
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一次primary nozzle
一次射厚度spouting thickness of layer
一次涂应用one spray coat application
一次涂施用one spray coat application
一次涂衬里one-shot lining
丁烷butane blowlamp
万向gimbaled nozzle
万向gimbaled nozzle
万能all-purpose nozzle
嘴喷枪three-spray gun
三孔triple jet
三级蒸汽射器three-stage steam ejector
三通道煤管three-channel coal fired burner
三重管旋triple-pipe chemical churning process
三风道煤管three-channel coal burner
式燃烧器upshot-type burner
水器top water sprayer (在被轧制带材的上面)
上方浆成型器top former
下垂形洒水pendant sprinkler
下悬boom downpipe
逸性overspray fastness
不冻水系统non-freeze sprinkler system
不吸引射器non-lifting injector
不吸引射器nonlifting injector
不均匀surge spray
不均匀split spray
不堵塞non-choking nozzle
不完全abortive eruption
不规则吹玻璃棉nodulated blowing wool
丙烷propane blowlamp
两液two-fluid nozzle
两级射器two-stage ejector
两面作用的雾机double-sided sprayer
休眠期dormant spraying
伞形cap jet
倒锥形reversed cone nozzle
分层布置燃器tiered burners
分层布置的燃器tiered burners
分段segmental jet
分段式segmented injector
分离split spray
分组嘴调节group nozzle governing
分配distributing nozzle
切割cutting tip
切割cutting burner
切向peripheral jet
切向tangential nozzle
切向tangential jet
切向spin nozzle
切线孔漩涡雾器tangential hole swirl atomizer
初始initial eruption
初始自产量initial potential flowing
化学淋系统chemical sprinkler system
化学旋chemical churning pile
各向异性等离子流不稳定性anisotropical plasma jet instability
各向异性等离子流不稳定性anisotropic plasma jet instability
合成树脂synthetical resin lacquer
合成树脂synthetic resin lacquer
合成树脂悬浮液射混凝土concrete-spraying with synthetic resin dispersion
同心圆concentrical nozzle
同心圆concentric nozzle
同心缝隙雾器tubular atomizer
同时simultaneous ejection
同源出物cognate ejecta
postshot (浆)
ring nozzle
圆形ring nozzle
圆形水式洗手器circular wash fountain
圆形灌机circular sprinkler
圆形雾器round diffuser
圆桶式冷乳液直接射装置direct from drum cold emulsion sprayer
圆桶式直接射装置direct from drum type sprayer
圆筒灌器rotor sprinkler
圆筒形nozzle with a parallel shroud
圆锥外形射浇模gunning pattern
土壤油处理suboiling (道路)
土路油稳定处理suboiling of soil road
教堂中的圣水的墩柱pillar piscina
堆芯core spray
堑壕火器trench flame thrower
复合two-stage injector
复合式冲压空气气发动机recombination ramjet
复合式水热complex hydrothermal eruption
复室砂装置double chamber sand blast apparatus
复式duplex-type atomizer
复式manifold burner
复式雾口duplex-type atomizer
复式雾器duplex-type atomizer
复色multicolour lacquer
复色multicolor lacquer
夏威夷式Hawaiian type eruption
夏季summer spray
outer nozzle
external eruption
外混合型多组分multiple-component external spray nozzle
外混式油燃器external mix oil burner
外源出物accidental ejecta
外源accident block
外装式空气射总管external air injection manifold
外部水灭火器outside sprinkler
外部水幕external drencher
外部混合型external mix type gun
multijet spray
口凝汽器multijet condenser
multiple nozzle
multiple jet
冲击式水轮机multijet turbine
嘴冷凝器multijet ejector condenser
嘴冷凝器multijet condenser
嘴喷头nozzle cluster
嘴喷气织机pneumatic multijet weaving machine
嘴喷气织机multi jet weaving machine
嘴扩散泵multiple nozzle pump
嘴水轮机multinozzle turbine
嘴管multijet element
头插座nozzle manifold
管发动机multinozzle engine
多口multiple gate nozzle
多嘴spray broom
多嘴燃器multijet-type burner
多孔multiorifice nozzle
多孔multijet nozzle
多孔jet rose
多孔射干燥器multijet dryer
多孔porous gun
多孔油器multiple orifice nozzle
多孔板式雾器perforated plate type atomizer
多孔管水灭火装置perforated pipe sprinkler
多孔管灌装置perforated sprinkler
多层multicoat lacquer
多布尔Dobbie nozzle
多斗旋转range nozzle
多焰多头multi-flame torch
多焰焊器multijet blowpipe
多焰multiflame blow pipe
多燃料复合燃器multifuel burner
多直管式射器multiple straight pipe injector
多种用途灌系统multipurpose spraying system
多级单联射器multistage single element ejector
多级多联射器multistage multiple element ejector
多角形polygonal nozzle
多通道multichannel burner
多道涂漆multicoat lacquer
giant nozzle
大型气式班机jumbo air liner
大型气机jumbo jet
大型洒器big run sprinkler
大型灌装置giant rainer
大容量雾机large volume sprayer
大容量沥青洒车bulk asphaltic bitumen distributor
大气压射冷凝器barometrical leg condenser
大气压射冷凝器barometric leg condenser
大水滴deluge sprinkler
大洋中脊出气exhalation from oceanic ridge
大流量洒器large volume sprinkler
大流量灌器large volume sprinkler
大骨料射混凝土concrete-spraying with large aggregate
射流efflux nozzle
射流jet nozzle
射流jet injection
射流式spray injector
射流式ejector sprinkle head
射流式射装置hydraulic ejector
射流式气系统jet aeration system
射流式水器spray sprinkler
射流管jet pipe tip
射电radio jet
小型压力雾器small pressure sprayer
小容量雾器low-volume sprayer
小底部阻力low base-drag nozzle
嘴支管pipe lateral with nozzle
雾直流水枪的水带箱hose box with spray-jet fire nozzle
带中间嘴的喷射管blast pipe with intermediate nozzles
带冷却器的水饮水器cooler and drinking fountain
带固紧环eyelet nozzle
带外螺纹的male nozzle
带小针nozzle with spear
带式丸清理机wheel abrator
带手持枪的动力喷洒power spraying with hand lance (装置)
挖泥船的带水力嘴的疏浚头draghead with hydraulic jet
带混合板的雾器mix plate injector
带状雾器band sprayer
带状火焰燃器ribbon-flame burner
带电荷charging nozzle
带软嘴的油泵pump oiler with flexible nozzle
开口vent-opening eruption
开式open-type nozzle
开式油器open fuel injector
开式燃料open fuel nozzle
开槽slotted nozzle
开缝slotted nozzle
异径reducing nozzle
弓形碳精carbon arc torch
自动消防器的温度releasing temperature
引水water fountain
引燃pilot burner
引燃点火ignition injection
弥雾粉机mist duster
弧形radial nozzle
弧形spray arch
怠速idling jet
怠速副secondary idle-hole
意外出物accidental ejecta
持续性permanent eruption
挠性flexible nozzle
挠性板超音速flexible plate supersonic nozzle
挡板flapper nozzle
挡板淋塔baffle spray tower
挡板雾塔baffle spray tower
搅拌器agitator nozzle
搅拌器agitator jet
最佳optimum nozzle
最佳油定时自调系统optimizer system
最大射宽度maximum jet width
最大射高度maximum jet height
最大maximum nozzle velocity
有效射时间effective discharge time
有监控的水灭火系统supervised sprinkler system
有限面积淋系统limited area sprinkler system
木支架timber support guniting
栅极式静电涂装置grid electrostatic paint spray apparatus
树下under-tree sprinkling
树冠灌机overtree sprinkler
树脂resin gun
校对master nozzle
植物保护的射技术spray application techniques for crop protection
植绒flock gun
模内涂装饰in-mould decorating with coatings
模内涂装饰in-mold decorating with coatings
模板油雾器form work oil atomizing device
欧洲传统式洒水European conventional style sprinkler
gas blowout
air jet
净法air blast
式筛分机air jet screen
漆枪air-painting sprayer
聚集gas spurt
气体gas blowout
气体gas nipple
气体gas tip
气体gas jet
气体射压缩机gas jet compressor
气体射器gas ejector
气体射技术gas jet technique
气体射法gas jet method
气体洒器gas sparger
气体洗室spray chamber
气体gas jet
气体gas atomization
气体燃料gas fuel nozzle
气力乳化沥青砂浆pneumatically applied asphalt emulsion mortar
气力注机air placer
气力砂机air sander
气力砂机pneumatic sander
气力砂机air peener
气力雾机pneumatic sprayer
气力式雾机pneumatic spraying machine
气力式快速粉机pneumatic high-speed duster
气动丸机pneumatic shot blasting machine
气动丸机air peener
气动射器airlift ejector
气动射泵pneumatic ejector
气动射泵airlift ejector
气动pneumatic spray painting
气动砂机pneumatic peener
气动砂机air peener
气动雾器pneumatic nebulizer
气动沥青浆法asphalt gunite process
气动灰浆射机pneumatic plaster-throwing machine
气动雾化two-fluid nozzle
气动雾化pneumatic nozzle
气压pneumatic fed (混凝土)
气压射器pneumatic ejector
气压射器compressed-air ejector
气压射泵pneumatic ejector
气压air lance
气压air injection
气压pneumatically applied mortar
气压漆刷pneumatic paint brush
气压漆器pneumatic paint brush
气压漆器air brush
气压砂器air sand blower
气压air blast atomizing
气压雾刷色器air brush
气压雾器air blast atomizer
气压水泥jet cleat gun
气垫式嘴热风拉幅机floating jet stenter
气垫式雾器air cushion sprayer
气水混合射器air-water jet
气泡射法air-bubble injection
气泡射系统air bubbling system
气泡射系统air-bubble system
气泵雾器pneumatic sprayer
气流吹工艺blast attenuating process
气流steam-jet atomizer
气流雾器gas stream atomizer
气流雾式干燥器pneumatic type spray dryer
气流雾机airflow sprayer
气流式射泵ejector air pump
气液雾接触器gas-liquid spray contactor
气溶胶射制剂aerosol spray
气溶胶射剂aerosol propellant
气溶胶aerosol spraying
气溶胶aerosol spray-can
气雾aerosol lacquer
氧乙炔焊器oxyacetylene torch
氧乙炔火焰oxyacetylene flame spraying
氧切割oxygen cutting tip
氧化乙炔焊机oxyacetylene blowpipe
氧化剂oxidize nozzle
氧气oxygen lance
氧炔焊器oxyacetylene blowpipe
洒水头装置sprinkler head system
洒水器sprinkler head
洗净剂布车detergent spray truck
洗涤剂shampoo spray
洗涤剂射拱门shampoo spray arch
洗涤液washing nozzle
洗涤用wash gun
洗矿washing spray
clear lacquer
清扫级射除锈sweep blast
清扫级brush off blast
清洗washing nozzle
清洗射泵scavenging ejector
渐缩negative throat nozzle
渐缩放convergent-divergent inlet
渣口blowing on the monkey
漆刷painter's torch
漆工painter's torch
漏板丝孔bushing tip
瀑布式嘴暖气池plunging water
瀑布式嘴暖气池jet aerator
焊入式weld-in nozzle
焊工烧器welding burner
焊接welding tip
焊接welding gun
焊接喷枪welding gun
焊接welding burner
焊接blast lamp for soldering
焊接blast burner for soldering
焊接用soldering lamp
焊枪gas nozzle
焊枪torch tube
焊灯torch tube
焊炬gas nozzle
焚化炉incinerator jet
焦油射机tar sprayer
焦油和沥青洒机tar and asphalt sprayer
焦油沥青洒机tar spraying machine
焦油沥青洒机tar sprayer
焦油沥青洒车tar spraying tank
爆炸坑里的汽孔explosion carter fumarole
爆震detonation gun
爆震flame plating
爆震detonation spraying
猛烈blow wild
球形ball nozzle
球形止回ball check nozzle
球驱动旋转洒头ball drive rotary head
真空射器vacuum ejector
真空射式柴油发动机compressorless injection diesel (engine)
真空射装置vacuum jet package
真空射装置vacuum jet device
真空airless spray gun
真空airless spray
真空涂法vacuum spray painting method
真空涂金属设备vacuum metallizing equipment
真空vacuum blast
真空砂法vacuum blasting
真空砂清理airless blast cleaning
真空vacuum evapouration
真空vacuum evapourating
真空vacuum evaporation
真空vacuum evaporating
真空雾蒸发器vacuum spray evaporator
真空冷冻射吸附法vacuum-freezing ejector adsorption method
真空吸入砂清理vacuum blast
真空塑料金属plastic plating
真空罐式液肥洒机vacuum tank spreader
码头及道路冲洗flushing sprinkler for wharf and roadway
sand nozzle
射器sand ejector
砂浆air blowpipe
砂浆射机mortar injecting machine
砂浆mortar gun
砂浆mortar spraying
砂浆搅拌射器grout mixer and placer
砂浆的射使用spray application of mortar
砂砾混合mixed sand-and-shingle spit
稀灰泥射机fine plaster throwing machine
簧板油器pulverizer for lubricating spring
编织砂浆管knitted gunning hose
编织knitted spraying hose
编织雾胶管braided spray hose
缝式slot nozzle
缝隙split-jet injector
缝隙式slotted injector
缝隙式slit injector
缝隙式油嘴slot atomizer
耀斑flare puff
烧钢torch-resistant steel
耐火fireclay nozzle
耐火射料gunning refractory
耐火涂材料refractory gunning material
耐火材料refractory nozzle
耐热塑料heat-resistant plastic nozzle
耐磨插芯hard center nozzle
耐酸陶瓷射泵acid-resistant ceramic jet pump
脆性漆技术brittle-lacquer technique
脉冲吹袋式除尘器pulse-jet baghouse
脉冲射器pulsed ejector
脉冲射电弧pulsed spray arc
脉冲射过渡pulsed spray transfer
脉冲气式袋集尘器pulse jet filter
脉冲式pulse sprinkle head
脉冲式气发动机aeropulse engine
脉冲水力pulsed water jet
脉冲负压空气射净化器pulse air induction reactor
脉动pulse jet
脉动射器管嘴oscillating big gun
脉动式head flow
脉动式空气气发动机resonant jet
脉动式气发动机pulse duct
脉动式气发动机intermittent-firing duct engine
脉动式空气气发动机pulse jet engine
脉动式空气气发动机pulse duct engine
茜草色madder lacquer
蜂窝式rose type head
调凝水泥和射水泥regulated-set cement and jet cement
送风blast nozzle
upstream spray pattern
逆流upstream injection
逆流淋塔counter-current column
逆流雾干燥器counter-current spray dryer
透平射器gasifier nozzle diaphragm
透明transparent lacquer
通孔吹法hole blowing process
通廊式火口gallery port
通廊式火口gallery burner
通气aeration jet
通用燃器universal burner
通风式雾机low sprayer
速凝射层flash coat
造型用煤气modelling burner
造型用煤气modeling burner
造粒prilling spry
shotcrete and rock bolt
anchoring and guniting
支护support by rock anchoring and shotcreting
锚杆射混凝土rock-bolt shotcrete
锤式灌器hammer-type sprinkler
锥塞spigot jet nozzle
锥壁conical wall nozzle
锥壁conic wall nozzle
锥套形drogue nozzle
锥式converging-diverging cones injector
锥形conical nozzle
锥形conic nozzle
锥形conical jet nozzle
锥形conic jet nozzle
锥形雾嘴conical spray nozzle
锥形雾嘴conic spray nozzle
锥形座nozzle with conical seat
锥形座nozzle with conic seat
阀门valve-gate nozzle
鼓风air blast nozzle
鼓风air blast
鼓风射冷冻法air blast cooling system
鼓风射式冻结装置air blast freezer
鼓风雾器blower sprayer
鼓风雾机air blast sprayer
鼓风式气发动机fan jet
鼓风式粉机blower duster
鼓风煤气air blast gas burner
鼠尾rat-tail burner
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