
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
在国际货币基金中的总份额total tranche position of a country in the Fund
法院委托他国法院协助调查证据的信letters rogatory
法院委托另一国法院对于诉讼案件就地调查证据的信letter requisitorial
输出占全世界输出的份数export share
一、些家引进技术的方法national approaches to the acquisition of technology
一般最惠条款general most favoured nation clause
七大家际石油公司Seven International Oil Majors
公制metric system
博览会world exposition
通商multinational trade
邮政栽盟Universal Postal Union
决议草案tripartite draft resolution
协约triple entente
不发达underdeveloped nation
不发达underdeveloped countries
不发达less developed countries
不发达under-developed countries
不发达Less Developed Country
不受外竞争影响的行业sheltered trade
不同经济和社会制度家间的贸易trade among countries having different economic and social system
不指定别许可证unspecified licensing
专利权的际公约International Convention on Patents
专营库券政策bills-only policy
专门招待外旅客cater especially to foreign tourists
世界银行和际开发协会按部门分配承诺款项一览表distribution of Bank and IDA commitments by sector-amounts
东道关系非正式混合委员会informal joint committee on host country relations
东道政府host government
东道规定requirements set by host country
间的汇兑simple arbitration
间税则条约tariff cartel
间贸易互惠reciprocity in trade between two countries
一绝the pioneer of the world
五金矿产进出口公司China National Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation
人民保险公司the Peoples' Insurance Company of China
出口商品交易会Chinese Export Commodities Fair
制造made in China
化工进出口公司China National Chemical Import and Export Corporation
合营者Chinese participants
商人Chinese merchants
国际书店China Publications Centre (Guozi Shudian)
国际信托投资公讀China International Trust & Investment Corporation
国际贸易促进会CCPIT China Council for Promotion of International Trade
国际贸易促进委员会China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of China council for the Promotion of International Trade
图书进口公司China Publications Import Corporation
土产畜产进出口公司China National Native Produce and Animal Byproducts Import and Export
外轮代理公司China Ocean Shipping Agency
北大西洋组织内1952年设立的旨在对中国禁运的委员会China Committes
对外贸易运输总公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation
广告公司China Advertising Service
成套设备出口公司China National Complete Plant Export Corporation
所得税China income tax
技术进口总公司China National Technical Import Corporation
机械进出口公司China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation
民用航空总局CAAC General administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC 是前译名 Civil Aviation Administration of China 的缩写,现仍沿用)
汇票Chinese bills
电影发行放映公司China Film Distribution and Exhibition Corporation
租船公司China National Chartering Corporation
粮油食品进出口公司China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation
纺织品进出口公司China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation
轻工业品进出口公司China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation
轻工业对外经济技术合作公司China Light Industrial Corporation for Foreign Economic & Technical Co-operation
辻茶China black tea
邮票出口公司China Stamps Export Corporation
Chinese pavilion
中华人民共和制造made in People’s Republic of China
中华人民共和商检局Commodity Inspection Bureau of the People’s Republic of China
中华人民共和海关Maritime Customs of PRC
中度开发intermediate in the scale of development
美国中期库证券treasury notes
中立市场neutral market
中立free ship
中立船舶neutral vessel
中立财产neutral property
中立财产征用权right of angary
中等偏低收入一类的lower end of the middle income spectrum
临界threshold country
为他保管的黄金earmarked gold
为保护本产品的进口货所征收的税countervailing duty
为在内使用资金而在国外发行的债券out to in external bond
为在外使用资金而在国外发行的债券out to out external bond
公约Nine-Power Treaty
习惯际法customary international law
买卖外汇票期票negotiation of foreign bills
买本buy national
"买美货"计划"buy American" program
企业有化nationalization of enterprise
优先使用库券政策bills-preferable policy
优惠给予preference-giving country
低收入low-income country
低收入家和地区low-income countries and territories
住在本的船东resident shipowner
借款者的家以外的地方outside the country of borrower
债务偿还占民生产总值的%debt service as a % of GNP (gross national product)
债权creditor countries
债权credit or nation
产业商谈局National Industrial Conference Board
制造商协会美国National Association of Manufacturers
制造商协会National Association of Manufacturers
制造者协会National Association of Manufacturers NAM
劳动力周转率Labor Turnover, National
劳资关系法national industrial law
外贸管理公司协会美国National Association of Export Management Companies
对外贸易协会national foreign trade council
工商业主联盟national alliance of business men
市场national market
性厂牌national brands
性批发商national wholesaler
性规划能力national planning capacity
技术情报服务局National Technical Information Service
美国汽车协会National Automobile Association
生产national production
经济发展协会National Economic Development Council
证券交易商协会自动行情指数National association of securities dealers automated quotations index
证券商人协会national association of securities dealers
银行账户all banks account
零售信贷协会national retail credit association
全面的最惠条款comprehensive most-favored-nation clause
公开注册open registry countries
公海,际海域open seas, international seas areas
公约间的申请convention application
公认的际惯例established international practice
共同基金和际商品协议common Fund and International Commodity Agreements
关税贸易总协定第35条会员article 35 nation of GATT
分段际贸易"piggybacking" international trade
创造际准备international reserve creation
创造际流通手段international liquidity creation
初级产品出口primary exporting countries
利比里亚家投资委员会National Investment Commission (Liberia)
利比里亚家银行National Bank of Liberia
利润汇回本repatriation of profits
制定法律的enacting state
区锁zone-locked state
集团巴黎俱乐部Group of Ten Paris Club
"十集团"巴黎俱乐部group of Ten Paris Club
营企业para-state enterprise
营机构parastatal agency
营部门para-statal sectors
营部门parapublic sector
半主权half sovereignty state
半发达semi-developed nation
协作partner country
协定缔约agreement country
单一家市场single national market
单纯最惠条款simple most favoured nation clause
卖方边境指定地交货价F.O.R. border of the seller's country
吃水际标准draft international standard
对外贸易external trade of selected countries
政府债务及其债券obligations of governments and their instrumentalities
消费者物价指数index numbers of consumer prices in selected countries
消费者物价指数index number of consumer prices in selected countries
生活水平比较international comparison of levels of living
西欧共同市场统一关税商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
货币失调misalignments of currencies
货币对美元换算率foreign exchange rates in selected countries
各工业的份额share of the industrial countries
各种运输方式危险品运输的际公约International Convention on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by all Modes of Transport
各签约signatory powers
合作partner country
合同成立地家的法律lex loci contractus
名义民收入nominal national income
向第三出口产品的限制restrictions on export of products to third countries
向第三出口产品的限制restriction on export of products to third countries
启运country of shipment
吸引外游客的旅游业inward tourism
吸收外游客的旅游业inward tourism
商人nation of shopkeepers
商标际注册的马德里协定the Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks
土货、货、土产domestic products
内范围at the national level
家一级at the national level
民生产总值中所占比重share in GNP
际一级at the international level
际范围at the international level
际货币基金储备净额reserve position in the fund
处境最困难的least advantaged country
夕卜港口间贸易cross trade
买者overseas buyer
人入境税alien tax
人的入境许可admission of alien
仓库收货制度terminal receiving system
价值foreign value
价格foreign price
保险公司foreign insurance company
借款foreign borrowing
借款者foreign borrowers
债款external borrowings
公债市场foreign bond market
公司foreign firms
判决foreign judgement
制的of foreign manufacture
和国际债券市场foreign and international bond markets
商人alien merchant
商店foreign house
商行foreign firms
基地母公司foreign-based parent company
委托人foreign principal
子公司foreign affiliate
子公司企业foreign-affiliated firm
定货foreign order
市场价值foreign market value
广告代理人foreign advertising agency
投资者foreign investor
投资跨国公司foreign investment translationals
挂号邮件foreign registered mail matter
支票foreign check
母公司foreign base company
of exchange汇票foreign bill
汇票foreign bill of exchange
comparative law
港口船舶管理制度公约Convention on the Regime of Vessels in Foreign ports
的经纪人代理人foreign commission agent
私人投资private foreign investments
私人投资的特定项目specific piece of private foreign investment
私人控股公司foreign personal holding company
纸币硬币交易dealings in foreign notes and coins
或国外经济特区expatriate enclave
联号foreign affiliate
股份foreign equity holding
股权比重proportion of foreign equity
股票的场外交易over-the-counter dealings of the foreign stock
作成海损计算书foreign statement
goods of foreign make (origin)
foreign goods
货币monkey money
货币汇票foreign currency bill
贷款foreign loan
资产净值net external assets
资本流入inflow of foreign capital
进口订货車inward indents
进口货物清单inward foreign manifest
foreign made
邮件foreign mail
邮政汇票foreign money order
银行欠款due from foreign banks
银行票据foreign bank bills
公司transnational company
公司transnational corporation
公司multinational firm
公司multinational corporation
公司multinational company
公司转让价格制订法multinational transfer pricing
出口保险办法Multinational Export Credit Insurance Scheme
家多种方式联运企业multinational transport enterprises
性公司multinational corporation
性公司transnational corporation
性公司multinational company
抽样分析cross-country analysis
核燃料循环中心multinational nuclear fuel cycle centre
河流pluri-national river
籍企业international or multinational corporation
能源企业multinational energy enterprise
航空公司multilateral airlines
计划拟订和业务中心Multinational Programming and Operation Centre
货币调整multinational currency realignment
银行multinational bank
多重plural rationality
大洋沿海oceanic coastal state
大陆法civil law country
天然橡胶生产协会association of national rubber producing countries
外现金cash held in foreign countries
存放外商品goods in foreign countries
存放外铸币specie held kept abroad
将利润汇回本transfer home the profits
市场经济market economy country
特惠关税Imperial Preferential Tariff
特惠制imperial preference system
特惠制imperial preference
联合协会Imperial Federation League
引进外信贷introduction of foreign credit
引进外技术introduction of foreign technology
引进外投资introduction of foreign investment
引进外资本introduction of foreign capital
引进技术的technology acquiring country
航行homeward voyage
影响实际民生产总值的物价降低率G.N.P. deflator
总投资对民总产值的比率ratio of gross investment to gross national product
总资本构成对民总值比率ratio of gross capital formation to gross national product
战争中的中立船舶free ship
执行外仲裁裁决enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
挂本旗船只承运人flag carrier
指规数受援IPF recipient
别分列商品制度commodity-by-country system
别列商品制度commodity by country system
别和贷款人类别划分by country and type of creditor
别摊款country assessments
际商会和解规则的和解条件terms of settlement under the ICC International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Conciliation
际法jure gentium
按人口平均计算的内生产总值per capita gross domestic product
按人口平均计算的民生产总值per capital gross national product (GNP)
按净清偿能力清算的际收支差额net liquidity balance, the
按净清偿能力计算的际收支差额balance on net liquidity basis
按固定价格计算的民生产总值G.N.P. at constant prices
按地区、家或区域划分的世界贸易world trade by region, country or area
按官方储备结算的际收支balance of payment on basis of official reserve transaction
按官方储备结算的际收支差额balance on basis of official reserve transactions
按市场价格计算的民生产总值G.N.P. at market prices
按美售价估征关税制度American selling price system of tariff valuation
按美售价估征关税制度American selling price system of customs valuation
按要素成本计算的民生产总值G.N.P. at factor cost
捐助donor countries
捐赠donor country
捐赠成分donor country content
改变际贸易流向redirection of the flow of international trade
商船enemy merchantman
普遍际法universal international law
最不发达的发展中least developed developing country
最低度开发least-developed countries
最低限额floor country
最困难的hard-core countries
最困难的最不发达的hard-core least developed countries
最惠most-favoured-nation MFN
最惠关税率most-favoured-nation tariff rate
最惠关税率most favored nation tariff rates
最惠待遇most-favoured-nation treatment
最惠待遇the most favoured nation treatment
最惠待遇most favorable national treatment
最惠待遇most favored nation treatment
最惠待遇条款most favored nation treatment clause
最惠条款most-favoured-nation clause
最惠条款most favored nation clause
有价证券的外投资portfolio foreign investment
1964 年海牙有关际货物买卖统一法的公约Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1964
有关详情请与中业务部接洽for further information contact us at China desk
有效的际监督effective international control
有效的际行动viable international action
有条件的最惠待遇conditional most-favored-nation treatment
未了际储备的清理consolidation of outstanding international resources
产品home products
产品出口national export
制成品domestic manufactures
制的of home manufacture
制造manufacture of home
化产品nationalized goods
"本化"产品出口nationalized export
含量domestic content
币汇票'home currency bill
技术能力indigenous technological capacity
national law
municipal law
法律national legislation
注册证明home registration certificate
生产domestic production
生产设备locally produced equipment
国家航运公司national line
装罐厂local packing houses
财政资源domestic financial resources
货币national currency
货币汇票home currency bill
资本indigenous capital
通货domestic currency
条件最差的most disadvantaged country
条约treaty powers
来源source country
来源政府source government
根据X X海关法令证实发票certified invoice in accordance with XX customs regulations
根据际货币基金组织规定的国际收支表balance of payments according to IMF formula
横贯际专业化horizontal international specialization
欠发达less developed country
欠外银行款项due to foreign banks
欧洲际银行European Banks of International Company
欧洲最惠条款政策European Most Favoured Nation Policy
津巴布韦全铁路公司National Railways Corporation of Zimbabwe
活动的际资本mobile international capital
奖券lottery ticket
片面最惠条款one-sided most favoured nation clause
用外货币支付的规定stipulation for effective payment in a foreign currency
用报复关税威胁他的政策policy of the big revolver
用本资本开发外国原油overseas crude oil developed by domestic capital
用美船装运ship in American bottoms
第三third country
第三承汇运人third flag carrier
第三承运人third flag carrier
第六期际锡矿协议Sixth International Tin Agreement
缔约high contracting party
联合亚洲及太平洋经济和社会委员会United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia & the Pacific Escap
联合亚洲及远东经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Asia & the Far East
联合亚洲及远东经济委员会economic Commission for Asia and Far East
联合亚洲和太平洋经济社会委员会亚太经社会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合人口问题基金United Nations Fund for Population Activities
联合会费United Nations assessments
联合促进全球经济合作的新机构new United Nations Structure for global economic co-operation
联合公债United Nations bond issue
联合关于南北问题的全球性谈判United Nations global negotiations on North-South issues
联合区域委员会UN Regional Commissions
联合十年发展计划United Nations Development Decade
联合发展合作周期United Nations Development Coopertaion Cycle
联合发展规划、预测和政策中心United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies
联合国际货物多式联运公约United Nations Convention on International Multimodel Transport of Goods
联合国际贸易法律委员会United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
联合国际销售货物合同公约United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods
联合地理名词标准化会议United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
联合大会第七届特别会议Seventh Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly
联合工业发展组织工发组织United Nations Industrial Development Organization
联合工业发展组织UN Industrial Development Organization
联合工发组织总信托基金UNIDO Central Trust Fund
联合开发十年United Nations Development Decade
联合拉丁美洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
联合拉丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America
联合杜会保防研究所UN Social Defence Research Institute
联合欧洲经济委员会买卖一般条件和标准合同格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
联合法律委员会国际支付研究小组Study Group on International Payments
联合法律委员会国际汇票Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
联合海上货物运输会议United Nations Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
联合海洋法会议UN Conference on the law of the sea
联合特别基金United Nations special Fund
联合科学和技术应用于发展咨询委员会United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
联合粮农组织联合管理处Joint United Nations/FAD Administrative Unit
联合粮食及农业组织粮农组织United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
联合组织UND United Nations Organizations
联合经济及社会理事会经社理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
联合经济发展特别基金会Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
联合经济合作行动计划署United Nations Action Programme for Economic Cooperation
联合统计局United Nations statistical office
联合统计年表United Nations Statistical Year Book
联合自然资源、能源和运输中心United Nations Centre for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport
ECWA联合西亚经济委员会Economic Commission for Western Asia
联合货币金融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
联合贸易与发展会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合贸易与发展会议贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合贸易发展会议贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合贸易法律委员会的审查事项范围说明terms of reference of UNCITRAL
联合贸易组织International Trade Organization
联合资本开发基金会United Nations Capital Development Fund
联合跨国公司调查研究中心Information and Research Center on Transnational Corporations
联合难民事务高级专员公署United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
联合非洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
联合非洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa
联合王原子能管理局United kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
联系associated country
船主ship-owning country
船旗vessel flag nation
船籍country of registration
船籍law of the flag
船籍法律law of the flag
船舶籍登记证certificate of registry (nationality)
船舶籍证ship's certificate of registry
船舶籍证书certificate of ship's nationality
船舶籍证明书national paper
船舶注册country of registration
货物原产country of origin
贫困under-privileged country
购买外公司证券buy foreign securities
购买美货法案Buy American Act
购买羡货法案Buy American Act
贸发会议和总协定合办的际贸易中心UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Center
贸易营的国家state-trading country
资本收回本repatriation of capital
资本输入capital-importing country
资本输出capital export country
资本输出和资本接受国capital exporting and recipient countries
资本项目逆差country having deficit in capital transaction
资金结余的石油输出capital-surplus oil-exporting countries
软币soft currency countries
逆差deficit country
通常际交易current international transaction
通货膨胀的际结构regime of international inflation
通过第三汇兑cross exchange
阿拉伯石油输出组织Organization of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
阿拉伯石油输出组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting (Countries)
阿拉伯石油输出组织Organization of Arabian Petroleum Exporting Countries
内原产non-domestic origin
有船private vessel
非东道投资non-host investors
非会员non-member state
非成员non-member state
非成员non-member countries
非指规数受援non-recipients of IPFs
非本含量non-operating content
非沿岸non-riparian state
非洲石油进口阿拉伯特别基金会Special Arab Fund for Africal Oil Importers
非海岸non-coastal state
非缔约non-contracting party
非美元non-dollar countries
鼓励外投资encourage of foreign investment
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