
Terms for subject Management containing | all forms
东道民间反应community public attitude of host country
交通运输协会China Communications and Transportation Association
包装技术协会China Technical Package Association
古代丝绸业管理management of silk industry in ancient China
古代印刷业管理management of printing industry in ancient China
古代建筑业管理management of construction industry in ancient China
古代矿冶业管理management of mining and metallurgical industry in ancient China
古代管理思想management thought in ancient China
古代系统思想system thought in ancient China
古代造纸业管理management of paper-making industry in ancient China
古代造船业管理management of ship-building industry in ancient Chia
古代铸钱业管理management of minting ancient China
古代陶瓷业管理management of ceramic industry in ancient China
官僚资本企业管理bureaucrat-capitalist enterprise management
管理现代化研究会Chinese Research Council of Modern Management
设备管理协会China Association of Plant Engineering
质量管理协会China Quality Control Association
近代企业管理Chinese enterprise management in recent times
革命概括地公营企业管management of public enterprise in revolutionary bases in China
食品工业协会China National Food Industry Association
十月革命胜利初期企业管理enterprise management in the first years after the Russian October Revolution
先进企业national advanced enterprises
建议制度协会national association of suggestion systems
性报表state report
物价委员会national pricing commission
准成员associate member
半主权half sovereignty state
会事务局office of congressional affairs
内交通internal traffic
内投资总额gross domestic investments
内移民internal migration
内税局bureau of internal revenue
内管辖domestic jurisdiction
内迁移internal migration
外分厂foreign branch plant
外分店foreign branch store
外办事处foreign branch office
外的货物库存stocks abroad of goods
外的货物库存stock abroad of goods
家二级计量单位the national second grade measure unit
家人事学会national personal association
家储备storage by the state
家公司企业state corporation enterprise
家参与制state participation system
家发展部ministry of national development
家发明者委员会National Inventors Council
家宇宙空间管理局National Space Administration Agency
家工业发展战略strategy of national industrial development
家开支state expenditure
家所有制state ownership
家投资state investment
家投资资金national investment funds
家控制state control
家控制经济的国家state-controlled economy
家档案馆national archives
家民族资本企业管理national capitalist enterprise management
家生产局national production authority
家监督state control
家目标研究参谋部National Goals Research Staff
家管制state regulation
家管理state administration
家管理制度state regulatory system
家管理协会National Management Association
家管辖海域sea aresa under national jurisdiction
家粮食检査局state grain inspection
家级教练national coach
家经济部ministry of national economy
家训练研究所National Training Laboratories
家财政state finance
家责任responsibility of state
家领海national waters
有公司government owned corporation
民生产总值的计算the estimation of G.N.P.
民经济总产值total value of production in national economy
民议会national congress
立银行gold bank
籍不变原则rule of continuity of nationality
营企业state-owned enterprise
营公司government corporation
营经济state operated economy
防体育sport for national defence
防生产局defense production administration
际仲裁委员会international arbitration commission
际企业经营international business operation
际体育仲裁法庭Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS)
际体育广播公司International Sports Broadcasting
际分包international subcontracting
际奥委会International Olympic Committee
际奥委会主席IOC president
际奥委会出版物publications of IOC
际奥委会副主席IOC vice-president
际奥委会名誉委员Honorary Member of IOC
际奥委会奥林匹克体育科学奖IOC Olympic Prize for Sports Sciences
际奥委会委员IOC member
际奥委会广播电视委员会IOC Radio and Television Commission
际奥委会庇护patronage by the ioc
际奥委会总部饭店IOC Headquarters Hotel
际奥委会技术手册IOC Technical Manuals
际奥委会文字与摄影指南》IOC Written and Photographic Press Guide
际奥委会票务产品代码IOC Ticketing Code of Conduct
际奥林匹克日每年的6月23日International Olympic Day
际标准化组织International Standard Organization
际特殊奥林匹克委员会Special Olympics Inc.
际监察international supervision
际级运动健将international master of sports
际结算中心international clearing center
际航运公会international chamber of shipping
际资产管理international asset management
际部international department
play the national anthem
存货为美企业的坟墓inventory are the graveyard of American business
平等的主权sovereign equals
年金和民保险部ministry of pensions and national insurance
思想的家化the nationalisation of thought
按照家法令管理regulation by national law
收归take over
和外国出生人口native and foreign born population
最流行的运动项目national sport
欧洲家生产性中心协会European Association of National Productivity Centres
泰勒在美众议院专门委员会的证词Taylor’s testimony before the Special House Committee
盗窃家经济情报stealing economic information from government sources
人寿保险外勤人员学院American College of Life Underwriters
工商管理学院联合会American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business
机械工程师协会the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
生产与存货管理学会American Production and Inventory Control Society
管理协会American Management Association
管理科学协会the Institute of Management Science
经理人员协会American Management Association
行为主义American behaviorism
联合经济及社会理事会Ecosoc Economic & Social Council
工联Federation of British Industries
直辖殖民地crown colony
超额完成家指标overfulfill state quota
重新安排家优先事项shift in national priorities
集权与福利centralization and the welfare state
领土 所属territorial state