
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
不发达less developed country One of the world's poorest nations, typically small in area and population, with low per capita incomes, literacy levels and medical standards, subsistence agriculture and a lack of exploitable minerals and competitive industries (世界上最贫穷国家之一,显著特征是人口少、国土面积小、人均收入及文化水平医疗水平低、温饱型农业、缺少可开采的矿产和有竞争力的工业。)
美国气体监测网络National Aerometric Surveillance Network
英国水质委员会National Water Council
英国水质管理局National Water Authority
美国消防协会National Fire Protection Association
美国灾保险商委员会National Board of Fire Underwriters
美国环保培训协会Notional Environmental Training Association
美国用电安全法规National Electrical Safety Code
美国用电安全法规National Electric Safety Code
美国空气污染技术信息中心National Air Pollution Technical Information Center
美国防火协会National Fire Protection Association
美国防火规程National Fire Code
公共际法public international law The general rules and principles pertaining to the conduct of nations and of international organizations and with the relations among them (适合国家和国际组织的行为和它们之间关系的通用的条例和原则。)
内陆land-locked country
发展中developing country A country whose people are beginning to utilize available resources in order to bring about a sustained increase in per capita production of goods and services (那些开始通过利用可用资源从而在物质生产和服务上得到持续发展的国家。)
发展中家债务developing countries debt
发达developed country A nation possessing a relatively high degree of industrialization, infrastructure and other capital investment, sophisticated technology, widespread literacy and advanced living standards among its populations as a whole (拥有相当高程度的工业化、公共建设和其他重大投资、复杂的技术,且其人口具有较高文化及先进生活水准的国家。)
民用,家用燃料domestic fuel
内法municipal law Broadly, a law or body of laws that pertains solely to the citizens and inhabitants of a state; narrowly, a law or body of laws pertaining to towns, cities, villages and their local governments (从广义上讲,法律或规章法规,只涉及到一个国家的公民和居民;狭义上,指有关城镇、城市、乡村和当地政府的法律或规章法规。)
内法律national legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by the government of a sovereign state that holds force throughout the regions and territories within the government's dominion (由主权国家的政府规定的在政府管辖的整个地区实行的约束规则或法律法规。)
内生产毛收入gross domestic product The total output of goods and services produced by a national economy in a given period, usually a year, valued at market prices. It is gross, since no allowance is made, for the value of replacement capital goods (在一定时期,通常是一年内由国民经济生产,根据市场价格评价的货物和服务的总输出。指未考虑替代资本货物价值的总额。)
内贸易domestic trade Trade wholly carried on at home; as distinguished from foreign commerce (完全在国内进行的贸易,与对外贸易有所不同。)
state A people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common law, habits and custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government, independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries, unless or until authority is ceded to a federation or union of other states (由于普通的法律和习惯以及风俗,一个人永远占据一个固定的领土并与之成为一个整体,通过一个有组织的政府,独立的主权和控制所有领域范围内的人和物,除非或直到权利被割让联邦或其他联盟国家。)
家保护计划national conservation programme
家储备national reserve No definition needed (无需定义。)
家公园national park Areas of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for the conservation of flora, fauna and scenery, and for recreation, if this does not conflict with the conservation objectives of the parks and their landscapes. Hunting, logging, mining, commercial fishing, agriculture and livestock grazing are all controlled within national parks, as is industrial activity (优秀自然美景地区,对植物、动物和自然风光以及休闲的保护区的保护,如果这并不抵触公园和风景区的保护目标。在国家公园,狩猎、伐木、采矿、商业捕鱼、农业和牲畜放牧都被控制,因为都是工业活动。)
家卫生研究所National Institute of Health
美国家大气污染控制中心National Center for Air Pollution Control
美国家大气污染控制管理局National Air Pollution Control Administration
美国家大气研究中心National Center for Atmospheric Research
美国家天然气管道安全法案Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
家控制state control The power or authority of a government to regulate or command industry, organizations, programs, initiatives and individuals (政府为规范行业、组织、方案、倡议和个人而拥有的权利或权威。)
家森林state forest Forest owned and managed by the State (由国家拥有和管理的森林。)
美国家气候数据中心National Climate Data Center
美国家气象中心National Climatic Center
美国家水资源委员会National Water Resources Committee
美国家污染控制局State Pollution Control Authority
家污染物排放处置系统制度National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
家渔业储备national fishing reserve Limited portion of a water body belonging to the State where angling is allowed (国家所有的有限水域部分,钓鱼是允许的。)
家火灾保护协会简写为NFPAnational fire protection association
英国家环保技术中心National Environment Technology Center
美国家环境保护法National Environmental Protection Act
美国家环境卫星中心National Environmental Satellite Center
家环境卫星数据和信息服务局National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service
美国家环境卫星服务局National Environmental Satellite Service
美国家环境政策法案National Environmental Policy Act
家环境数据分配处National Environmental Data Referral Service
家环境数据分配系统National Environmental Data Referral System
美国家环境研究中心National Environmental Research Center
英国家环境研究委员会National Environmental Research Council
美国家环境研究所National Institute for Environment
美国家环境空气质量标准National Ambient Air Quality Standards
美国家环境预测中心National Centers for Environmental Prediction
家生物储备state biological reserve An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance (为了保护生物特征的目的,土地或/和水被划定处于受保护的地位的某个区域,储备主要是被管理以保持其特性,且为研究自然遗址管理,植被和动物种群潜在的问题方面提供机会。条例规定,通常控制公共接入和干扰。)
家职业安全与保健研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
美国家职业安全与卫生咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
家规划national planning The step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of actions to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives for a country or a large body of people associated with a particular territory, often sharing similar ethnic backgrounds, customs and language (一步一步的方法和过程的定义、发展和概述各种可能的行动来满足一个国家或特定疆界共享相似的文化背景、风俗和语言的大多数人现有或未来的需求、目标和目的。)
美国家资源保护局National Resource Conservation Service
美国家辐射防护与测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
有化nationalisation The transfer of ownership of a private business or other private property to a national government, either through uncompensated seizure (expropriation) or through forced sale at a government-determined price (私人业务或其他私有财产的所有权转让给一个国家的政府,或者通过无偿扣押(没收)或通过按政府确定的价格被迫出售。)
民收入和生产核算national accounting Organised method of recording all business transactions in the national economy (记录所有在国民经济中业务往来的组织方法。)
民环境会计帐national environmental accounting The collection and processing of financial information regarding the costs for ecological challenges or opportunities for nations or countries (有关民族或国家的生态挑战或机会的花费的财务资料的收集和处理。)
民生产毛收入gross national product Gross domestic product adjusted for foreign transactions, i.e. to the figure for Gross Domestic Product must be added any income accruing to residents of the country arising from investment and other factor earnings abroad and from it must be deducted any income earned in the domestic market by factors owned by foreigners abroad (调整外贸后的国内生产毛额,亦即国内生产毛额计算时,须增加国民在国外投资或其他生产要素收益所带来的任何收入,及须扣除外国人拥有生产要素而在国内市场获得的任何收入。)
民经济national economy A nation's financial resources and its financial management, with a view towards its productivity (一个国家的财政资源和财务管理,是其生产力的一个视角。)
民经济支出national economic costs The amount of money incurred as a result of the financial management of a nation's financial resources (一个国家的财政资源的财务管理而产生的款项。)
际事物international transaction Any agreement or act involving two or more countries in which business dealings, negotiations or other affairs are settled or concluded (任何涉及两个或两个以上国家的协议或行为,其中规定了贸易往来、谈判或其他事务。)
际互联网Internet A global consortium of local computer networks that uses the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol to connect machines to each other, providing access to the World Wide Web, Gopher, electronic mail, remote login and file transfer (由使用TCP / IP(传输控制协议/互联网协议)协议连接到其他机器的本地计算机网络构成的全球网络联盟,提供访问万维网、戈弗查询、电子邮件、远程登录和文件传输等服务。)
际全球大气化学研究项目International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project
际公约international convention Treaties and other agreements of a contractual character between different countries or organizations of states creating legal rights and obligations between the parties (不同国家或国家机构之间制定的法律权利和义务的契约性的条约或协议。)
际关系international relations The political or diplomatic interaction or dealings between independent nations (独立国家之间的政治、外交活动或往来。)
际冲突international conflict A controversy, disagreement, quarrel or warfare between or among two or more nations or countries, often requiring involvement or monitoring by other members of the global community (两个或两个以上国家间的争论、分歧、争吵或战争,通常需要国际社会其他成员的介入和监督。)
际减灾十年计划international Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
际分工international division of labour
际分销international distribution The worldwide allocating of resources or dispersing of goods (全球范围的资源分配或货物分发。)
际协同international agreement Cooperation in international efforts to support global environmental goals. Solutions to environmental problems such as trans-boundary airborne and waterborne pollution, ozone depletion and climate change require action by all responsible countries (以支持全球环境为目的的国际合作。环境问题的解决办法,如跨边界空气和水环境问题的污染,臭氧层耗竭和气候变化等,要求所有责任国采取行动。)
际协调international harmonisation Harmonisation of the interrelationship of sovereign states by the application of general principles recognized by civilized nations (通过实施由文明国家所认可的一般原则来调协主权国家的相互关系。)
际合作international co-operation The collaboration between governments, businesses or individuals in which it is agreed to work together on similar objectives or strategies, particularly in research or in setting industrial standards (政府、企业或个人的合作,在为相似的目标或战略共同工作上达成一致,尤其是研究或制定行业标准方面。)
际地球科学与环境科学促进会International Association for Advancement of Earth and Environment Sciences
际天然气汽车协会International Association of Natural Gas Vehicles
际安全international safety Freedom from danger or the quality of averting risk of harm to persons, property or the environment shared across one or more national boundaries; consequently, the combined efforts of more than one nation to achieve or preserve that state (避免遭受危险的自由、或避免人身、财产、共享的跨国环境的伤害的属性;从而需要多个国家间的共同努力以保护上述属性。)
际平衡international balance A system in which nations or blocs of nations strive to maintain an equilibrium of power to prevent dominance by any single nation or to reduce conflict or the possibility of war (一个系统中,国家或国家集团力求保持一种平衡权力,以防止任何一个国家的霸权优势、减少冲突或战争的可能性。)
际废油回收和重新利用会议International Conference on Waste Oil Recovery and Reuse
际援助international assistance Economic, military, technical or financial aid or support given to nations or countries in need, often from other governments or international or intergovernmental organizations (给予有需要的国家或民族的经济、军事、技术和财政援助或支持,通常来自于其他政府或国际或政府间组织。)
际政治international politics The use of methods, strategy, intrigue, decision making and power by governments and their representatives to achieve goals in policy making or governmental affairs in a worldwide or international arena (政府和他们的代表使用方法、策略、计谋、决策和权力来实现全球或国际范围内的方针制定或政府事务。)
际标准化international standardisation The process of establishing or conforming something to a norm or measure that is recognized beyond the boundaries of a single country or nation (建立或使某些东西以跨越单独地区或国家承认的准则或度量的过程。)
际气象中心International Meteorological Center
际气象委员会International Meteorological Committee
际气象服务Weather Services International
际气象组织World Meteorological Organization International Meteorological Organization
际气象组织WMO International Meteorological Organization
际气象组织International Meteorological Organization
际水污染研究和控制会International Association of Water Pollution Research and Control
际水道international watercourse Portions of a geographical area which constitutes a hydrogeological unit as the catchment area for a single river which are under the jurisdiction of two or more countries (某个地理区域中的构成一个水文地质单元的部分,以其作为由两个或更多的国家管辖的某条河流的集水区。)
际污染控制协会International Association for Pollution Control
际法international law The system of law regulating the interrelationship of sovereign states and their rights and duties with regard to one another (调节主权国家间的相互关系以及其相互间的权利和义务的法律制度。)
际法院International Court of Justice Judicial arm of the United Nations. It has jurisdiction to give advisory opinions on matters of law and treaty construction when requested by the General Assembly, Security Council or any other international agency authorised by the General Assembly to petition for such opinion. It has jurisdiction, also, to settle legal disputes between nations when voluntarily submitted to it (联合国的司法武装。当联合国大会、安全理事会或者其他联合国认证的国际机构申请建议意见时,其有为法律或条约制定提供意见的裁决权。同时,国际法院具有解决国家间法律争端的裁决权。)
际流域international river basin Land area drained by a river and its tributaries whose waters are situated in and utilized by two or more countries (坐落在两个或两个以上的国家同时水源水源被多国利用的河流以及其支流流经的地域。)
际海洋污染会议International Conference on Marine Pollution
际海洋环境工程会议International Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment
际溢油会议International Oil Spill Conference
际环境与开发研究中心Center for International Research of Environment and Development
际环境与开发研究所International Institute for Environment and Development
联合国际环境中心International Center for the Environment
际环境事务研究所international institute of Environment Affairs
际环境保护局International Environmental Bureau
际环境信息中心Center for International Environment Information
际环境关系international environmental relations The political or diplomatic interaction or dealings between independent nations that pertain to ecological concerns (关于生态保护的政治或外交活动或独立国家之间的往来。)
际环境法理事会International Council for Environmental Law
际环境生物地球化学专题讨论会International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry
际环境额定系统International Environment Rating System
际石油污染展览会International Oil Pollution Exhibition and Conference
际石油污染补偿基金International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund
际石油泄漏会议和展览International Oil Spill Conference & Exhibition
际私法private international law The part of the national law of a country that establishes rules for dealing with cases involving a foreign element (国家法律的一部分,用来处理与国外事物相关联的法律案件。)
际竞争力international competitiveness The ability of firms to strive with rivals in the production and sale of commodities in worldwide markets (公司在生产和商品销售在全球市场范围内与竞争对手竞争的能力。)
际组织international organisation An association of independent states, whose representatives gather for the promotion of common interests including defense and trade (独立的国家选派各自的代表为促进包括国防和贸易在内的共同利益而进行会晤的联盟。)
际经济法international economic law The recognized rules guiding the commercial relations of at least two sovereign states or private parties involved in cross-border transactions, including regulations for trade, finance and intellectual property (指导两个或两个以上主权国家或私人当事方在跨境交易——包括贸易、金融和知识产权法规时,商业关系中所公认的规则。)
际能源和环境大会International Energy and Environmental Congress
际自然与天然资源保护联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
际货币基金会International Monetary Fund An international organization established in 1944, affiliated with the United Nations that acts as an international bank facilitating the exchange of national currencies and providing loans to member nations. It also evaluates the performance of the economies of the world's countries (国际组织,成立于1944年,隶属于联合国,为促进国家货币汇率的一个国际银行,并为成员国提供银行贷款。同时其也评价世界各国的经济表现。)
际贸易international trade The flow of commodities and goods between nations (国与国之间的商品和货物的流动。)
际重要生态系统internationally important ecosystem Ecosystems whose importance is recognised at international level and which are, in some cases, protected by international conventions (公认的重要性为国际标准的生态系统,同时在某些情况下,这些生态系统受到国际公约保护。)
际防止石油污染展览会International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference
际防灾研究所International Disaster Institute
地学与环境科学际中心International Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences
大气化学与地球污染际委员会International Committee on the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
大气科学际规划委员会Committee on International Programs in Atmospheric Sciences
工业与环境际中心International Center for the Industry and the Environment
美国有害有机污染物家排放标准Hazardous Organic National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
美国有害有机污染物家排放标准Hazardous Organic Neshap
正式花园French formal garden No definition needed (无需定义。)
火灾家代码national fire codes
石油公司际海洋污染问题讨论会Oil Companies International Marine Forum for Sea Pollution
石油公司保护净化空气和水资源际研究组Oil Companies International Study Group for Conservation of Clean Air and Water
福利家论theory of the welfare state A political conception of government in a capitalist economy where the state is responsible for insuring that all members of society attain a minimum standard of living through redistribution of resources, progressive taxation and universal social programs, including health care and education (在资本主义经济下政府的政治概念,国家为确保全社会所有成员达到最低生活标准,通过资源再分配,累进税和普遍的社会计划,包括卫生保健和教育。)
美国空气有害污染物家排放标准National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
公共卫生事业协会American Public Health Association
卫生工程学会American Society of Sanitary Engineering
工业卫生协会American Industrial Hygiene Association
工业安全学会American Society for Industrial Safety
政府工业卫生学家会议American Conference on Government Industrial Hygienists
气象学会American Meteorological Society
气象局United States Weather Broad
水资源协会American Water Resources Association
污染控制公司American Pollution Control, Inc.
污染控制协会American Association for Contamination Control
原油泄漏控制协会Spill Control Association of America
环保署environmental protection agency EPA is the US Government's watchdog agency responsible for controlling the pollution of air and water, pesticides, radiation hazards and noise pollution. The agency is also involved in research to examine the effects of pollution (美国环保署监督机构的责任是控制空气与水污染,杀虫剂,辐射危害与噪音污染。该机构也研究污染的影响。)
环境保护局United States Environment Protection Agency
环境和资源委员会United States Environment and Resources Council
环境委员会American Council on the Environment
环境学会American Academy of Environments
环境科学服务局US Environmental Science Services Administration
石油泄漏和控制协会Oil Spill Control Association of America
资源保护信息协会American Association for Conservation Information
联合United Nations A voluntary association of around 180 state signatory to the UN charter (1945), whose primary aim is to maintain international peace and security, solve economic, social, and political problems through international co-operation, and promote respect for human rights (约180个国家通过签署联合国宪章(1945)而成立的一个自愿性组织,主要目的是维护国际和平与安全,通过国际合作解决经济、社会和政治问题,并促进对人权的尊重。)
联合世界气象组织United Nations World Meteorological Organization
联合人类环境会议United Nations Human Environment Conference
联合人类环境会议United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
联合新能源和可再生能源大会United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy
联合环境与发展大会UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992 (联合国环境与发展大会,巴西里约热内卢,1992。)
联合环境规划United Nations Environment Programme
联合资源保护和利用科学会议United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources
原油泄漏控制协会British Oil Spill Control Association
安全委员会British Safety Council
气象中心British Meteorology Office
污水处理设备制造商协会British Sewage Plant Manufacturer's Association
海上石油污染咨询委员会British Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea
生态学学会British Ecological Society
职业卫生学会British Occupational Hygiene Society
企业multinational firm A large business company operating in several countries (经营活动跨越几个国家的大型商业公司。)
预防空气污染协会际联合会International Union of Air Pollution Associations