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促进联合国政府间一级对非洲和平、安全与发展这些相互关联的问题作出协调一致的反应coordinated and coherent United Nations response
公安与预防犯罪:警察和地方当局民主化过程中的作用和责任Public Security and Crime Prevention: Roles and Responsibilities of the Police and the Local Authorities in the Context of Democratization
关于刑事事项中使用恢复性司法方案的基本原则Basic principles on the use of restorative justice programmes in criminal matters
《关于喀布尔宣言框架内禁毒问题的睦邻友好关系宣言》Declaration on Counter-Narcotics within the Framework of the Kabul Declaration on Good-Neighbourly Relations
关于国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
关于处理海上油类污染措施方面的合作协定Agreement concerning Cooperation in Measures to Deal with Pollution of the Sea by Oil
关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体内外层空间活动的原则条约MOCB Treaty = Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1983年国务院公报第25号)
关于特别是撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区发展和保护沿海和海洋环境的非洲进程的开普敦宣言Cape Town Declaration on an African Process for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa
关于预测化学品对人及环境中的影响的程序和要求Procedures and Requirements for Anticipating the Effects of Chemicals on Man and in the Environment
化学工业环境保护中作用讨论会Seminar on the Role of the Chemical Industry in Environmental Protection
南亚防治空气污染及其潜越境影响马累宣言Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia
变化中的媒体老龄化社会的作用会议Conference on Changing Media in an Ageing Society
可以减少贫穷促进增长信贷额度方案中"浮动更多的份额"floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
各国人工影响气候方面的合作准则Guidelines for Cooperation between States in Weather Modifications
国家气象、水文机构执行21世纪议程和气候变化框架公约中的作用的指导方针Guidelines on the Role of National Meteorologies and Hydrological Services in the Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change
中部非洲经济和货币共同体中非经货共同体Central African Economic and Monetary Community
分队一级at the unit level
《千年发展目标》的基础上制定一个战略框架strategic framework based on the Millennium Development Goals MDGs
单位一级使用适当检测装备检测和查明核生化物剂detect and identify NBC agents with appropriate detection equipment at the unit level
发展中国家增进环境意识和设立环境机构的活动的技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for Activities in Developing Countries on Environmental Awareness and Machinery
受核生化威胁的环境下对所有人员和人员装备进行净化行动decontamination operations for all personnel and personal equipment in a NBC threat environment
受核生化威胁的环境下对所有人员和人员装备进行初步的净化行动initial decontamination operations for all personnel and personal equipment in a NBC threat environment
各省之间分配议会席位allocating parliamentary seats among provinces
"城市一级促进环境保护-行动战略和方法"国际专家会议International Experts' Conference: "Promotion of Environmental Protection at Municipal Level - Strategies and Approaches for Action"
塞浦路斯形成新的事态new state of affairs in Cyprus
帐篷下提供洗浴能力ablutions capability under tentage
所有部门将老龄问题主流化mainstream the issue of ageing in all sectors
敞开的环境中进行的试验trial in the open environment
日本设立国际环境技术中心技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the Establishment of the International Environmental Technology Centre in Japan
有限的程度上把国际安全援助部队的活动扩及喀布尔以外地区expansion limited of ISAF beyond Kabul
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那建立信任与安全措施协定Agreement on confidence and security building measures
环境事项上获得信息、公共参 与决策和诉诸法律的奥胡斯公约》Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
空旷地喷药space spraying
1 000米或更远的范围内探测和确定人或物并将其分类detecting, identifying and categorizing persons or items within a range of 1,000 metres or more
紧急情况下合作抗治地中海石油和其他有害物质造成污染的议定书Protocol concerning Co-operation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency
紧急情况下合作抗治污染的议定书Protocol Concerning Co-operation in Combating Pollution in Cases of Emergency
紧急情况下进行区域合作抗治东南太平洋油类及其他有害物质污染的协定的补充议定书Supplementary Protocol to the Agreement on Regional Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the South-East Pacific by Hydrocarbons and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency
紧急情况下进行区域合作抗治东南太平洋油类和其他有害物质污染协定Agreement on Regional Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the South-East Pacific by Hydrocarbons and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency
职训练on-the-job training
萨拉热窝临时禁区内停止敌对行动的框架Framework for a cessation of hostilities within the Sarajevo temporary exclusion zone
解决麻醉品问题的综合办法中减少需求和减少供应的均衡办法Balanced approach between demand reduction and supply reduction in an integrated approach to solving the drug problem
部队一级on a force level
部队派遣国的启航港和任务区的进入港之间的托运路线consignment route between the port of embarkation in the troop-contributing country and the port of entry in the mission area
黄昏后强制使用驱虫剂obligatory use of insect repellents after dusk
黄昏后恰当使用蚊账并穿着适当衣服mosquito bed nets and appropriate dressing after dusk
车顶的工作灯最少 2只roof mounted working lights minimum 2 pieces
定位:有能力综合使用全球定位系统和激光测距仪行动区内确定人或物的确切地理位置positioning: be able to determine the exact geographical location of a person or item within the area of operations through the combined use of global positioning systems and laser range finders
将人类配子与另一种动物的配子混合一起fusion of human gametes with those of another animal
国际社会支助的解除武装、复员、遣返、安置和重返社会方案disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration
抵达检查:抵达后即刻执行,并在一个月内完成arrival inspection is to take place immediately upon arrival and to be completed within one month
支持非洲执行国际防治荒漠化公约内罗毕会议Nairobi Meeting to Support the Implementation of the International Convention on Desertification in Africa
标准作业报告:标准作业报告由部队/特遣队每月使用标准表格部队/特遣队一级进行standard operational reporting. standard operational reports are performed at the unit/contingent level by the unit/contingent on a monthly basis using a standardized form
《欧洲委员会关于生物学和医学应用中保护人权和人类尊严公约》Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine
慢性恶化的灾难slowly developing disasters
波恩协定=《关于阿富汗重建永久政府机构之前的临时安排的协定》Bonn Agreement Agreement on provisional arrangements in Afghanistan pending the re-establishment of permanent government institutions
有害化学品特别是农药国际贸易信息交流特设专家工作组Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts for the Exchange of Information on Potentially Harmful Chemicals in Particular Pesticides in International Trade
爆炸物处理是指部队处理爆炸物的背景下,对未爆炸弹药的探测、查明、现场评估、安全拆卸、回收和最后处理explosive ordnance disposal EOD means, in the context of force EOD, the detection, identification, onsite evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded ammunition
特派团团长是指安全理事会的同意下由秘书长任命的特别代表/指挥官,负责联合国在特派团内的所有活动head of mission means the special Representative/Commander appointed by the Secretary-General with the consent of the security council responsible for all united nations activities within the mission
特遣队可保持有限的作业储备不超过批准数量的10%,以用于迅速替换业已损失的或战区无法进行保养的损坏车辆operational stocks up to 10 per cent of authorized quantity designed as immediate replacement for vehicles lost or damaged beyond in-theatre repair capability
特遣队是指所有根据本备忘录任务区部署的部队/警察部队派遣国的建制部队、人员和装备contingent means all formed units, personnel and equipment of the troop/police contributor deployed to the mission area under this memorandum
特遣队自备装备是指部队/警察部队派遣国的特遣队从事维和行动时部署和操作的主要装备、次要装备和消耗品contingent-owned equipment means major equipment, and minor equipment and consumables deployed, and operated by the troop/police contributor’s contingent in the performance of peacekeeping operations
禁止国际商业交易中贿赂外国公职人员公约Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
禁止海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他 大规模毁灭性武器条约Sea-Bed Treaty: Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil Thereof (禁止在海床洋底设置核武器条约)
禁止向非洲输入有害废物并管制有害废物非洲境内越境转移和管理的巴马科公约Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa
联合国关于发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
联合国关于发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNCCD
联合国关于发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa
联合国遥感技术的未来趋势及其潜经济影响会议United Nations Meeting on Future Trends of Remote Sensing Technology and its Potential Economic Impact
艾滋病观察非洲AIDS Watch Africa
适用性包括武器的瞄准和校准,及任务区域许可的定期试射。serviceability includes sighting and calibration of weapons and periodic test firing as permitted in the mission area
阿拉木图行动纲领:内陆和过境发展中国家过境运输合作全球新框架下解决内陆发展中国家的特别需要Almaty Programme of Action: Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries within a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries
阿拉木图行动纲领:内陆和过境发展中国家过境运输合作全球新框架下解决内陆发展中国家的特别需要Almaty Programme of Action
限制洗涤和清洁产品中使用某些去垢剂的欧洲协定European Agreement on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Detergents in Washing and Cleaning Products
限制联塞部队法马古斯塔/泽里尼亚道路沿线的移动restriction of movement along the Famagusta/Dherinia road
青年组织预防青年犯罪中的作用国际讲习班International Workshop on the Role of Youth Organizations in the Prevention of Crime among Youth