
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
一东盟自贸区China-ASEAN Free Trade Area
国际海运集装箱集团股份有限公司China International Marine Containers
国际贸易促进委员China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
国际金融有限公司China International Capital Corporation Limited
对外经济贸易仲裁委员会China Foreign Economic Trade Arbitration Commission
工程物理研究院China Academy of Engineering Physics
水域China waters
海事仲裁委员会China maritime arbitration commission
物品编码中心Article Numbering Center of China
移动通信集团公司China Mobile Communication Corporation
籍船舶Ship with China registry
网络通信有限公司China Network Corporation Ltd
联合通信有限公司China Unicorn
船舶及海洋工程设计研究院中国海洋装备设计的摇篮Marine design and research Institute of China
船舶工业系统工程研究院/海洋电子科技有限公司海洋防务装备的"推动者"China's Shipbuilding Industry Systems Engineering Institute/ Ocean Electronic Science and Technology Ltd.
船舶建造标准合同China shipbuilding standard contact
中华人民共和仲裁法Arbitration law of the People's Republic of China
中立战时free ship
美国咨询中心National Referral Center
美国科学研究委员会National Research Council
分摊政府contributing government
英国军舰到外港口进行正式访问show the flag
劳工提供labour supplying country
南非际贸易委员会染证书International Trade Administration Commission (NLS 证书)
发动机际防止空气污染证书EIAPP certificate
内水域National waters
内渔业domestic fishery
内铁路运输domestic railway transport
土战略防御攻击与后勤保障局strategic homeland intervention, enforcement and logistics division
美国家历史保护法National History Protection Act
家吨位National tonnage
英国家安全局National Security Agency
美国家导弹防御系统National missile defense
美国家标准技术研究院National Institute of Standards and Technology
家海事主管机关National maritime administration
美国家环保局National Environmental Protection Agency
美国家电视标准委员会National Television Standards Committee
家航运公司National shipping line
美国防腐蚀标准化技术委员会Technical Committee for Anti-corrosion Standardization
际互联网World wide web
际信号规则International Code of Signals
际刑警组织International criminal police organization
际劳工组织公约International Labour Organization ILO Convention
际协调时间universal time coordinated
际反倾销法International Anti-dumping Laws
际吨位International tonnage
1969 际吨位证书International tonnage certificate
美国 际商业机International Business Machines
际商事仲裁International commercial arbitration
际商事仲裁协会International Commercial Arbitration Association
际商会仲裁院International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration
际商务谈判International business negotiation
际商品协定下的协定价格Striking price under International Commodity Agreement
际坐标时universal coordinated time
际多式联运International multi-modes transport
际多式联运单据International multi-model transport document
际奈伏斯泰业务国际 NAVTEXInternational NAVTEX service
际奈伏泰斯International NAVTEX
际安全管理 ISM 规则International Safety Management ISM Code
际度量衡制气压metric atmosphere
际投资纠纷解决中心International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
际控制有害舱底防污系统证书International anti-fouling system certificate
际救生设备 LSA 规则International Life-Saving Appliance LSA Code
"际散装危险化学品规则 IBC 规则"International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code)
际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk IBC code (IBC Code)
际散装运输危险化学品适装证书International certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk
际散装运输液化气体适装证书International certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulk
际散货船和油船目标型船舶建造标准goal-based ship construction standard for bulk and oil tanker
际新闻社International News Service
际无线电联合会International Scientific Radio Union
际有害物质清单证书International Certificate on Inventory of Hazardous Materials
际有害物质清单证书》初次检验Initial survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials
际有害物质清单证书》换证检验Renewal survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials
际有害物质清单证书》最终检验Final survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials
际有害物质清单证书》附加检验Additional survey for "the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials"
际条约International treaties
际标准组织 ISO 制订的标准 "ISO 8217: 2010"DMZ (船用燃油标准)
际比较项目International comparison program
IGC Code"际气体运输船规则 IGC 规则"International Gas Carrier Code
际法庭World Court
1974/1978 际海上人命安全公约International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 74,78, as amended from time to time published by IMO (SOLAS)
际海事人命安全公约SOLAS convention
际海事会议National Maritime Conference
际海事卫星组织International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT)
际海事卫星组织的公务活动空间段INMARSAT space segment
际海事承包商协会International Marine Contractor Association
际海事标准International maritime standards
际海事活动International maritime activities
际海事组织委员会和分委员会Name of Committee and Sub-committee
际海员培训、发证和值班规则STCW convention
际海运危险货物输规则International Maritime Dangerous Goods IMDG Code (IMDG 规则)
际海运燃料排放greenhouse gas emission from international shipping by fuel burning
际消防安全系统规则FSS code (FSS 规则)
际消防安全系统规则The International Code for Fire Safety Systems
际消防安全系统规则International Code for fire safety systems (FSS 规则)
际物品编码协会International Article Number Association
际生产价格International production price
际移动卫星组织International Mobile Satellite Organization
际移动电话漫游International roaming
"2008 际稳性规则"2008 IS code
际竞争性招标International biding competitive
际网络处理器会议International Network Processors Conference
际羊毛局International wool secretariat
际能效符合证明International compliance certificate of energy efficiency
际能效证书International energy efficiency certificate
际航空和海上搜救手册International aeronautical and maritime search and rescue IAMS AR manual
际航行国际航线International voyage
际航运安全及防止污染管理规则International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and Pollution Prevention
际船级社协会器公司International Association of Classification Societies
际船舶保安证书International ship security certificate
际船舶和港口设施保安 ISPS 规则International Ship and Port Facility Security ISPS Code
际装运 INF 货物适装证书certificate of fitness for the carriage of INF cargo
际谷物规则International Grain Code
际货协运单International cargo agreement transportation
际货物买卖合同contract of international goods sales
际货物保险International cargo insurance
际贸易地理方向International trade by region
美国际贸易委员会U. S International Trade Commission
际贸易委员会International Trade Center
际贸易货物结构composition of international trade
际载重线免除证书International load line exemption certificate
际载重线公约ICLL convention
际运输委员会International Transport Committee
际运输密封装辐射性核燃料货物适装证书International certificate of fitness for the carriage of INF cargo
际适合拆船证书International ready for recycling certificate
际通岸接头International shore' connections
际铁路联运International railway transport
际防止散装运输有毒液体物质污名称 Description 外径 Outside diameter 内径 Inside diameter 螺栓节圆直径 Bolt circle diameter 法兰槽口 Slots in flange 法兰厚度 Flange thickness 螺栓及螺母 Bolts and nutsInternational pollution prevention certificate for the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk (NLS Certificate)
际防止油污 IOPP 证书International oil pollution prevention certificate (IOPP Certificate)
际防止油污染证书IOPP certificate
际防止油类污染证书International oil pollution prevention certificate
际防止生活污水污染证书International sewage pollution prevention certificate
际防止空气污染证书International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate IAPP Certificate IAPP
际鸦片公约International Opium Conventions
际麻醉药品管制委员会International Narcotics Control Board
20 集团group of twenty finance ministers and central back governors
地理不利geographically disadvantaged states
基地港base port state
渔船捕鱼foreign fishing
籍船舶Ship with non-China registry
2009尽早实施2009年香港际安全与环境无害化拆船公约中的技术标准Early implementation of the technical standards of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,
1983 年际运输公约法International Transport Convention Act 1983
际防止船舶造成污染公约International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from ships 73/78, as amended from time to time published by IMO MARPOL 1973
1958 年联合《承认及执行外国仲裁决议公约》1958 Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
2004 年船舶压载水和沉积物控制和管理际公约International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004
2009 年香港际安全与环境无害化拆船公约Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Cycling of Ships, 2009
广船际股份有限公司-海洋装备制造企业上市的"先驱"Guangzhou Shipyard International Company Limited
海上职业联合会Professional Accident Insurance Association for Seamen
海上试验风场与基础设施公司German Offshore Test Field and Infrastructure GmbH &Co. KG. (DOTI)
海员工伤事故保险联合会SBG (See-Berufsgenossenschaft)
联邦海事与水文局federal maritime and hydrographic agency (FMHA/ BSH)
总部国际海事卫星组织headquarters party
所适用的内法applicable national law
提出申请的成员政府proposing member government
散装运输际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (IBC Code, IBC 规则)
日本际商事仲裁协会International Commercial Arbitration Association of Japan
最惠most favoured nations
最惠待遇原则most favored nation treatment
有重大利益关系的substantially interesting state
船主义flag discrimination
柴油机际防止空气污染证书engine international air pollution prevention EIAPP certificate
沿岸主管机关Administration of the coastal State
沿海的保护权right of protection of the coastal state
沿海的大陆架Continental shelf of a coastal State
海湾阿拉伯家合作委员会Gulf Cooperation Council
港口当局port state authority
港口当局的应急策略application of port state' contingency strategies
港口监督port state control
港口监督检验port state control survey
瓦登海家公园wadden sea national park
登记state of registration
签发许可证的licensing state
经修正的"际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则"IGC code
缔约contracting government
保险商实验室Underwriter Laboratories Inc.
全球定位系统global positioning system
出生的华裔儿童America-born children
国防情报局defense intelligence agency
国防部United States Department of Defense (DOE/ DoD)
国防部弹道导弹防御局Ballistic Missile Defense Organization under United States Department of Defense
在线America On Line
标准化协会American National Standard Institute
检验的船舶United States inspected ships
检验的船舶U. S inspected ships
水域Waters of the United States
海岸警卫队United states of coast guard
《科学引文索引》science citation index
联邦政府法规code of federal regulations
船级社America Bureau of Shipping
超纯水协会ultrapure water
运输部海事局United States Department of Commerce Maritime Administration
革命之子组织Sons of the American Revolution
美洲家问毒品滥用管制委员会The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)
联合关于气候变化框架公约The United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
联合关于气候变化框架公约哥本哈根气候大会UNFCCC Copenhagen Climate Conference
联合危险品运输专家委员会Committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods
联合工业开发署industrial development agency
联合毒品与犯罪署United Nations office on drugs and crime
UNFCCC《联合气候变化框架公约》。United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
联合禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药品公约United Nations Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
联合编号United Nations UN number
联合王英国船舶United Kingdom ship
航行于外水域的go foreign
船旗flag country
船旗flag State
船旗主管机关Administration of the flag State
船旗履约委员会Sub-committee on Flag State Implementation
船旗履约评估内部标准internal criteria for the assessment of flag state performance
船旗履约评估外部标准External criteria for the assessment of flag State performance
船籍home country of a ship
船籍country of registration of a ship
船舶登记state of the ship's registry
船舶登记注册country of registration of a ship
船藉国旗flag of registry
苏联家安全委员会Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti
伦敦国际仲裁院London Court of International Arbitration
劳氏船级社Lloyd's Register of Shipping
劳氏船级社证书LR certificate
劳氏船级社集团Group of LR Society
标准协会British Standard Institute
海外公民护照British national overseas passport
陆军情报六局military intelligence 6 (MI 6)
薄荷四墨西哥、印度尼西亚、尼日利亚和土耳其Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey
转口transit State
转运transit State
输入某个transportation into a State
金砖巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
防止和制止从事际海上运输船舶走私毒品、精神药物和前体化学品指南Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the Smuggling, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships Engaged in International Maritime Traffic
海洋科学技术院Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
船级社Korean Register of Shipping
香港际金融中心International Finance Centre
驶向外go foreign