
Terms for subject Chess containing | all forms
"七星杯"中象棋国际邀请赛Seven-Star Cup International Xiangqi Invitational
下一盘际象棋have a game of chess
下中象棋play Xiangqi
下中象棋play Chinese chess
世界女子际象棋冠军Women's World Chess Champion
世界计算机际象棋赛World Computer Chess Competition
世界青年际象棋锦标赛World Youth Chess Championships
业余际象棋学校spare-time chess school
名人战Chinese meijin matches
名人战Chinese maestros matches
围棋女子名人赛Chinese Weiqi Women Meijin Tournament
天元赛Chinese Tengen Weiqi Match
天元赛Chinese Tengen Weiqi Competition
式开局Chinese opening
棋王赛Chinese Weiqi King Tournament
段位赛Chinese Dan Grading Tournament
Chinese style
流布局Chinese opening
电脑围棋赛Chinese Computer Weiqi Tournament
CCTV 中电视快棋赛Chinese CCTV Cup Haya-go
象棋Chinese chess
象棋大师Chinese chess master
象棋手Xiangqi player
亚中象棋联合会Chinese Chess Federation
亚中象棋联合会Asian Xiangqi Federation
亚洲际象棋团体锦标赛Asia Chess Team Championships
亚洲际象棋联合会Asian Chess Federation
亚洲城市际象棋赛Asia Chess Inter-city Tournament
俄罗斯际象棋学派Russian chess school
冠军national champion
"十强" 战Chinese Ten Masters Tournament
围棋个人赛Chinese Weiqi Individual Tournament
围棋升段赛Chinese Weiqi Going -up Dan Grading Tournament
围棋团体赛Chinese Weiqi Team Tournament
围棋段位赛Chinese Weiqi Dan Grading Tournament
围棋比赛Chinese Weiqi Competition
围棋比赛All-China Weiqi Competition
围棋精英赛Chinese Weiqi Master Tournament
少年围棋比赛Chinese Juvenile Weiqi Competition
少年棋类比赛国际象棋部分Chinese Juvenile Board Games Tournament chess
少年棋类集训象棋比赛Xiangqi match of Chinese juvenile board games training
少年象棋比赛中国Chinese Juvenile Xiangqi Tournament
新闻界围棋赛Chinese press circles weiqi competition
棋类比赛中国China board games competition
棋类锦标赛围棋比赛Weiqi Competitions of All-China Board Games Championships
棋类锦标赛象棋比赛Xiangqi match of all-China board games championships
中国象棋业余大师赛All-China Xiangqi Amateur Master Tournament
象棋个人赛All-China Xiangqi Individual Tournament
象棋个人赛暨全运会表演赛All-China Xiangqi Individual Tournament and Exhibition Match in National Games
象棋团体锦标赛暨全运会表演赛Xiangqi team championships and exhibition match in National Games
中国象棋比赛All-China Xiangqi Competition
中国象棋联赛All-China Xiangqi League
中国象棋锦标赛All-China Xiangqi Championships
围棋业余段位全统一证书unified certificate to weiqi amateur dan grading players
围棋大手战weiqi great national champion matches
家大师national master
家特级大师national grandmaster
象棋grand master
象棋expert player
手战National Champion Match
手战grandmaster match
际团体赛International Team Tournament
际大师international Master
际棋联大师FIDE master
际特级大师international grandmaster
际等级分Elo points
际等级分Elo rating
际等级分Elo point
际裁判international arbiter
际象棋international chess
际象棋Western chess
际象棋专栏chess column
际象棋世界锦标赛冠军赛World Chess Championship
际象棋入门learn the rudiments of chess
际象棋入门learn the ABC of chess
际象棋入门know the ABC of chess
际象棋入门know the rudiments of chess
际象棋入门be initiated into chess
际象棋协会chess association
际象棋国际裁判international chess arbiter
际象棋国际裁判international arbiter
际象棋大师chess strategist
际象棋大师chess master
际象棋奥斯卡奖chess Oscar
际象棋奥林匹克赛Chess Olympiad
际象棋女皇the queen of chess
际象棋女皇chess queen
际象棋对局chess games
际象棋快棋赛rapid chess
际象棋思想chess mind
际象棋思想chess idea
际象棋手chess player
际象棋棋子chess piece
际象棋棋手chess player
际象棋棋盘方位chessboard position
际象棋棋谱book of chess
际象棋比赛chess tournament
际象棋爱好者chess enthusiast
际象棋特级大师chess grandmaster
际象棋规则chess rules
际象棋规则law of chess
际象棋规则chess law
大学际象棋队the university chess team
对弈际象棋play chess
底线际象棋baseline chess
有等级分的际象棋棋手rated chess player
洗牌式际象棋shuffle chess
澳门中象棋邀请赛Macao Xiangqi Invitational Tournament
电脑际象棋computer chess
white grand master
国际象棋协会American Chess Association
式开局English opening
菲舍尔任意制随机 际象棋Fischer Random Chess
袖珍际象棋pocket chess
计算机际象棋computer chess
象棋际名手双人赛Xiangqi international maestro double match
"银荔杯"中象棋冠军邀请赛Silver Litchi Xiangqi Champion Invitational
香港际象棋埠际邀请赛Hongkong International Chess Intercities Invitational Tournament
香港电讯杯象棋际邀请赛Hongkong Telecommunication Cup Xiangqi International Invitational
black grand master