
Terms for subject Forestry containing | all forms
减少发展中家毁林和森林退化所致排放量Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
减少发展中家毁林和森林退化所致排放量Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries
列入家保护的森林gazetted forest
列入家保护的森林notified forest
家举措country-driven initiative
家举措government-led initiative
家举措country-led initiative
家公园national park
家协调中心national coordination centre
家森林体系national forest system
家森林监测和评估national forest monitoring and assessment
家森林评估national forest assessment
家森林调查national forest inventory
家森林调查体系national forest inventory system
家火灾危险分级系统简写为NFDRSnational fire danger rating system
家燃料评估系统national fuel appraisal system
家野火协调小组简写为NWCGNational Wildfire Coordinating Group
有林national forest
有林State forest
有林state-owned forest
有林Crown forest
有林区state forest area
有林地state forest land
家推动实施的计划country-driven initiative
家推动实施的计划government-led initiative
家推动实施的计划country-led initiative
五叶松weymouth pine