
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一种能硫酸铜溶液中浸渍一分钟的钢丝one minute wire
一种能硫酸铜溶液中浸渍两分钟的镀锌钢丝two-minute wire
中间包线维修on-line tundish maintenance
人工智能连铸机上的应用application of artificial intelligence to continuous caster
人工智能技术高炉操作中的应用application of AI technique to blast furnace operation
其主要特点是吹炼后期改换为 Ar-O₂ 吹炼进行不锈钢生产。STB
压力intrinsic pressure
夹杂native inclusions
夹杂natural inclusion
夹杂native inclusion
水分fixed moisture
固有沾染杂质intrinsic contaminant
素质intrinsic quality
质量internal quality (① The internal quality of the product produced from the single-belt process is very satisfactory. 单带连铸法生产的铸坯内在质量令人十分满意。② Besides the obvious loss in production and associated costs, the breakout damage sustained by the caster both short term and long term can effect the surface and/or internal quality of the cast product. 除了生产和相关费用受到明显损失外,漏钢对连铸机造成的无论长期还是短期危害都会对连铸坯表面和/或内在质量产生影响。)
凸度线控制on-line crown control
前一炉正浇注的异钢种钢水old grade of steel being cast (In the grade change operation, the tundish containing the old grade of steel being cast is first emptied to a certain depth before pouring the new grade from the ladle. 变钢种操作时,在由钢包浇人下一炉异钢种钢水前,首先将盛有上一炉正在浇注钢种钢水的中间包排空到一定深度。)
自然状况下可让汽车通过的能力soil trafficability
下倾位置上焊接downhill welding
…之前prior to...
制品in-process material
加工材料in-process material
反射炉内的处理时间reverberation time
均热炉坑时间pit time
坑时间pit time
大修停炉期间during reline outage
岗培训on-site training
应力状态下on load
建造中under construction
…情况下in the case of...
机连续脱气on-machine continuous degassing
氮中退火annealed in nitrogen
管线中的冷却器in-line cooler
线直接试验on-line test
线冷却on-line cooling
线分析on-line analysis
线切割设备on-line cutting equipment
线切割设备in-line cutting equipment
线切头操作on-line front end cropping
线加速冷却on-line accelerated cooling
线处理周期in-line treatment cycle
线多元素化学分析on-line multiple-element chemical analysis
线多元素化学分析in-line multiple element chemical analysis
线多股矫直机on-line multistrand straightener
线实时操作on-line real-time operation
线带钢生产线ISP line
线带钢生产线in-line strip production line
线带钢生产inline strip production
线带钢生产In-line Strip Production
线带钢生产工艺in-line strip production process
线带钢生产技术in-line strip production technology
线带钢生产法ISP process
线带钢生产法in-line strip production process
线带钢生产设备ISP plant
线带钢生产设备in-line strip production equipment (【技】在线带钢生产法的主要设备包括:炼钢炉 steelmaking furnace/ 炉外处理设备 secondary steelmaking equipment/ 钢包回转台 ladle turret/ 中间包 tundish/ 浸人式水口 submerged entry nozzle/ 直弧形结晶器 vertical-bow type mold/ 结晶器振动装置 mold oscillator/ 扇形段 segment/ 铸轧段 casting-rolling section/ 矫直装置 straightener/ 大压下量轧机 high-reduction mill/ 剪切机 shear/ 感应加热炉 induction heating furnace/ 克日莫那炉 Cremona furnace/ 精轧机 finishing mill/ 层流冷却 laminar flow cooling/ 地下卷取机 down-coiler。)
线平面度检测仪flying flatness gauge
线控冷工艺on-line CCT
线控制冷却on-line controlled cooling
线操作on-line operation
线数据库on-line data bases
线无损检测on-line non-destructive inspection
线无损检验on-line non-destructive inspection
线板形on-line shape
线检测系统on-line inspection system
线检验on-line inspection
线检验系统on-line inspection system
线淬火in-line hardening
线热处理in-line heat treatment
线监控on-line monitoring
线硫印检验on-line sulphur printing
线硫印检验in-line sulphur printing
线磁力探伤on-line magnetic defect inspection
线磨辊on-line roll grinding
线磨辊机on-line roll grinder
线穿芯棒mandrel in line threading
线穿芯棒mandrel in line inserting
线穿芯棒in-line threading of mandrel
线精整on-line finishing
线自动检测系统automated on-line inspection system
线薄板坯连铸in-line continuous thin slab casting
线螺旋轧制on-line screw rolling
线调宽结晶器online variable width mold
线调宽结晶器in-line variable width mold
线超声波检验on-line ultrasonic testing
线轧制on-line rolling
线轧制in-line rolling
线轧辊研磨on-line roll grinding
线轨头淬火设备in-line rail head hardening equipment (By the end of 2009, we had completed installation of the 200, 000-tonne/year in-line rail head hardening equipment. 到 2009 年底,我们已完成了 20 万 t/ 年在线轨头淬火设备的安装。)
线连续退火annealing-in-line process
线退火设备annealing-in-line plant
线铸轧in-line reduction
线铸轧in-line reduction
线锥度测量online taper measurement
线锥度测量on-line taper measurement
线锥度测量in-line taper measurement (连铸结晶器的)
线锥度计on-line inclinometer
线锥度计in-line inclinometer
线锥度调整online taper adjustment
线锥度调整on-line taper adjustment
线锥度调整in-line taper adjustment (连铸结晶器的)
腐蚀性介质中工作 使用corrosive service
辊时间time in rolls
还原渣下精炼refining under deoxidizing slag
静止空气中冷却cooling in still air
体积exterior volume
夹杂物潜来源potential source of inclusions
安装炉底的喷嘴bottom mounted tuyere
溶液real solution
溶液actual solution
小钢厂钢产品市场上的份额minimill market share of steel products
带卷线精整strip processing
带卷线精整机构strip processing mechanism
带钢线磁探伤系统magnetic on-line inspection system for strip steel
振幅线变换in-line change of stroke
振幅线调整on-line oscillation stroke adjustment
振频线变换in-line change of frequency
暴露空气中的钢包注流ladle stream exposed to air
板坯线纵切技术in-line longitudinal slitting technology of slab
板坯线纵切技术on-line slitting technology of slab
板坯线纵切技术in-line longitudinal cutting technology of slab (【技】将连铸出的板坯在线切割成窄板坯或方坯的技术。采用该项技术可在不增加新连铸机的情况下,扩大连铸坯规格,提高生产效率。)
板坯缺陷线预报on-line prediction of defects of slab
模糊识别理论漏钢预防中的应用fuzzy recognition theory used in breakout prevention
凝固的保护渣solidifying flux
浇注的钢水steel being cast
浇注的钢水质量quality of steel being cast
连铸的钢水liquid steel being cast
铸造的钢水liquid steel being cast
不在鼓风out of blast
气体钢水中的溶解度gas solubility in liquid steel (【技】气体在钢水中的溶解度受多种因素的影响,主要有:温度升高,溶解度增加;气体分压降低,溶解度降低。同时,气体在钢液中的溶解度还受钢水中不同化学元素的影响:与气体能形成化合物的元素,能提高气体在钢水中的溶解度;比铁对气体有更大亲和力的元素,能提高气体在钢水的溶解度;但一些非金属或准金属元素,如 C、 P、 S、 O、 Si 等会降低气体在钢水中的溶解度。)
钢中的作用nitrogen function in steel (【技】①固溶强化和时效沉淀强化;②形成和稳定奥氏体组织;③使高铬和高铬镍钢组织致密、强度提高;④渗人含铬、铝或铬钼铝钢的表面,提高其耐磨性和耐蚀性;⑤提高不锈钢的耐蚀性和强度。)
油中弥散water-in-oil dispersion
水中弥散oil-in-water dispersion
浸人式水口线更换系统on-line SEN change system
加工硬化latent work hardening
夹杂源potential source of inclusions
夹杂源potential inclusion source
夹渣来源potential source of entrapped slag
机械强度potential physical strength
核心potential nucleus
污染物latent pollutant
滑移系统latent slip system
滑移系统latent glide system
漏钢因素potential breakout factor
硬化latent hardening
资源potential sources
热板坯线测量on-line measurement of hot slab
热板坯缺陷线检测on-line hot slab defect inspection
热板坯缺陷线检测in-line hot slab defect detection
热板坯缺陷线检测on-line defect inspection of hot slab
热板坯缺陷线检测in-line defect inspection of hot slab
目前他正经营一个小钢厂即加拉廷钢公司Now he's running a minimill
直接线修整direct in-line repair
直接线净化direct in-line cleaning
直接线切割direct in-line cutting
直接线加热direct on-line heating
直接线加热direct in-line heating
直接线包装direct in-line packaging
直接线洗涤direct in-line washing
直接线测定法direct on-line measuring method
直接线测试direct in-line test
直接线测量direct on-line measurement
直接线测量direct in-line measurement
直接线测量法direct on-line measuring method
直接线淬火direct on-line quenching
直接线烧结direct on-line sintering
直接线矫直direct on-line straightening
直接线轧制direct in-line rolling
钢中的作用silicon function in steel (【技】硅在炼钢过程中用做脱氧剂和还原剂;能提高钢中固溶体强度和冷加工变形硬化率,还能提高钢的回火稳定性和抗氧化性。)
硫酸锡苯酚磺酸异构物水溶液中的电镀锡法Ferrostan process
穿孔毛坯心棒上扩径 辗压saddling
管材芯棒上的辗轧plugging operation
结晶器线调宽on-line variable width of mold (【技】在连铸机正常拉坯的条件下改变铸坯宽度的操作。其优点是:①增加铸坯规格、缩短停机时间、提高生产能力;②减少切头切尾、提高金属收得率;③可在不停机的情况下浇注成分相近、尺寸有别的铸坯。结晶器在线调宽通常是通过移动其窄边来实现的。)
结晶器线调宽技术on-line variable width technology of mold
结晶器线调宽技术in-line variable width technology of mold
工字轮上的钢丝钢丝绳、带钢bobbin coil
罗布尔说:"1982年我们生产钢梁之前,进口量约占市场的41%""Before we started making steel beams in 1982, imports accounted for about 41% of the market," said Wroble.
硫酸铜溶液中浸渍一分钟的钢丝one minute wire
脱方线监控on-line rhomboidity monitoring
菱变线测量on-line rhomboidity measurement
菱变线测量in-line measurement of rhomboidity
落砂后保留铸件上型砂loose sand
薄板坯线轧制thin-slab in-line rolling
表面缺陷线检测系统on-line surface defect inspection system
表面裂纹线探测法on-line method for detecting surface crack
裂纹线检测in-line crack detection
裂纹线检测系统in-line crack detection system
瓷柱上与管内的暗线knob-and-tube wiring
亮度apparent brightness
容积apparent volume
容量apparent capacity
模数apparent modulus
气孔度apparent porosity
温度apparent temperature
电容apparent capacity
电阻apparent resistance
粘度apparent viscosity
纯度apparent purity
表面apparent surface
计算机炼钢中的应用computer application to steelmaking field
计算机钢铁工业中的应用computer application to iron and steel industry
连续线多股矫直机continuous on-line multistrand straightener
连续线控制continuous on-line control
连续监测高炉操作的线模型on-line model for continuous monitoring blast furnace operation
连铸坯线切割on-line cutting of strand
连铸坯内质量internal quality of continuously cast semifinished product
连铸坯状态线监控on-line strand condition monitoring
连铸板坯内质量internal quality of continuously cast slab
钢中的作用vanadium function in steel (【技】钒是强化铁素体和 γ 相形成元素之一,它和 C、 N、0 都有极强的亲和力,在钢中的主要作用有:①细化组织和晶粒,提高晶粒粗化温度,降低钢的过热敏感性,提高钢的强度和韧性;②在高温溶人奥氏体时,增加钢的淬透性,以碳化物形态存在降低淬透性;③增加淬火钢的耐回火性并产生二次硬化效应。)
钢水中间包内停留时间residence time of steel in tundish
钢水中间包内氧化steel oxidation in tundish
钢水液相穴内的贯穿深度depth of penetration of steel down into liquid pool
钢流液相穴内的贯穿深度penetration depth of steel stream into liquid pool
钢的潜最大硬度potential maximum hardness of steel
钢中的作用cobalt function in steel (【技】钻不能形成碳化物,有促进石墨化、降低淬透性作用;在高合金钢中如已有碳化物形成元素存在,钻能增加钢淬火后残余奥氏体的含量和稳定性。)
钢中的作用copper function in steel (【技】总体上说,铜是钢中的有益元素。铜含量约在 0.35% 以内时,随着铜含量的增加,对改善碳素钢的耐锈蚀能力效果显著。但含量在 0. 35% - 1. 00% 之间时,虽然耐锈蚀能力仍有所增加,但增加缓慢。铜能提高钢材的强度,还能提高钢材的淬硬性。当钢中铜含量大于0.40%时,易产生热脆现象,焊接性也逐渐变差。)
钢中的作用chromium function in steel (【技】铬和铁形成连续固溶体,与碳形成多种碳化物。铬能显著增加钢的淬透性、抗氧化性、耐蚀性、耐锈蚀性、耐磨性等。)
铸坯结晶器内停留时间residence time of strand in mould (【技】自铸坯壳在结晶器内初始形成点至该点离开结晶器下口的时间区段。一般而言它与结晶器长度成正比;与拉坯速度成反比。)
铸坯状态线监控on-line strand condition monitoring
铸坯质量线判定on-line strand quality decision
铸坯质量线判定in-line decision of strand quality
钢中的作用zirconium function in steel (【技】锆是碳化物形成元素,也是强有力的脱氧、脱氮元素,能细化钢的奥氏体晶粒,防止钢的热脆性,提高钢的低温韧性。)
锥度线测量on-line taper measurement (连铸结晶器的)
锥度线测量online taper measurement (连铸结晶器的)
锥度线调整on-line taper adjustment (连铸结晶器的)
锥度线调整online taper adjustment (连铸结晶器的)
锥度计线数据on-line inclinometer data
高炉操作连续检测线模型on-line model for continuous BF operation monitoring