
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
集团Group of 7
集团Group of Seven
七十七集团Group of 77
三十集团Group of Thirty
三十集团Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.
不包括石油的内生产总值non-oil GDP
世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中家转移实际资源的部长Joint Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中家转移实际资源的部长Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中家转移实际资源的部长Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
世界银行的债务报告制度World Bank Debtor Reporting System
东北部家处Northeastern Division
东南部家一处、二处、三处Southeastern Division I, II, III
东南部非洲家优惠贸易区Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States
东道host country
东道监管机构host supervisor
东道监管机构host country supervisor
东道银行业务host country banking
人民银行People's Bank
人民银行People's Bank of China
内地相对于香港China: The Mainland
内地相对于香港China, P.R.: Mainland
内地相对于香港Mainland China
-国际货币基金组织联合培训项目Joint China-IMF Training Program
大陆相对于台湾China: The Mainland
大陆相对于台湾China, P.R.: Mainland
大陆相对于台湾Mainland China
中东欧Central and Eastern European Countries
中东石油输出Middle Eastern oil exporters
中等偏低收入的lower-middle-income country
中等偏高收入upper-middle-income countries
中等偏高收入higher-middle-income country
中等收入MIC countries
中等收入middle-income countries World Bank
中等通货膨胀率average-inflation country
中非家开发银行Central African States Development Bank
中非家经济共同体Economic Community of Central African States
中非家银行Bank of Central African States
为符合减贫与增长贷款资格的成员设立战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members
主权财富基金际工作组International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds
主要借款major borrowers
主要工业major industrial countries
主要石油出口major oil exporters
二十集团G20 Developing Nations
二十集团Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
二十集团Group of 20
二十集团Group of Twenty
二十四集团Group of 24
二十四集团Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs
二十四集团Group of Twenty-Four developing countries
集团Group of 5
集团Group of Five
仅有资格得到际开发协会贷款的国家IDA-only country
仅适用于使用际开发协会贷款国家的减债贷款IDA Debt Reduction Facility
仅适用于使用际开发协会贷款国家的减债贷款Debt Reduction Facility for IDA-Only Countries
伙伴partner countries
伙伴trading partners
伦敦际金融期货交易所London International Financial Futures Exchange
低通货膨胀low-inflation country
信贷 和投资保险人际联盟Berne Union
信贷 和投资保险人际联盟International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers
借款buying member
借款的掌控感borrower ownership
借款的掌控感program ownership
借款的掌控感country ownership
债务debtor country
债务政府sovereign debtor
债务与内生产总值的比率debt-GDP ratio
债务与内生产总值的比率debt-to-GDP ratio
债务重组rescheduling country
债权creditor country
停止计息的nonaccrual country
停止计息的country on nonaccrual status
证券交易商协会National Association of Securities Dealers
证券交易商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system
全球性际收支global balance of payments
《全部商品与服务的际标准分类》International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services
集团取消债务的建议G8 debt initiative
集团取消债务的建议G8 Debt Proposal
集团取消债务的建议G8 Debt Cancellation Proposal
集团非洲行动计划G8 Africa Action Plan
集团非洲行动计划Kananaskis Africa Action Plan
集团非洲行动计划Africa Action Plan
公司corporate state
关于际货币事务与发展的二十四国政府间集团Group of Twenty-Four
关于际货币事务与发展的二十四国政府间集团Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development
关于际货币事务的二十四国政府间集团Group of Twenty-Four
关于际货币事务的二十四国政府间集团Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs
关于成员政策双边监督的决定Decision on Bilateral Surveillance over Members' Policies
关于消灭际恐怖主义措施的宣言Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
关税customs frontier
具有系统重要性的systematically important countries
内陆landlocked country
农产品出口agricultural exporter
冲突后post-conflict country
净债务net debtor country
净债务燃料出口net debtor fuel exporter
净债权net creditor country
减贫与增长贷款合格家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible members
减贫与增长贷款合格家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-conflict and Natural Disaster Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account
减贫与增长贷款和重债穷融资处PRGF and HIPC Financing Division
减贫与增长贷款-重债穷信托PRGF-HIPC Trust
减贫与增长贷款-重债穷信托文件PRGF-HIPC Trust Instrument
减贫与增长贷款/重债穷信托账户PRGF-HIPC Trust Account
减贫与增长-重债穷信托Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
减贫与增长-重债穷信托PRG-HIPC Trust
减贫与增长-重债穷信托Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
减贫战略际会议International Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategies
减贫战略际会议International Conference on National Poverty Reduction Strategies
创始成员original member
初级产品出口primary exporting country
初级产品出口exporters of primary products
初级产品生产primary producing country
制成品出口exporters of manufactures
加强的结构调整贷款-重债穷信托ESAF-HIPC Trust
加强的结构调整贷款-重债穷信托Trust for Special ESAF Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy Operations
加强的结构调整贷款-重债穷信托账户ESAF-HIPC Trust Account
北大西洋工业North Atlantic industrial country
北海家海上油气管理当局论坛North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum
北部家处Northern Division
集团Group of 10
集团Group of Ten
南部家一处、二处Southern I, II Division
南锥Southern Cone Countries
即将成为新兴市场家的国家pre-emerging market country
原产标记marks of origin
原料生产raw material producing country
原重债穷倡议original HIPC Initiative
发展中developing country
发展中和转轨developing and transition countries
发展筹资问题际会议Monterrey Conference
发展筹资问题际会议FfD Conference
受冲突影响和脆弱家基金Conflict-Affected and Fragile Economies Facility
受影响最严重的most seriously affected countries
受影响最直接的most immediately impacted countries
可使用的家货币usable national currency
可支配的民收入总值gross national disposable income
可维持的际收支状况viable balance of payments position
合计实际民生产总值aggregate real GNP
合计实际民生产总值aggregate real gross national product
名义内生产总值GDP at current prices
名义内生产总值current-price GDP
名义内生产总值money GDP
名义内生产总值nominal GDP
际组织认缴的股本金capital subscriptions to international organizations
向拖欠贷款的政策lending into arrears policy
向最不发达家提供与贸易有关的技术援助的综合框架Integrated Framework
向最不发达家提供与贸易有关的技术援助的综合框架Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries
向最不发达家提供贸易技术援助的强化综合框架Enhanced IF
向最不发达家提供贸易技术援助的强化综合框架Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to least-developed countries
商品出口commodity exporting countries
外借款foreign borrowing
外债券external bond
外成本offshore cost
外放款foreign lending
外放款cross-border lending
外账户rest of the world sector
外账户ROW Account
外账户rest of the world account
外资产净额net foreign assets
外资产foreign asset
外资产external asset assets owned abroad by residents
有企业state enterprise
有企业state-owned enterprise
有企业public corporation
有企业government corporation
有企业government enterprise
有企业state-owned corporation
有企业public enterprise
有公司public corporation
有公司state enterprise
有公司government corporation
有公司government enterprise
有公司state-owned corporation
有公司state-owned enterprise
有公司public enterprise
有资产管理公司state-owned asset management company
民产值national product
民产品national product
民待遇national treatment
民总支出gross national expenditure
民总收入gross national income
民收入national product
民收入national income
民核算、账户national accounts
民核算、账户national accounting
民生产净值net national product
民生产总值gross national product
民生产总值缩减指数GNP deflator
民生产总值缺口GNP gap
民经济平衡体系System of Material Product Balances
民经济平衡体系System of Balances of the National Economy
民财富national worth
民财富national wealth
民账户体系》System of National Accounts
际储备和外币流动性:数据模板准则》International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity: Guidelines for a Data Template
际储备和外币流动性数据模板操作准则》Operational Guidelines for the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity
际商品贸易统计》international merchandise trade statistics
际收支手册》Balance of Payments Manual
际收支统计年鉴》Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook
际收支编制指南》Balance of Payments Compilation Guide
际服务贸易统计手册》Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services
际货币基金组织决议及文件汇编》Selected Decisions of the International Monetary Fund and Selected Documents
际货币基金组织的财务安排和运作》Financial Organization and Operations of the IMF
际贸易标准分类》Standard International Trade Classification
际金融统计》International Financial Statistics
际金融统计中的货币与银行统计指南》A Guide to Money and Banking Statistics in International Financial Statistics
际金融统计年鉴》IFS Yearbook
际金融统计年鉴》International Financial Statistics Yearbook
际银行统计》international banking statistics
圈定的ring-fenced country
际组织认缴的款项subscription to international organizations
地区际收支平衡表regional balance of payments statement
基金组织际收支统计委员会IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics
基金组织/世界银行重债穷倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员Joint Implementation Committee
基金组织/世界银行重债穷倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
基金组织在成员的账户IMF accounts in member countries
基金组织在成员的账户accounts of the IMF in member countries
基金组织成员的全球性universality of Fund membership
基金组织成员的普遍性universality of Fund membership
基金组织驻联合办事处Fund Office in the United Nations
人持有的余额foreign-held balances
债券foreign bond
广义政府foreign general government
直接投资direct foreign investment
直接投资foreign direct investment
税收抵免foreign tax credit
证券foreign securities
证券投资foreign portfolio investment
资产foreign asset
资产external asset assets owned by nonresidents
资本foreign capital
外债统计数据际编制人员工作小组International Compilers Working Group on External Debt Statistics IMF, IBRD, OECD, BIS, Berne Union
企业transnational enterprise
企业multinational enterprise
国际收支汇总multicountry balance of payments summation
复员和重返社会方案Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program Africa
政府活动joint governmental activity
多元化出口countries with a diversified export base
多渠道借款diversified borrower
太平洋岛Pacific island countries
《季度民账户手册-概念、数据来源与编制》Quarterly National Accounts Manual
《季度民账户手册-概念、数据来源与编制》QNA Manual
《季度民账户手册-概念、数据来源与编制》Quarterly National Accounts Manual - Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation
宗主货币metropolitan currency
官方借款official borrowers
实施基金组织规划的program country
实施非常规货币政策的UMP countries
实际民生产总值actual GNP
《对低收入家的债务减免--强化的重债穷国倡议》Debt Relief for Low-Income Countries: The Enhanced HIPC Initiative
工业industrial country
工业化industrial country
市场借款的market borrowers
市场筹资公共债务可持续性分析指导说明Guidance Note on Public Debt Sustainability Analysis for Market Access Countries
2015年后联合发展议程Post-2015 Agenda
2015年后联合发展议程Post-2015 UN Development Agenda
开发与际经济合作总干事办公室Office of the Director General for Development and International Economic Co-operation
强化的重债穷倡议Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
强化的重债穷倡议enhanced HIPC Initiative
强化的重债穷倡议enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
、英国、荷兰Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands
成员事务处Membership Engagement Division
成员份额membership quota
成员份额IMF quota
成员份额quota in the Fund
成员份额Fund quota
成员同意concurrence of the member
成员在基金组织的头寸Fund position
成员在基金组织的头寸net Fund position
成员在基金组织的头寸position in the Fund
成员提供的估计值national estimates
成员的掌控感borrower ownership
成员的掌控感program ownership
成员的掌控感country ownership
成员的认缴subscriptions of members
成员资格委员membership committee
成员资格委员Committee on Membership -- IMF, Executive Board, country
成员资格委员会membership committee
成员资格委员会Committee on Membership -- IMF, Executive Board, country
成员退出withdrawal from membership
战乱后post-conflict country
战乱和脆弱家集团Group of Seven Plus
战乱和脆弱家集团g7+ group of countries experiencing conflict and fragility
技术援助别战略说明Technical Assistance Country Strategy Note
报告reporting country
报告"协调的证券投资调查"数据的CPIS-reporting countries
拖欠country with payment arrears
拖欠overdue country
拖欠arrears country
拖欠债款的country with payment arrears
拖欠债款的arrears country
按地点编制的际银行统计locational basis
按地点编制的际银行统计locational statistics
按地点编制的际银行统计locational banking statistics
按地点编制的际银行统计locational international banking statistics
捐助donor country
接受subscriber country
接纳成员acceptance of membership
接纳新成员的决议membership resolution
提款drawing country
援助伊拉克重建基金际协调机制International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq
美国政府民抵押贷款协会Ginnie Mae
美国政府民抵押贷款协会Government National Mortgage Association
《教育际标准分类》International Standard Classification of Education
新兴工业newly industrializing country
新兴工业化newly industrialized country
新兴市场emerging market country
新兴市场家稳定的资本流动和公平的债务重组原则Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring in Emerging Markets
方便flag of convenience
无赖rogue nation
无赖renegade government
无赖rogue state
最不发达least developed countries
最不发达least advanced countries
最基本家社会数据组minimum national social data set
普遍的最惠待遇general most-favored-nation treatment
最惠条款MFN clause
最惠条款most favored nation clause Paris Club
有资格成员qualifying member
服务出口和私人转移接受国exporters of services and recipients of private transfers
未实施非常规货币政策的non-UMP countries
home country
偏向home bias
含量domestic content imports
货币local currency
货币domestic currency
货币单位价值domestic currency unit value
来自外的要素收入factor income from abroad
构成外当局储备资产的负债reserve liabilities
构成外当局储备资产的负债liabilities constituting foreign authorities' reserves
欠发达less developed countries
欠发达的underdeveloped country
欧洲外围European periphery
home country
监管机构home supervisor
监管机构home country supervisor
毗邻neighboring country
汇款的受益remittance recipient
沿太平洋Pacific Rim countries
国际金融期货市场French international financial futures market
波罗的海家,俄罗斯及其他前苏联国家Baltic countries, Russia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union
注册国籍、船籍flag of registration
海湾阿拉伯家合作理事会Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾阿拉伯家合作理事会Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾阿拉伯家合作理事会Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
接受混合贷款的blend country
燃料出口fuel exporters
独立家联合体Commonwealth of Independent States
申请加入accession country
监督际货币体系oversee the international monetary system
石油输出oil-exporting country
石油输出组织Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
福利welfare state
第八条Article VIII country
经常性际交易current international transaction
-以色列自由贸易协定U.S.-Israel FTA
-以色列自由贸易协定United States-Israel Free Trade Agreement
信息交换标准代码American Standard Code for Information Interchange
劳工联盟及产业工会联合会American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
复苏与再投资法案Recovery Act
复苏与再投资法案American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
存股证American depositary share
存股证American depositary receipt
式期权American option
式期权American-style option securities market
美洲家组织Organization of American States
联合人口活动基金United Nations Fund for Population Activities
联合儿童基金会United Nations Children's Fund
联合发展集团United Nations Development Group
联合国际人口与发展会议United Nations International Conference on Population and Development
联合国际贸易法委员会United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
联合工业发展组织United Nations Industrial Development Organization
联合开发计划署United Nations Development Programme
联合教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
联合教育、科学及文化组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
联合最不发达国家问题会议United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
联合环发大会Earth Summit
联合环发大会United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
联合环境与发展大会Earth Summit
联合环境与发展大会United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
联合粮食及农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
联合货币与金融会议Bretton Woods Conference
联合货币与金融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
联合贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合跨国公司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
联合附属机构UN-related organization
美国联邦民抵押贷款协会Fannie Mae
美国联邦民抵押贷款协会Federal National Mortgage Association
脆弱fragile state
葡语非洲Portuguese-speaking African countries
葡语非洲Lusophone African countries
葡语非洲家的数据公布通用系统项目GDDS Project for Lusophone African countries
衍生金融工具:1993年《际收支手册》第五版补编Financial Derivatives: A Supplement to the Fifth Edition 1993 of the Balance of Payments Manual
西部家处Western Division
西非家中央银行Central Bank of West African States
西非家经济共同体Economic Community of West African States
要退出的参与terminating participant
规划program country
货币联盟成员Monetary Union Member States
货物和服务的内税domestic taxes on goods and services
资本输入capital-importing country
资本输出capital-exporting country
资源丰富的resource-rich countries
家当局supranational institutions
家当局supranational authorities
家的当局和机构supranational authorities and institutions
趋势内生产总值trend GDP
企业transnational enterprise
企业multinational enterprise
分析cross-country review
分析cross-country study
分析cross-country analysis
报告Cross-country Report
研究cross-country review
研究cross-country study
研究cross-country analysis
银行业务multinational banking
转轨country in transition
转轨transition economy
转轨transition country IMF country classification
近期出现偿债困难的countries with recent debt-servicing difficulties
近期无偿债困难的countries without recent debt-servicing difficulties
neighboring country
重债severely indebted country
重债debt-distressed country
重债务heavily indebted country
重债务中等收入severely indebted middle-income countries
重债务低收入severely indebted low-income countries
重债穷highly indebted poor country
重债穷heavily indebted poor country
重债穷业务总括账户Umbrella Account for HIPC Operations
重债穷信托基金HIPC Trust Fund World Bank, Debt Guide 1993
重债穷倡议HIPC Debt Initiative
重债穷倡议Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative
重债穷倡议决策点文件HIPC Initiative decision point document
重债穷减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
重债穷减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托PRG-HIPC Trust
重债穷减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
重债穷减贫支出跟踪评估和行动计划HIPC Poverty-Related Expenditure Tracking Assessment and Action Plan IMF-World Bank, HIPC
世界银行重点关注家倡议NoF initiatives
世界银行重点关注家倡议Nationality of Focus initiatives
金砖五巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa
"金砖四"BRIC Club (即巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)
"金砖四"BRICs (即巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)
"金砖四"Brazil, Russia, India and China Club (即巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)
金融一体化的商品出口financially integrated commodity exporters
基金组织资金的长期使用prolonged user of IMF resources
阿拉伯家工业发展中心Industrial Development Center for Arab States
阿拉伯家联盟Arab League
阿拉伯家联盟League of Arab States
阿拉伯石油输出组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
限定的ring-fenced country
非产油发展中non-oil developing country
非加太ACP Group
非加太ACP States
非加太African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
非成员nonmember country
非成员的关系relations with nonmembers
非新兴市场发展中non-emerging market developing countries
非法郎区nonfranc country
非洲家保险市场大会Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets
非洲家理事集团Group of African Governors
非洲家理事集团African Caucus
非洲家理事集团African Group
非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区ACP States
非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区ACP Group
非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
非燃料出口nonfuel exporters
非石油初级产品生产non-oil primary producing country
非货币性际组织nonmonetary international organization
非货币联盟成员Non-Monetary Union Member States
面临困境的中等收入middle-income country under stress
面临困境的低收入low-income country under stress
顺差surplus country
驻联合办事处主任兼特别代表Director and Special Representative to the United Nations
高通货膨胀high-inflation country
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