
Terms for subject Plastics containing | all forms
产塑料home plastic
规定的标准state-specified standards
家安全机构National Security Agency
标单位international unit
际标准化协会International Standards Organization
际标准化协会International Standardization Organization
际标准化协会推荐标准ISO recommendation
际标准化协会标准ISO standard
际标准协会International Standards Organization
际橡胶硬度等级international rubber hardness degree
际测试材料协会International Society for Testing Materials
际纯化学和应用化学联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
工业标准Deutsche Industrie Norm
工业标准德文Deutsche Industrie Norm
标准际单位制单位Standard International unit
式模具制备形状不规则或极为精密部件的两瓣模French mould
式模具制备形状不规则或极为精密部件的两瓣模French mold
材料试验学会American Society for Testing and Material
材料试验学会技术规范ASTM specification
材料试验学会方法ASTM mothed
材料试验学会标准ASTM standards
标准协会United States American Standards Institute
规范United States Standard
联合发展计划署纽约United Nations Development Program
联合环境计划署United Nations Environment Program
标准学会British Standard Institute
英帝化学工业公司Imperial Chemical Industries