
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
噪声控制委员会National Noise Abatement Council
英国、爱尔兰军用地形测量测量局Ordnance Survey
声学委员会National Acoustics Board
美国家勘测局National Reconnaissance Office
家噪声控制委员会National Noise Abatement Council
美国家地球物理与太阳一地球数据中心National Geophysical and Sun-Terrestrial Data Center
美国家地球物理数据中心National Geophysical Data Center
印度家地球物理研究所National Geophysical Research Institute
美国,意大利家地质调査局National Geological Survey
美国家地震信息中心National Earthquake Information Center
美国家地震工程研究中心National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
家地震情报服务处National Earthquake Information Service
美国家地震研究中心National Center for Earthquake Research
家大地测量卫星计划national geodetic satellite program
美国家大地测量局National Geodetic Survey
美国家天文观测台National Astronomical Observatory
英国家物理实验室National Physics Laboratory
挪威家石油公司剖面集成系统Den Norske State Oil Co. profile integration system
挪威家石油公司剖面集成系统STAOIL profile integration system
美国家石油工业无线电频率协调协会National Petroleum Radio Frequency Coordinating Association
勘探地球物理学家协会际事务委员会International Affairs Committee (of SEG)
际加速度计部署台网International Deployment of Accelerometers
际参考电离层international reference ionosphere
际土壤力学协会International Association of Soil Mechanics
际地球物理协作委员会International Geophysical Cooperation Committee
际地球物理合作机构International Geophysical Cooperation
际地球物理学大会International Geophysical Assembly
刊名际地球物理学通报International Geophysics Bulletin
际地球物理年International Geophysical Year
际地球物理承包商协会International Association of Geophysical Contractors
际地球物理服务公司Geophysical Service International
际地球物理重力测量委员会International Geophysical Gravimetric Commission
际地磁参考标准International Geomagnetic Reference Field
际地磁学与地电学协会International Association of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity
际地磁学与超高层大气物理学协会International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
际地磁索引服务处International Service of Geomagnetic Indices
际地震学与地球内部物理学协会International Association of Seismology and Physics of Earth's Interior
际地震学中心International Seismological Center
刊名际地震学摘要International Seismological Summary
际地震带international seismic belt
际声学大会International Congress on Acoustics
际声学委员会International Committee on Acoustics
际壳体结构协会International Association of Shell Structures
际大地测量学与地球物理学联合会International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
际摄影测量学会International Society of Photogrammetry
际数学地球物理学联合委员会Inter-Association Committee on Mathematical Geophysics
际断裂研究大会International Congress on Fracture
际日期变更线international date line
际材料试验协会International Society for Testing Materials
际极移服务International Polar Motion Service
际标准大气压international reference atmosphere
际标准大气压international normal atmosphere
际标准频率表International Frequency Tables
际理论力学和应用力学联合会International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
际理论物理与应用物理联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
际电工技术委员会International Electrotechnical Committee
际电池理事会Battery Council of International
际石油勘探 有限公司International Petroleum Exploration Company (Limited)
美国际石油勘探者协会International Oil Scouts' Association
际计算机辅助层析成像专题讨论会International Symposium on Computer-aided Tomography
际辐射单位与测量委员会International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurement
际重力标准化基点网international Gravity Standardization Network
际重力测量局International Gravimetric Bureau
际陆地与海洋地球物理学会议International Conference on Geophysics of the Earth and Oceans
际随钻测量协会International measurement while drilling Society
际随钻测量协会International MWD Society
际频率总表master international frequency list
地震学与地震工程学际研究所International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
信息交换标准码测井标准Log ASCII Standard
力学学会Mechanics Society of America
国家地球物理学委员会U.S. National Committee for Geophysics
国家地震仪网站United States National Seismograph Network
地质调查United States Geological Survey
地质调查局地震工程部Seismic Engineering Branch, USG United States Geological Survey
地质调查局地震工程部Seismic Engineering Branch, USG S
声学会志Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
声学学会Acoustic Society of America
声学学会杂志Journal of the Acoustic Society of America
X 射线和电子衍射学会American Society for X-ray and Electron Diffraction
X射线学会American Roentgen Ray Society
无线电工程师协会American Institute of Radio Engineers
标准声学术语American standard acoustical terminology
物理学会American Institute of Physics
物理学会通报Bulletin of the American Physical Society
刊名物理学会通报Bulletin of the American Physical Society
物理学家协会American Physicists Association
物理学杂志American Journal of Physics
理论力学与应用力学全国委员会United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
原名 WEMA电子仪器协会American Electronics Association
电气工程师协会American Society of Electrical Engineers
绝对重力站United States Absolute Gravity Station
频率标准United States Frequency Standard
光学协会British Optical Association
南极测量British Antarctic survey
反射剖面研究所联合组织British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate
地球物理学会United Kingdom Geophysical Association
地质调查局全球地磁模型British Geological Survey Global Geomagnetic Model
地质调査局Geological Survey of Great Britain
声学学会British Acoustical Society
岩石圈地震剖面lithospheric seismic profile in Britain
无损检验学会British Institute of Non-destructive Testing
阿贡家实验室Argonne National Laboratory
地质调査所Korean Geological Survey