
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
人民外交学会Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs
化工建设总公司China National Chemical Construction Corporation
外资管理委员会the Foreign Investment Commission of China
建筑工程公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation
石油工程建设公司China Petroleum Engineering Construction Corporation
主要家科技情报系统scientific and technological information system of major countries
十分发达的工业well-developed industrialized nation
协议书际通用条例the international general rules of agreement
即食中菜式nitrogen frozen ready-to-eat Chinese dishes
发展中家债务问题特设政府专家组Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts on the Debt problems of Developing Countries
发展中家间技术合作工作组Working Group on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries
发达家与发展中国家税务条约特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and Developing Countries
经济权利和义务宪章工作组Working Group on the Charter of the Economic Rights and Duties of States
合格货源the eligible source countries
商业及防服务管理局business and defense services administration
补助金repatriation of grant
外汇款额remittances abroad
家参数national parameters
家咨询委员会national consultative council
家安全条款national security clause
家对经济合同的管理state supervision of economic contracts
家批准的国营企业government-approved state-owned enterprise
家标准化协会国际联合会international federation of the national standardization association (ISA)
家核子能委员会national council for nuclear energy
家水道议会national water council
家科学基金会national science foundation
家科学院national academy of science
家经济发展局national economic development office
情咨文union message
有或公助组织government-sponsored assisted organization
立注册公司national company registers
际咨询工程师会的国际咨询工程师人名录fidic international directory of consulting engineers
际咨询服务培训部international advisory services training division
际咨询部international consulting department
际培训计划international training scheme
际多种方式联运集装箱标准特设政府间小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards of International Multimodal Transport
际建设咨询处international construction consultants
际机构international agencies
际海洋资料交换工作委员会Working Committee for International Oceanographic Data Exchange
际电子学委员会International Electronics Committee
际研究中心centre for international studies
际竞争能力international competitiveness
际经济合作宣言问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on the Questions of A Declaration on International Economic Cooperation
际经济学会international economic association
际经济联合公司international economic association
际经营协力委员会international management cooperation committee
际经营管理协议会international management association
际统计方案和协调工作Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Coordination
际航运立法工作组Working Goup on International Legislation on Shipping
际货物销售的时限及限制时效工作小组Working Group on Time Limits and Limitation prescriptions in the International Sale of Goods
际货物销售问题工作组Working Group on the International Sale of Goods
专家foreign experts
合营者foreign participants
籍企业multinational enterprise
审查联合行政和预算程序工作小组Working Group on the Examination of the Administrative and Budgetary Procedures of the United Nations
理工学院Imperial College of Science and Technology
德意志联邦共和赫尔梅期公司Hermes of Federal Republic of Germany
成熟的债务mature debtor nation
成长中的债务growing debtor nation
斯坦福际咨询研究所Stanford Research Institute International
新兴的债权new creditor nation
货币和外汇local and foreign exchange
用本资本开发的外国原油overseas crude oil developed by domestic capital
人口普査局USBC United States Bureau of the Census
咨询工程师协会American Institute of Consulting Engineers
工程教育协会the American Society for Engineering Education
普查局United States Bureau of the Census
综合承包行业协会The Associated General Contractors of America
进出口银行EXIM Bank of United States of America
钢铁公司United States Steel Corporation
联合人口活动基金会United Nations Fund for Population Activities
联合善后救济总署United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
联合国民核算制度United Nations system of National Accounts
联合开发论坛UN development forum
联合方案和预算机构工作组Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery
联合方案和预算机构特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery
联合环境计划署United Nations Environment Programme
联合自愿救灾基金United Nations Voluntary Disaster Fund
咨询局British Consultant Bureau
国家标准British standard
海外援助项目British overseas aid programme
科学知识普及协会Royal Institution
家的机构supernational agencies
需经中政府批准subject to authorization by the Chinese government