
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一次支付one-shot payment
一阶自first-order autoregression
一阶自归形式first-order autoregressive scheme
一阶自归扰动first-order autoregressive disturbance
doesn't or don't answer
不动产出售与sale and lease back of real estate
不可挽的折旧incurable depreciation
不可挽的损失irredeemable loss
不可能收的贷款bad loan
不可退的特许证licence by stopped
不能提前收的公司债券uncallable bond
不能收的成本irrecoverable cost
不能收的投资irrecoverable investment
不能收的投资nonrecoverable investment
不能收的投资non-recoverable investment
不能收的投资non-recoverable outlay
不能收的资本irrecoverable capital
不能收的资金non-recoverable funds
不能赎的债券irredeemable bond
业务好转upturn in business
东京指由关贸总协定主持召开的战后第七次多边贸易谈判,1973 年在东京举行Tokyo Round
东京指在东京举行的多边贸易谈判Nixon Round
乌拉圭Uruguay Round
证券收益redemption yield
二元归模式bivariate regression model
二次多项式quadratic polynomial regression
二次多项式归模型quadratic polynomial regression model
二次曲线curvilinear regression of second degree
二阶自归型式second-order autoregressive scheme
互相关mutually correlated regression
互相关归扰动mutually correlated regression disturbance
产品质量巡检验itinerant inspection of product quality
人才return of talents
估计归直线estimated regression line
估计成本收可能性estimating cost recoverability
估计成本收可能性estimating cost recoverability
余热收利用heat recovery
使carry back
y倚x归线line of regression of y on x
x倚y归线line of regression of x on y
债券提前溢价call premium on bonds
债券收溢价premium on bonds redeemed
债券兑即发行新债券,兑换回未到期的旧债券bond refunding
债券提前赎call provision on bonds
债券收retirement of bonds
债券赎debenture redemption
债务赎溢价call premium on bonds
假设归模型hypothesized regression model
归系数coefficient of partial regression
归系数置信区间confidence interval for partial regression coefficient
偏心轮调整动装置gear with direct adjustment of the eccentric, reversing
做否定answer in the negative
做肯定answer in the affirmative
免计free of address
商店征询意见免费business reply service
reverse the transactions
权利call privilege
提前溢价指债券发行人提前购回债券,其购回价高于债券面值的差额,为兑回溢价call premium
货物全部退full returns
全部退保险费full returns
共同分保摊赔款reinsurance recoveries for common account
典契赎redemption of mortgage
再买交易matched sale-purchase transaction
再买协定matched sale-purchase agreement
再投资收率plow back return rate
再购股份即重获股份repurchase stock
已减记或注销价值write back
分批进入与退出的逐步归法in-and-out stepwise method
分段归模式piecewise regression model
分段线性归模式piecewise linear regression model
利润repatriation of profit
前向逐步归法forward stepwise regression
剥夺抵押品赎权的诉讼action of foreclosure
剩余自residual auto-regression
办理后reply when done
add back method
加权weighted regression
加权归线weighted regression line
加权直线weighted regression linear
动产复诉讼claim and delivery
动态归方程dynamical regression equation
动态归方程dynamic regression equation
动态磁带线dynamical hysteresis loop
动态磁带线dynamic hysteresis loop
归分析simple regression analysis
归分析法simple regression analysis method
归模型simple regression model
归法simple regression method
归预测simple regression forecast
单一方程single equation regression
单一方程归模型single equation regression model
单一方程归法single equation regression method
单一方程归预测single equation regression prediction
单一方程最小平方single equation least squares regression
单一方程最小平方归模型single equation least squares regression model
单一方程线性single-equation linear regression
单一方程线性归模式single-equation linear regression model
单位归自变数unit regressor
卖方撤前有效的报价offer good until withdrawn by seller
即时扣制immediate rebate system
参数归系数parameter regression coefficients
同业fellow-trader discount
否定unfavorable answer
账收账户bad debt recovered account
售出与租式租赁sale and lease back lease
售后租指企业将厂房等固定资产出售给某公司,同时又与该公司签订长期租赁合同,这是企业的一种筹资办法sale and lease back
商业收处理commercial reprocessing
商务信明信片business reply cards
商务信服务business reply service
商品取信贷call credit
坏账收recovery of uncollectible account write-off
坏账收bad recoveries
坏账重新收账户bad debt recovered account
备抵收成本allowance for collection cost
备抵销货退与折扣allowance for sale return and allowances
归分析multiple regression analysis
归模型multiple regression model
归法multiple regression technique
归法multiple regression method
归相关分析multiple regression-correlation analysis
归预测multiple regression forecasting
复杂complex return voyage
集装箱外地程放空overland transit empty
外地空overland transit empty
集装箱外地装货overland transit full
外汇缴exchange surrender certificate
多元multi-variate regression
多元归估计multivariate regression estimation
多元答误差模式multivariate response error model
多元自归移动平均数multivariate autoregressive moving average
多元自归移动平均模型multivariate autoregressive moving average model
多元自归移动平均模型multivariate ARMA model
多元自归移动平均模式MARMA model
多正态线性归模型multiple normal linear regression model
多重归预测multiple regression forecasting
多重共线性归自变量multicollinear regressors
多项式归模型polynomial regression model
大量购货quantity rebate
如拒付即退见 re tour sans fraisretour sans protet
如无法投递、请退if undelivered, please return to...
存储归程序packaged regression program
存款簿duplicate deposit ticket
"学生"归系数studentized regression coefficient
完全收的租赁full payout lease
定期购协议term repurchase agreement
实际返时间actual time of return
审判员removal of judge
审计复类集audit retrieval packages
客户直接退给查账员的对账positive verification
容器退备抵allowance for returnable-container
寄销货物退returns of consignment
小车转速度trolley rotation speed
尚未not yet answer
尼克松Nixon Round
岀售—sale leaseback
市场价格recuperate of market prices
执邮件certified mail
帮助忆法aided recall method
赊销款平均收期average collection period
平均债款收期average debtor collection period
年资本收成本annual capital recovery cost
广义线性归模型generalized linear regression model
应收款收collection rate
应收账款分期收分析表accounts receivable aging schedule
应收账款可收collectibility of accounts receivable
应收账款平均收期average collection period of receivable
应用归分析applied regression analysis
废品收站reclamation depot
废物收利用waste recycling
废物收利用管理management of waste recycling
异方差性归模型heteroscedastic regression model
当天来火车票day ticket
总体归函数population regression function
总体归系数population regression coefficient
成本cost recovering
成本收制cost-recovery basis
成本收制cost recovering basis
成本收期period of the cost recovery
成本收条款cost recovery terms
成本收法cost-recovery method
成果result feedback
我还确保每条线缆都加上了标签,这样便于确保把线缆插正确的适配器I also made sure that each cable was labeled so that I could check it had been plugged back into the correct adapter
截面cross-section regression
截面异方差和时序自归模型cross-sectionally heteroscedastic and time-wise autoregressive model
截面相关和时序自归模型cross-sectionally correlated and time-wise autoregressive model
轮船公司给承租人的address commision
商品交易所技术性指非供求因素引起的回升technical rally
投资收期bailout period
投资收期法payback period method of investment
投资收期法bailout method
投资收率coefficient of investment return
投资收率payback of investment
投资收率percent return of investment
投资收率investment recovery rate
投资收率coefficient of investment recovery
折扣与allowance and rebates
折现收期time-adjusted payback period
折现收期discounted payback period
折现收法discounted payback method
折算收率discount return rate
抛物线paraboloid regression
抵押品赎redemption of mortgage
指定负责收外国资产的管理人administrator ad colligendum
指数index is picking up
秒针测时法snap-back timing
按亏损结算与转规定的税收抵免待遇loss carry back-carry forward credits
按常规或惯例申请back tracking
损失recuperate losses
探亲来程优惠票价family reunion fare
上诉abatement of appeal
出价retract bid
前有效的报价见 standing offeroffer good until withdrawn
协议recede from the agreement
发盘cancellation of offer
支票countermand of check
支票countermand a check
的临时注销通知withdrawn provisional cancellation notice
诉讼abatement of action
支付收payment countermanded
借款get in
债券等drawing in
不法占有动产的请求权claim detinue
产业的人eviction man
产品进行修理call back
优先股所得资本paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock
优先股票准备reserve for retirement of preferred stock
债款call in debt
利润repatriation of profit
到期账款recovery of sums due
坏账recovery of uncollectible account write-off
坏账收入income from recovery of bad debt
境外资产taking back assets from foreign countries
已出售商品损失loss on repossession
已售商品repossessed merchandise
已注销坏账bad debt collected
成本recover costs
承诺take back one's promise
承诺recede from a promise
旧公司债券费用摊销amortization of expense related to bond retirement
旧欠collect outstanding accounts
欠租call arrears of rent
系数recall coefficient
船只recovery ship
证券retirement of bond
诺言承担的责任back out
账款receipt account
货品损失loss on repression
货物recover the goods
售出的货物repossessed goods
购货人不付款时,卖方货物recourse back
资金时间标准recovery guideline
收不的债款irrecoverable debt
对问题放弃buy it
数学归模型mathematical regression model
数量扣经济订货量模型EOQ model with quantity discount
新国际指世贸组织新的多边贸易谈判New International Round
明确decisive answer
普通归模式general regression model
最优optimum regression
最后收率ultimate recovery
最后采率ultimate recovery
最小转通道宽度minimum turning-back aisle width
最小平方归分析least squares regression analysis
最小平方归法least square regression method
最小平方多元least squares multiple regression
最小平方线性least squares linear regression
最小平方线性归模型least squares linear regression model
有关归自变数relevant regressor
有把握收的债款good debts
有权收金融投资option to withdraw portfolio
未加权归分析unweighted regression analysis
未售出寄销货物退returns of unsold consignment
未售寄销货物退return of unsold consigned
未收投资nonrecovered investment
未收投资差额unrecovered investment balance
未收放款额loan exposure
未收的成本指某项固定资产报废或火灾等损坏而未能通过折旧摊销unrecovered cost
未收资本unrecovered capital
未调整收率unadjusted rate of return
杠杆调整动装置gear adjustment of a lever, reversing
往返租船契约return voyage charter
标准线性归模型standard linear regression model
样本归直线sample regression line
案件驳dismissal of law case
检验员驳inspector's rejection
check value
正交归参数orthogonal regression parameters
正交归自变数orthogonal regressor
正态normal regression
正态归分析normal regression analysis
正态归模型normal regression model
使用提成费remittance of royalties
从国外利润repatriate profits
没有doesn't or don't answer
没有no answer
清理程序中债权证据的认可和驳liquidation: admission and rejection proofs
物价rollback of prices
物价fall back of price
物价压原来水平rollback of prices
生产因素中的收法则law of returns to factors of production
用毕放原处please return to the rack after use
真实归曲线true regression curve
真实归自变量bona fide regressor
硬币coin withdrawal
确认confirmatory note
票据流circuity of action
空箱退returned empty
第一first round
第一阶段first stage regression
第二剩余"second round" residual
第二阶段second-stage regression
简单线性归模型simple linear regression model
店主为制造商销售产品累计aggregate rebates
约束constrained regression
约束归参数constrained regression parameter
纳税亏损转tax-loss carryback
纳费业务公电的reply to paid service advice
纵向归法vertical regression
线性归估计linear regression estimate
线性最小二乘方归线characteristic line
线性随机归模式linear stochastic regression model
缓慢升期间hesitation period
职薪归线regression line for job and salaries
股票retirement of stock
股票购协议stock repurchase agreement
股票收收益gain from stock retirement
股票行情升后再下跌relapse of the stock market
肯尼迪指由美国前总统肯尼迪发起,由关税及贸易总协定主持召开的第六次减税谈判,历经三年结束Kennedy Round
脊状ridge regression
蒸汽动装置steam reversing gear
dummy regression
虚假false return
行情market recovery
衡平法上赎抵当物权利衡平赎还权equity of redemption
损失retrieve one's losses
补偿和购安排compensation and buy-back arrangement
补偿性存余额指商业银行贷款时,要求借款人将贷款的一定百分比存入该行。存款额即为补偿余额,又名补偿存款compensating balance
表面不相关seemingly unrelated regression
表面不相关归方程seemingly unrelated regression equation
要求收价款的诉讼action to recover the price
要求退已提供利益的债权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
证券购协议repurchase agreement
从国外资本repatriate capital
调查者—答者相互影响interviewer respondent interaction
贝叶Bayesian regression
账款可收collectibility of accounts
货币reestablishment of currency
货物退卖方goods returned to vendor
货船程率coefficient of homeward freight
购买扣及折让purchase rebates and allowances
购货market penny
购货扣与折让purchase rebate and allowances
购货扣及折让purchase return and allowance
购货退returns outwards
购货退卖方returns outwards
购货退卖方returns purchase
购货退账户returned purchase account
贴现收期discounted payback period
贿赂与bribes and kickbacks
贿赂和bribe and kickback
资产withdrawal of assets
资料信息information retrieval
资本收保证量certainty equivalents
资本收加利息capital recovery-plus-interest
资本收成本cost of capital recovery
资本收点capital turnover point
资本capital feedback
资本复capital recovery
资本投资收法pay-off method for capital investment
资本费用capital cost recovery
资源的开发与development or tapping and recycling of resources
资金汇本国repatriation of fund
票据等take up
价值surrender value
价格redemption rate
价格即债券等到期兑回的价格redemption price
债券retired bond
债券损益loss or gain on bond retirement
公司债损失loss on reacquisition of bond
抵押权satisfaction of mortgage
收益yield to redemption
call privilege
权利call privilege
票据retired bill
票据指进口商在汇票到期时向押汇银行兑回汇票retire bill
股份retired stock
质押lift a mortgage
运输单证retire shipping document
超额excess withdrawal over issue
carry back
程序changeback procedure
交换revolving swap
round about method
生产法round about method of production
贸易roundabout trade
贸易round-about trade
运输即绕道运输货物roundabout transport
退保险费指因保险费率降低等原因而退给保险人的保费return premium
退信件back letter
退原购买价款refund the purchase price
退库存货物物资store returned
退拒付票据return item
退支票指遭拒付退回returned check
退未付款货物return of the goods for non-payment
退未付货款的货物return of the goods for non-payment
退right to recover
退汇款退汇return remittance
退汇票要求赔偿的诉讼action of re-exchange
退货主return to vendor
退货物退货returned goods
退货物back cargo
退超额进口税证书overentry certificate
退超额进口税说明over entry certificate
退预付款restitution of the advance payment
退预付金restitution of advance payment
送货delivery receipt
适应期望归方程adaptive expectation regression equation
逐步多重归分析stepwise multiple regression analysis
逐段stagewise regression
递归线性recursive linear regression
hurry answer
邮资已付的邮信封self-addressed stamped envelope
配净利润赎股票redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
配合归方程式fitted regression equation
钞票retirement of bank notes
销售扣及折让sales rebates and allowances
销货sales rebates
销货退returns sales
销货退与折让备抵allowance for sale return and allowance
销货退卖方returned sales
销货退折扣discount on returned sale
销货退折让与销货百分比percent return and allowances to sales
销货退簿returns inwards book
销货退return book outward
销货退账户sales return account
销货退通知单credit memo for sales return
销货退通知单credit memorandum for sale return
—阶自归过程first-order autoregressive process
附加归变量extra regression variable
附加归自变量extra regressor
随机自归变'stochastic regressor statistical model
随机自归变数stochastic regressor
需立即subject to immediate reply
非原路来open jaw
非线性nonlinear repression
非线性归模式nonlinear regression model
非自归扰动non-autoregression disturbance
须立即subject to immediate reply
预付报费凭单款额value of the reply paid voucher
预付旅游程票价advanced-purchase excursion fare
预付电报电费prepay a reply to a telegram
预期投资收率prospective rate of return
预期返时间expected time of return
预算拨款冲appropriation refund
首先收成本计算法cost-recovery-first method
马尔可夫自归型式Markov autoregressive scheme
一项权利主张set aside a claim
诉讼dismiss of legal action
诉讼程序dismiss proceeding
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