of bottom layer of aquifer
含水层水文地质参数hydrogeological parameter of aquifer
含水层水文地质参数hydrogeologic parameter of aquifer
含水层顶板地层岩性lithological characters of apical plate of aquifer
含水层顶板地层岩性lithologic characters of apical plate of aquifer
含水层顶板地层时代age of apical plate of aquifer
含水段地层时代stratigraphical age of water-bearing section
含水段地层时代stratigraphic age of water-bearing section
含泥很少的地层clean formation
含煤地层划分division of coal-bearing strata
含煤地层对比correlation of coal-bearing strata
土地分层耕作land bedding
土壤地层soil horizon
土壤地层单位soil-stratigraphic unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratigraphical unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratification unit
土层的地质学问题geological aspects of soil formation
土层的地质学问题geologic aspects of soil formation
在陡峭的地层上施工steep working
地下地层subsurface stratigraphy
地下含水层underground reservoir
地下含水层phreatic aquifer
地下外层抹灰underground stucco
地下室层basement level
地下室层面basement storey
地下室层面basement story
地下室防水层waterproof lining of basement
地下室防水层basement tanking
地下层subsurface layer
地下层入口entrance to a basement
地下岩层施工underground construction in rock
地下建筑外层抹灰underground external plaster work
地下恒温层constant earth-temperature layer
地下恒温层stratum of invariable temperature
地下成层现象underground stratification
地下楼层basement storey
地下楼层basement story
地下楼层大厅basement concourse
地下水上含水层phreatic high
地下水下部含水层phreatic low
地下水下降含水层phreatic low
地下水冲积层accretion of groundwater
地下水区水构筑物反滤层inverted layer
地下水层groundwater zone
地下水层groundwater floor
地下水阻挡层groundwater barrier
地下水隔水层groundwater barrier
地下水面含水层water-table aquifer
地下热水层geothermal aquifer
地下砌层underground course
墙面的地下防水层underground diaphragm
地层stratum (strata)
地层ground plane
地层一隧道结构相互作用ground-tunnel structure interaction
地层不整合stratigraphical unconformity
地层不整合复合圈闭stratigraphic-unconformity combination trap
地层不整合线性体lineaments along stratigraphical unconformity
地层不整合线性体lineaments along stratigraphic unconformity
地层产状formation occurrence
地层产状与工程关系relationship between stratigraphical attitude and engineering work
地层产状与工程关系relationship between stratigraphic attitude and engineering work
地层产状差异difference in attitude of beds
地层产状数据列表data table of geodip
地层产状测井dip log
地层体积密度bulk density of formation
地层倾倒strata tilting
地层倾斜inclination of stratum
地层倾斜dip of stratum
地层倾斜dip of bed
地层倾斜度strata inclination
地层倾斜度inclination of stratum
地层倾斜方位角azimuth of formation inclination
地层倾斜测井dipmeter survey
地层倾斜角formation dip angle
地层倾角dip of formation
地层倾角测井dip log (仪)
地层倾角测井仪刻度值dipmeter calibration value
地层倾角测井刻度器dipmeter calibrator
地层倾角测井解释成果数据列表data table of interpretation result for dip log
地层冰结ground freezing
地层分层单位stratigraphical unit
地层分层单位stratigraphic unit
地层分析stratigraphical analysis
地层分析测井图formation analysis log
地层分界线boundary stratotype
地层划分stratigraphical division
地层划分dividing strata
地层剖面stratigraphical cross-section
地层剖面stratigraphical profile
地层剖面strata cross-section
地层剖面仪subbottom profiler
地层剖面图stratigraphic section
地层剖面图stratigraphical section
地层剖面图strata profile
地层剖面的模拟simulation of stratigraphical section
地层剖面的模拟simulation of stratigraphic section
地层剖面类型type of stratigraphical cross-section
地层剖面类型type of stratigraphic cross-section
地层力学stratum dynamics
地层动力地震运动ground seismic motions
地层动力学stratum dynamics
地层区分stratigraphical provincialism
地层区分stratigraphic provincialism
地层区分stratigraphical division
地层区划stratigraphical provincialism
地层区划stratigraphic provincialism
地层区划stratigraphical division
地层单位section of reservoir
地层单元stratigraphical unit
地层单元stratigraphic unit
地层单元section of reservoir
地层压力pressure of strata
地层压力earth pressure
地层压力控制formation pressure control
地层压力控制control of formation pressure
地层压缩系数formation compressibility
地层厚度thickness of stratum
地层厚度thickness of formation
地层厚度thickness of bed
地层厚度stratum thickness
地层厚度估算formation thickness estimates
地层厚度校正bed thickness correction
地层原油的压缩系数compressibility of petroleum in place
地层名字name of strata
地层名称formation name
地层含矿性评价assessment of the productivity of sedimentary horizons
地层命名nomenclature of strata
地层命名法则code of stratigraphical nomenclature
地层命名法则code of stratigraphic nomenclature
地层圈闭stratigraphical trap
地层圈闭secondary stratigraphic trap
地层圈闭porosity trap
地层地体stratigraphical terrane
地层地体stratigraphic terrane
地层地质图map of stratigraphical geology
地层地质图map of stratigraphic geology
地层地质学stratigraphical geology
地层型油气田stratigraphical oil-gas field
地层型油气田stratigraphic oil-gas field
地层塌落ground subsidence
地层塌陷ground subsidence
地层处理soil treatment
地层处理ground treatment
地层天然气的压缩系数compressibility of gas in place
地层学分类classification of stratigraphy
地层学标志stratigraphical indication
地层学标志stratigraphic indication
地层学高分辨率地层倾角测井仪stratigraphical high resolution dipmeter tool
地层学高分辨率地层倾角测井仪stratigraphic high resolution dipmeter tool
地层封堵formation shut off
地层尖灭thinning out of strata
地层尖灭strata pinching
地层尖灭pinching of strata
地层层位succession of strata
地层层位stratigraphical sequence
地层层位stratigraphic sequence
地层层序stratigraphical sequence
地层层序sequence of strata
地层层序律law of superposition
地层层次stratigraphical sequence
地层层次succession of strata
地层层次stratigraphic sequence
地层岩性描述description of stratum and rock type
地层岩性调查strata and rock type investigation
地层岩样formation sample
地层chronostratigraphical zone
地层chronostratigraphic zone
地层幅度ground amplitude
地层平铺stratigraphical heave
地层平铺stratigraphic heave
地层平错stratigraphical heave
地层平面图ground plan
地层平面尺寸ground plan dimension
地层stratigraphic timetable
地层stratigraphical time scale
地层stratigraphical timetable
地层stratigraphic time scale
地层年代stratigraphical time unit
地层年代stratigraphic time unit
地层序列succession of strata
地层序列sequence of strata
地层序列表chronological succession
地层应力状态stress behaviour in natural ground
地层应力状态stress behavior in natural ground
地层异常压力exceptional ground pressure
地层弯曲bending of strata
地层强度strata strength
地层强度ground strength
地层径流量direct runoff rate
地层性质nature of the ground
地层成因增量genetical increment of strata
地层成因层序genetical sequence of strata
地层振动ground vibration
地层损耗earth loss
地层探测操作formation testing operations
地层接触关系contact relation of strata
地层控制stratigraphical control
地层控制stratigraphic control
地层控制strata control
地层控制工程师strata-control engineer
地层支护平巷pillar drive
地层支撑ground prop
地层断缺stratigraphical break
地层断缺stratigraphic break
地层断裂formation fracturing
地层断裂拐点inflexion point of seismic fault
地层断距stratigraphical throw
地层断距stratigraphical separation
地层断面stratigraphical cross-section
地层断面stratigraphic section
地层断面strata section
地层条件stratigraphical condition
地层条件stratigraphic condition
地层松动loosening of rock mass
地层构造探测孔structural test hole
地层栅栏剖面stratigraphical fence section
地层栅栏剖面stratigraphic fence section
地层标志stratigraphical guide
地层模式stratigraphical model
地层模式strata mode
地层横剖面stratigraphical cross-section (图)
地层横剖面stratigraphic section (图)
地层横断面stratigraphical cross-section (图)
地层横断面stratigraphic section (图)
地层次序stratigraphical sequence
地层次序stratigraphic sequence
地层次序stratigraphical succession
地层次序strata sequence
地层stratum water
地层水中气饱和度图map of gas saturation in formation water
地层水产量formation water production rate
地层水体积系数volume factor of formation water
地层水密度density of formation water
地层水控制groundwater control
地层水的压缩系数compressibility of formation water
地层水等效电阻率equivalent resistivity of formation water
地层污染formation contaminants
地层沉裂subsidence break
地层流失导致的沉降subsidence due to lost ground
地层测深subsurface sounding
地层渗透性permeability of strata
地层漏水ground leak
地层爆破breaking ground
地层生长层序stratigraphical growth sequence
地层生长层序stratigraphic growth sequence
地层电探法electrical prospecting
地层电探法electric prospecting
地层电阻率系数formation resistivity factor
地层电阻系数formation resistance factor
地层界限stratigraphical boundary
地层界限stratigraphic boundary
地层的俘获截面formation capture cross section
地层的几何因子formation geometric factor
地层的地层次序stratigraphical sequence of the beds
地层的地层次序stratigraphic sequence of the beds
地层的成因序列genetic sequence of strata
地层的电参数electrical parameter of layer
地层的电参数electric parameter of layer
地层的走向strike of bed
地层的连续性continuity of a bed
地层砂金洗选槽ground sluice
地层研究和评价research and evaluation of stratum
地层礁圈闭stratigraphical reef trap
地层礁圈闭stratigraphic reef trap
地层等厚图isopach map of strata
地层等厚线stratigraphical isopach
地层等厚线stratigraphic isopach
地层纵剖面stratigraphical column (图)
地层纵剖面stratigraphical profile (图)
地层纵剖面stratigraphic profile (图)
地层纵剖面stratigraphic column (图)
地层缺失stratigraphical hiatus
地层缺失stratigraphic omission
地层缺失stratigraphical omission
地层缺失stratigraphical gap
地层缺失stratigraphical break
地层缺失离距stratigraphical break separation
地层缺失离距stratigraphic break separation
地层strata group
地层腐蚀layer corrosion
地层落差stratigraphical separation
地层table of strata
地层调查survey of stratigraphy
地层走向geological strike
地层走向strata strike
地层走向geologic strike
地层超覆stratigraphical overlap
地层适从效应ground compliance
地层透射特性earth transmission characteristic
地层造斜率formation deflecting rate
地层遮挡stratigraphical barrier
地层遮挡stratigraphic barrier
地层鉴别terrain interpretation
地层错动测量measurement of strata movement (巷道)
地层降水lowering of groundwater
地层陷落ground settlement
地层隔离石油层stratigraphical screened oil accumulation
地层隔离石油层stratigraphic screened oil accumulation
地层静压力reservoir static pressure
地层静止温度static temperature of formation
地层顺序stratigraphic sequence
地层顺序stratigraphic succession
地层顺序stratigraphical succession
地层顺序stratigraphical sequence
地层顺序strata sequence
地层预告formation predict
地洼构造层Diwa structural layer
地球分层earth layering
地球圈层spheric zone
地球圈层spherical zone
地球圈层earth's layers
地球平流层earth stratosphere
地球生物大气层terrestrial biosphere
地球等离子体层earth plasmasphere
地电离层波导earth ionosphere waveguide
地电离层空腔共振earth-ionosphere cavity resonance
地砖面层tile paved surface
地质地层geological horizon
地质地层geologic horizon
地质地层罗盘geological stratum compass
地质地层罗盘geologic stratum compass
地质夹层intercalary strata
地质层geological strata
地质层位geological horizon
地质断层geological fault
地质断层geologic fault
地震地层seismic horizon
地震反射地层reflection horizon
地震层析成像法seismic tomography method
地震断层作用earthquake faulting
地震标准层seismic marker horizon
地震标准层深度depth of seismic marker horizon
复杂地层troublesome zone
复杂地层bad ground
复杂地层掘进法complex layer tunneling method
复杂地层支护support of difficult ground
外来系统地层strata of allochthone
地层porous ground
多因素地层圈闭multiple factors stratigraphical trap
多因素地层圈闭multiple factors stratigraphic trap
多孔隙地层porous ground
多层绒头地毯multilevel carpet
多层地下水采样井multilevel groundwater sampling well
多层地形的研究study of multilevel topography
多层地板compound flooring
多层热储地热系统multiunit reservoir system
多次地层测试器formation multitester
大量浸水地层heavily watered ground
崎岖地带破碎地层broken ground
布锐东地层Bretonian stratum
成因地层单位genetic stratigraphical unit
成因地层格架genetic stratigraphical framework
成因地层格架genetic stratigraphic framework
挤压地层处理treatment in squeezing ground
支承地层supporting stratum
支撑地层stand-up ground
易坍塌地层caving formation
易坍塌地层cavey formation
易糊钻地层balling formation
最上面的地层uppermost layer
最下层地下室subcellar (多层地下室中的最下层)
最低地下水层basal water
最常钻到的地层predominant formation
有效地层压降effective formation pressure drop
有盖层的地热含水层caprock-type geothermal aquifer
有色地沥青封层asphalt colour coat
有色地沥青封层asphalt color coat
木地板覆盖层timber floor covering
木地板覆盖层timber floor cover
木地板面层wooden floor covering
木地板面层wooden floor cover
木夹层地板终饰timber floating flooring finish
木夹层地板终饰timber floating floor finish
木夹层地板覆盖层timber floating floor covering
木夹层地板覆盖层timber floating floor cover
未铺面层的地板naked flooring
标志地层marker horizon
标志地层marker bed
栎木条板地板铺面层oak strip floor covering
栎木条板地板铺面层oak strip floor cover
气候地层单位climate stratigraphical unit
氯氧化镁地板垫层magnesium oxychloride subfloor
渗水地层water-bearing stratum
n 生产阶段的地层压力formation pressure at the n production stage
生态地层分类ecostratigraphical classification
生态地层单位ecostratigraphical unit
生物地层biostratigraphical zone
生物地层biostratigraphic zone
生物地层biostratigraphical zone
生物单位地层划分biostratigraphical classification
生物单位地层划分biostratigraphic classification
生物年代地层单位biochronostratigraphical unit
砂土地层隧道sandy-earth tunnel
砂铺地基层sand underlay
第二层地下室lower basement
第四纪地层strata of quaternary period
第四纪地层分区district of quaternary strata
第四纪地层对比stratigraphical correlation of quaternary system
第四纪地层对比stratigraphic correlation of quaternary system
耐磨地面面层hardwearing floor covering
耐磨地面面层hardwearing floor cover
茬地覆盖层stubble mulching
茬地覆盖层stubble mulch
质地涂层body coat
选择性地层试验straddle testing
透水地层pervious stratum
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