
Terms for subject Desert science containing | all forms
不发达underdeveloped country
不结盟nonaligned country
女贞Chinese privet
民用航空管理局Civil Aeronautics Administration of China
科学院兰州沙漠研究所Chinese Academy of Sciences (甘肃省兰州)
科学院兰州沙漠研究所Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research, Academia Sinica (甘肃省兰州)
第四纪黄土Quaternary loess of China
草地分类系统range classification system of China
荒漠Chinese desert
中央亚细亚和外高加索受影响affected country in Central Asia and Transcaucasus
主管际组织competent international organization
silver lace vine
地理信息标准化技术委员会Nation-wide Technical Standardization Committee of Geographic Information
全球能量和水分循环实验大陆尺度际计划GEWEX Continental Scale International Project
劣地家自然保护区Badlands National Monument (美国)
勒达尔河家公园Rudall River National Park (澳大利亚大沙沙漠)
北非跨绿色带建设项目Transnational Project on Green Belt in North Africa
南美干旱半干旱区域荒漠化过程及有关自然资源跨监测规划Transnational Project on Monitoring Desertification Processes and Related Natural Resources in Arid and Semiarid Areas in South America (阿根廷、智利、秘鲁和玻利维亚)
发达家缔约方developed country parties (指发达国家缔约方和由发达国家组成的地区经济一体化组织(《联合国防治荒漠化公约》))
受影响affective state
受影响affected country (指其全部土地或部分土地为受影响区域的国家)
受影响发展中affected developing country
受影响最严重most serously affected country
哥伦比亚际热带农业中心International Center of Tropical Agriculture
土保护land conservation
土政策national land policy
土资源遥感land resource remote sensing
家保护区national reserves
家保护计划National Conservation Programmes
家公园national park (国家为保护自然生态系统和自然地貌的原始状态,进行科学研究、科普教育和供给公众欣赏大自然和游憩而划出具有独特代表性的自然环境区)
家发展政策National Development Policy
家土地系统Public Land System (PLS)
家土地调查体系Public Land Survey System
家地图精度标准National Map Accuracy Standards (美国)
家地理空间数据库National Geospatial Database (NGD, 美国)
家地理管理局National Geographic Directorate (美国)
家地质图书馆The National Geological Library (NGL)
家大气研究中心National Center for Atmosphere Research (美国)
家总体规划National Municipal Plan
家数字制图数据库National Digital Cartographic Data Base
家气象中心National Climatic Center (美国北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔)
家污染物质排放消除系统National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
家测量参照系National Geodetic Reference System (美国)
家海洋和大气管理局National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (美国)
家海洋和大气管理局先进甚高分辨率辐射仪National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/ Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (美国)
家环境、数据和信息局National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
家级at the national level
家组织national organization
家航空航天管理局National Aeronautics and Space Administration
家荒漠化基金National Desertification Fund (会)
家防治荒漠化行动计划National Plan of Action to Combat Desertification (NPACD)
有农场state farm
有土地municipally owned land
有土地federal land
有林场state owned forest farm
Japanese pagoda tree
Chinese scholar tree
民生产净值net national product (NNP)
民生产总值gross national output (GNO)
王椰majesty palm
台站索引号码international index numbers
际保护鸟类理事会International Council for Bird Preservation
际农业发展基金会International Foundation of Agriculture Development (IFAD)
际农业发展基金会International Foundation for Agriculture Development (意大利罗马)
际农林研究中心International Centre for Research in Agro-Forestry
际减灾十年International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR)
际制土壤质地分级international textureal grade
际劳工组织International Labor Organization (I LO)
际区站号international index numbers
际半干旱地区热带作物研究所International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (印度海德拉巴)
际半干旱热带作物研究所International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (印度海德拉巴)
际单位international unit (IU, 国际间表示维生素、抗菌素等含量的标准)
际单位international system
际发展研究中心International Development and Research Center
际各国人口研究协调委员会Committee for International Co-ordination of National Research in Demography
际图形交换系统International Graphics Exchange System
际土壤科学协会International Association of Soil Science
际土壤质地等级international textural grade
际地圈-生物圈计划International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
际地圈-生物圈计划数据和信息系统International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Data and Information System
际地质大会International Geological Congress
际地震中心International Seismological Center
际妇女理事会International Council of Woman (ICW)
际布兰斯坦荒漠研究中心Blaustein International Centre for Desert Studies (1984 年成立,为信息部门,隶属于本古里安大学布兰斯坦荒漠研究所。地址:以色列斯德布凯 (Sde Boqer))
际干旱和半干旱地区研究中心International Centre for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies (美国得克萨斯州拉伯克)
际干旱土委员会International Committee on Aridisols
际干旱地区农业研究中心International Centre for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas (IC-ARDA, 1977年成立,从事作物、牧草、土地耕作制度、畜牧业等方面的研究。地址:叙利亚阿勒颇)
际干旱地区农业研究中心International Centre for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (叙利亚阿勒颇)
际干旱地区研究中心International Centre for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies (美国得克萨斯州拉伯克)
际日universal day
际日期变更线International Dateline
际极年international polar year
际林业研究组织联合会International Union of Forestry Research Organization
际水文地质学协会International Association of Hydrogeologists
际水资源研究联合会International Union for Water Research
际沙漠化治理研究培训中心International Centre for Research and Training on Desertification Control (I CRTDC, 中国兰州)
际沙漠开发委员会International Desert Development Commission (开罗)
际河流流域international river basins
际温度标度international temperature scale
际灌溉和排水委员会International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
际热带农业中心International Center of Tropical Agriculture
际热带农业研究所International Institute for Tropical Agriculture
际热带土壤水分状况委员会International Committee on Soil Moisture Regimes in the Tropics
际热带地区土壤水分委员会International Committee on Soil Moisture Regimes in the Tropics
际玉米小麦改良中心Cento International de Mejoramiento de Maizy Trigo (墨西哥)
际环境与发展委员会International Commission on Environment and Development
际环境资料来源查询系统International Referral System for Sources of Environmental Information (为国际咨询系统。地址:肯尼亚内罗毕)
际生物学研究计划International Biological Program (为生物学基本理论的国际民间组织,1964〜1978年)
际生物学研究计划草原生物研究International Biological Program Grassland Biome Studies
际生物科学联合会International Union of Biological Sciences (I UBS)
际社会global society
际科学理事会International Council for Science, 旧称 International Council of Scientific Unions (旧称:国际科学联盟理事会)
际科学联盟中心International Centre of Scientific Unions
际科学联盟理事会International Council of Scientific Unions (IS- CU)
际符号international signs
际组织international organization
际自然和自然资源保护联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature Resources
际草原会议International Grassland Congress
际草萍学会International Turfgrass Society
际萨赫勒防治干旱委员会International Committee for the Struggle against drought in the Sahel (CILSS)
际讲习班international seminar
际重要生态系统internationally important ecosystem
际防治荒漠化公约》International Convention to Combat Desertification (简称)
际陆圈-生物圈规划The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
际非洲家畜中心International Livestock Centre for Africa (马里巴马科)
际鸟类保护委员会International Council for Bird Preservation
家范围at the national level
际水平上at the international level
埃及家研究中心Egyptian National Research Centre
大峡谷家公园Grand Canyon National Park (美国)
大沙丘家公园Great Sand Dune National Park
大沙丘家纪念碑Great Sand Dune National Monument
大沙丘家自然保护区Great Sand Dune National Monument (美国科罗拉多州)
富裕better-off country
常春藤German ivy (南非)
鸢尾bearded iris
怀特沙漠家纪念碑White Sands National Monument
怀特沙漠家自然保护区White Sands National Monument (美国新墨西哥州)
拟美薄荷wild bergamot (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
拟美薄荷bee balm (Momarda fistulosa)
数字制图数据标准家委员会National Committee for Digital Cartographic Data Standard (NCDCDS)
最不发达的发展中least developed among the developed countriy
条件最不利的least advantaged country
Joseph's coat (榕树状虾钳菜)
茉莉poet's jasmine
茉莉common white jasmine
ox-eye daisy
common daisy
薰衣草Spanish lavender
薰衣草Italian lavender
薰衣草French lavender
沙鼠king jird (阿拉伯半岛和伊朗-阿富汗沙漠)
生态ecological state
三趾啄木鸟American three-toed woodpecker
中西部玉米冬小麦带corn and winter wheat belt
侧柏northern white -cedar
侧柏northern white-cedar
农业部土壤分类系统USDA Soil Classification System
农作物生态学学会American Institute of Crop Ecology
冬青木American holly
吐根树Bowman's root
吐根树American ipecac
国家农业图书馆National Agricultural Library
国家地图精度标准 Uniterra 《地球只有一个》United States National Map Accuracy Standard (联合国环境规划署于1975年创刊的一种通报、报道该署和其他国际组织在保护自然方面所进行的工作)
国家地理信息与分析中心National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
国家设计院National Academy of Design
土地管理局Bureau of Land Management (美国农业部管理国有土地的一个机构)
地质局United States Geological Survey
地质调查所United States Geological Survey
地质调査局U.S. Geological Survey
尖叶扁柏swamp white cedar
山胡椒Lindera benzoin
山胡椒northern spicebush
山胡椒Benjamin bush
山芥American yellowrocket
惚木devil walking stick
惚木Hercule's club
扁柏Lawsons cypress
摄影测量与遥感协会American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
木棉kapok tree
木棉white silk cotton tree
木棉cotton tree
Caterpillar tree
southern catalpa
梧桐American sycamore
American elm
毒蜥gila monster (北美洲沙漠)
水土保持服务组织Soil Conservation Service (隶属于美国农业部)
水青冈American beech
沙丘草dune wildrye
流苏树fringe tree
测绘委员会American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
游隼peregrine falcon (非洲沙漠,阿拉伯半岛,澳大利亚沙漠、美洲沙漠)
猪牙花Serpent's tongue
猪牙花yellow adders tongue
甜茅American mannagrass
生物学学会American Institute of Biological Sciences
畜牧学会American Society of Animal Science
白皮松whitebark pine
白蜡树biltmore aash
白蜡树white ash
白蜡树Biltmore ash
皂荚honey locust (乔木)
省沽油American bladdernut
知更鸟American robin
石竹weet william
石竹sweet william
紫毙New England aster
紫菀New England aster
紫藤American wisteria
红接骨木American red elderberry
红梣red ash
红梣green ash
肥皂荚Kentucky coffee tree
自然博物馆American Museum of Natural History
蓝叶松Jeffrey pine
薄荷Oswego tea
薄荷scarlet beebalm
蜡梅Carolina allspice
蜡梅eastern sweetshrub
American grass-hopper
资源再利用局U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
长三叶松Ponderosa pine (原产于北美,巨型乔木,高达70m、为美国中部大草原的固沙造林树种)
长三叶松Arizona longleaf pine (原产于北美,巨型乔木,高达70m、为美国中部大草原的固沙造林树种)
长三叶松Arizona pine (原产于北美,巨型乔木,高达70m、为美国中部大草原的固沙造林树种)
长三叶松western yellow pine (原产于北美,巨型乔木,高达70m、为美国中部大草原的固沙造林树种)
黄松Arizona longleaf pine
黄松Ponderosa pine
黄松Arizona pine
黄松western yellow pine
联合亚洲及太平洋地区经济社会委员会UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合亚洲和太平洋地区经济及社会委员会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (1974 年成立。在中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所(兰州),印度中央干旱带研究所(焦特布尔)和土库曼科学院荒漠研究所(阿什哈巴德)举办治沙培训班,为培养防治荒漠化干部做了许多组织工作。总部地址:泰国曼谷)
联合亚洲太平洋地区经济社会委员会UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
联合信息中心United Nations Information Centre
《联合关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约》United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (简称《联合国防治荒漠化公约》)
联合协调行政委员会UN Administrative Committee on Coordination
联合发展组织阿拉伯海湾国家基金会Arab Gulf Fund for UN Development Organizations
联合发展组织阿拉伯湾基金会Arab Gulf Fund for UN Development Organization
联合可持续发展委员会UN Commission on Sustainable Development
联合开发计划处苏丹-萨赫勒办事处UNSO/UNDP (联合国总部)
联合拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区经济委员会UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
联合教育、科学及文化组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (简称:联合国教科文组织)
联合教育、科学及文化组织Organisation des Nation Unies pour I Education, la science et la Culture
联合环境规划署执行主席UNEP Executive Director
联合环境规划署旱地生态系统与防治荒漠化行动方案中心Dryland Ecosystem and Desertification Combating Activity Programme Centre, UNEP
联合环境规划署秘书处UNEP Secretariat
联合环境规划署荒漠化信息系统UNEP Desertification Information System
联合环境规划署荒漠化队UNEP Desertification Unit
联合环境规划署防治荒漠化咨询组Consultative Group for Desertification Control (UNEP)
联合环境规划署防治荒漠化方案活动中心Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre (DC-PAC)
联合环境规划署防治荒漠化方案行动中心Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre, UNEP
联合环境规署管理委员会UNEP Governing Council
联合科学咨询委员会Scientific Advisory Committee, United Nations (科学咨委会)
联合粮农组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO)
联合粮农组织荒漠化工作组Working Group on Desertification (FAO)
联合粮农组织荒漠化评价和制图暂行方法FAO Provisional Methodology for Assessment and Mapping of Desertification
联合粮食及农业组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (简称联合国粮农组织)
联合粮食及农业组织Food and Agricultura Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
联合系统United Nations Family
联合紧急救济协调员办事处Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator
联合苏丹-萨赫勒地区办事处United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office
联合荒漠化会议United Nations Conference on Desertification
联合行政协调委员会UN Administrative Committee on Coordination
联合西亚经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia
联合西亚经济社会委员会UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
联合防治荒漠化公约过渡时期秘书处Interim Secretariat of UN Convention to Combat Desertification (日内瓦)
联合非洲经济委员会UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
联合非洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (1958年成立。该委员会参与苏丹-萨赫勒地区有关防治干旱和荒漠化的组织工作。总部地址:埃塞俄比亚的斯亚贝巴)
联合非洲经济委员会.UN Economic Commission for Africa
芬克峡家公园Finke Gorge National Park (辛普森沙漠)
苏丹-萨赫勒地区跨管理牲畜和牧场以防治荒漠化规划Transnational Project on Management of Livestock and Rangelands to Combat Desertification in the Sundano-Sahelian Regions
农业部海外发展部Overseas Development Administration
国家环境研究中心United Kingdom National Environmental Research Center
城市与区域信息系统协会British Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (BURISA)
pedunculate oak
Quercus robur
English oak
梧桐London plane tree
English elm
热量单位British thermal unit (BTU, 相当1磅水在密度最大时(4°C) 温度上升华氏 1°C所需热量,等于252卡)
蓝铃花wood hyacinth
蓝铃花English bluebell
萨赫勒地区跨绿色带建设规划Transnational Project on Sahel Green Belt (规划区宽 150〜400km,年降雨量100〜400mm)
西南亚干旱半干旱区域荒漠化过程及有关自然资源跨监测规划Transnational Project on Monitoring Desertification Processes and Related National Resources in Arid and Semiarid Areas in South-West Asia (阿富汗、印度、伊朗和巴基斯坦)
西南美稠李southwestern chokecherry (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
西班牙家气象局Spanish National Meteorological Office
西非家经济共同体Economic Commission for West African States
贫困underprivileged country
阿拉伯Arabian countries
阿拉伯家主管环境部长会议The Conference of Arab Ministers Responsible for Environment