
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing 地下水 | all forms | in specified order only
从水下不同地点测到的诸多方位角的会聚有助于给某一声源定位The of a series of bearing angles measured from different underwater locations can help locate a sound source
地下水以固态、液态或气态形式存在于岩石圈中的水。包括地面以下和地表水体以下所有的水体subsurface water
地下水在岩溶地区流经一洞穴或一组连通洞穴的地下水体subsurface current
这些制约着地下煤开采水平的混杂因素以及影响整个开采过程的地质因素、技术因素和经济因素复杂关系之间的相互作用、已在上文作了详细探讨The motley of factors that constrain the level of recovery in underground extraction of coal and the complex interplay of geologic, technologic and economic factors affection the overall recovery process have been discussed above in detail