
Terms containing 喷吹 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不规则喷吹玻璃棉nodulated blowing wool
met.中间包喷吹惰性气体inert gas bubbling into tundish
met.中间包喷吹惰性气体bubbling of inert gas into tundish (【技】通过在中间包安装管状气体分配器、多孔透气砖等,将惰性气体均匀喷人中间包,可有效改善钢水在中间包内的流动状态,促进夹杂物上浮并在液面形成保护层。: The bubbling of inert gas into the tundish via a porous refractory lining offers a potential means to enhance inclusion removal. 通过多孔耐火衬向中间包内喷人惰性气体是提高夹杂物去除能力的潜在方法。)
met.中间包惰性气体喷吹inert gas bubbling method for tundish
met.侧喷嘴吹氧oxygen-blowing by side tuyere
met.全自动煤粉喷吹系统completely automatic PCI system
met.出铁口喷吹blowing on tap hole
refrig.双喷嘴吹灰器dual nozzle blower
met.双枪喷吹dual lance injection
met.可燃喷吹combustible injectant
met.吹刷喷嘴sootblower nozzle
tech.吹喷净法air blast
tech.吹尘器喷枪air duster blow gun
shipb.吹气喷射器air sprayer pistol
shipb.吹气喷涂air spray
shipb.吹气喷涂法air spray finishing
met.吹洗喷嘴sootblower nozzle
met.吹除喷嘴blow off nozzle
gen.喷吹blowing (发,放)
met.喷吹冶金injection metallurgy
tech.喷吹压力spraying pressure
met.喷吹天然气比rate of natural gas injection
met.喷吹废塑料injecting of plastic scrap
met.喷吹效率injection efficiency
tech.喷吹施工玻璃棉fiberglass blown wool
met.喷吹时间bubbling time
met.喷吹时间injection time
met. 喷吹极限injection limit
met.喷吹极限injection limit
tech.喷吹blowing wool
met.喷吹氧气石灰脱磷脱硫法oxygen lime injection dephosphorization and desulphurization process
met.喷吹氩气argon injection
met. FTG 喷吹FTG process (一种裂化重油气喷吹法)
met.FTG 喷吹FTG process
tech.喷吹blowing process
met.喷吹液体燃料liquid-fuel injection
tech.喷吹清灰的袋式吸尘器jet filter
tech.喷吹清理power cleaning
tech.喷吹清理blast cleaning
met.喷吹煤-氧熔融还原炼铁法coal and oxygen injection process
met.喷吹煤粉pulverized coal injection (【技】将煤粉喷人高炉用以代替部分价格昂贵且资源紧缺的冶金焦的炼铁技术。喷吹方法分为常压喷吹和高压喷吹两类。)
met.喷吹煤粉的置换比coke/pulverized-coal replacement ratio (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中,每喷人单位质量的煤粉所能替代的焦炭量。)
met.喷吹煤粒granular coal injection (Ironmaking projects include granular coal injection on No.3 and No.4 blast furnace ($18 million), a revamp and reline of No.4 furnace ($10 million) (completed), and the transfer project for blast furnace gas from No. 5 furnace to the pelletizing plant. 炼铁项目包括 3、4 号高炉粒煤喷吹(1800万美元),4号高炉改造和大修(1000万美元,已完工)以及5号高炉煤气至球团厂的输送工程。)
met.喷吹熔剂flux injection (【技】将熔剂破碎,经管道输送从风口喷人高炉。风口喷吹熔剂可改善炉腹和炉腰造渣,有效调整炉渣成分并提高脱硫效率;同时还可节约焦炭、降低焦比。)
met.喷吹熔炼injection smelting
met.喷吹燃料fuel injection
met.喷吹燃料injected fuel
met.喷吹燃料比fuel injection rate
met.喷吹燃料的风口fuel injection tuyere
met.喷吹燃料置换比injection fuel replacement ratio
met.喷吹燃料风口fuel injection tuyere
met.喷吹燃油oil injection
tech.喷吹燃烧器blowing burner
tech.喷吹injection rate
cast.iron.喷吹injection rate
tech.喷吹玻璃棉blown wool
tech.喷吹玻璃棉blowing wool
met.喷吹用煤coal for use in injection
met.喷吹石灰injection of lime
met.喷吹石灰lime injection
met.喷吹碳氢化合物injection of hydrocarbon
met.喷吹碳氢化合物hydrocarbon injection
met.喷吹管系injection piping
met.喷吹精炼spray refining (向金属流喷吹氧气、石灰粉等进行的精炼)
met.喷吹精炼injection refining
met.喷吹系统bubbling system
met.喷吹系统injection system
cast.iron.喷吹系统injection system
textile喷吹纺丝法blast drawing
met.喷吹injection vessel
met.喷吹injection tank
met.喷吹injection hopper (用于高炉喷煤: The coal is conveyed approximately 210 m from the injection hoppers to a static distributor (one for each system) located next to the furnace above tuyere level. 由喷吹罐将煤输送到位于高炉附近高于风口平面的静态分配器(每一喷吹系统配备一个分配器),距离约为 210m。)
met.喷吹脱硫injection desulfurization
met.喷吹蒸汽steam injection
met.喷吹装置injection facility
met.喷吹装置injection device
met.喷吹装置bubbling device
met.喷吹装置injection equipment
met.喷吹装置injecting device
met.喷吹设备bubbling equipment
met.喷吹设备injection equipment
tech.喷吹设备bushing blower (玻璃纤维)
tech.喷吹距离spraying distance
met.喷吹还原气reducing gas injection
agric.喷射吹风机jet blower
tech.喷射式吹管injector blow pipe
met.喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉LD-AC converter
met.喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉LD alkaline converter
met.喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉oxygen-lime-powder converter
met.喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉OLP converter
met.喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉炼钢法oxygen lance powder process
met.喷石灰粉氧气顶吹转炉炼钢法LD-AC process
met.喷石灰粉顶吹氧气炼钢法O.L.P process
met.喷石灰粉顶吹氧气转炉炼钢法oxygen-lime powder steelmaking process
gen.喷石灰粉顶吹氧气转炉炼钢法Linz-Donawitz with ARBED and CNRM (process)
met.喷雾吹炼spray converting
tech.喷雾吹风电动机mist fan motor
construct.喷雾吹风马达〔电动机〕mist fan motor
tech.垂直喷吹vertical blowing process
met.复合喷吹combined injection
met.复合喷吹技术co-injection technique
met.复合喷吹co-injection rate
avia.外吹式喷流襟翼externally blow jet flap
met.多喷口吹管multijet torch
met.多点喷吹multipoint injection
met.多管喷吹multipipe injection
met.大量喷吹high rate injection
met.大量喷吹石灰high rate of lime injection
met.大量煤粉喷吹high rate injection of pulverized coal
met.天然气喷吹natural gas injection
met.天然气喷吹rate of natural gas injection (A blast furnace at Acme Steel Co. has set a record for the rate of natural gas injection. 阿克米钢公司的一座高炉已创造了一项天然气喷吹比记录。)
met.天然气和燃油复合喷吹co-injection of natural gas and fuel coil
met.富氧喷吹oxygen-enriched injection
met.富氧喷吹enriched air injection
met.常规喷吹技术conventional injection technology
met.常规粉煤喷吹conventional pulverized coal injection
met.常规粉煤喷吹conventional P.C.I.
met.常规粉煤喷吹设备conventional pulverized coal injection equipment
met.常规粉煤喷吹设备conventional equipment for injection of pulverized coal
met.常规粉煤喷吹高炉blast furnace with conventional P.C.I.
met. 并列喷吹parallel injection tank
met.废塑料喷吹plastic scrap injection
met.恒压喷吹constant pressure injection
met.恒压喷吹constant pressure blowing
met.无喷溅吹炼slop-free blowing
met.无喷溅吹炼slop-free blow
met.普通煤粉喷吹conventional P.C.
met.机械化喷吹装置mechanized injection device
el.mach.正交喷吹油断路器cross blast oil circuit-breaker
tech.正交喷吹油断路器cross-blast oil circuit-breaker
tech.正交喷吹灭弧盒cross-blast explosion pot
met.气体喷吹gas injection
met.气-固体喷吹设备gas-solid injection apparatus
met.气-气喷吹gas-gas injection
tech.气流喷吹工艺blast attenuating process
met.氧气顶吹喷枪oxygen top-blowing injection lance
met.氩气喷吹argon injection
met.氩氧喷吹argon-oxygen blowing
met.氩氧喷吹argon-oxygen-blowing process
tech.水平喷吹horizontal blowing process
met. 油气复合喷吹oil-gas co-injection
met.浸入式喷吹submerged injection
met.浸入式喷吹技术submerged injection technique
met.浸入式喷吹submerged injection process
met.浸入式喷吹SIP process
met.浸入式喷吹风口submerged injection tuyere
met.混合喷吹mixed injection (【技】同时向高炉内喷吹煤粉、燃油和天然气等多种燃料。)
tech.火焰喷吹flame blowing
tech.火焰喷吹flame blowing process
tech.火焰喷吹burner blowing process
met.炉底风嘴碳氧喷吹技术oxygen and carbon injection technology through tuyeres in bottom of furnace
met.炉腹天然气喷吹natural gas injection into bosh
met.炉腹煤气喷吹gas injection into bosh
met.炉腹煤气喷吹bosh gas injection
met. 炉身喷吹stack injection
met.炉身喷吹stack injection
met.炉身煤气喷吹gas injection into stack
met.烟煤无烟煤混合喷吹bituminous and anthracite coal mixed injection
met.煤氧喷吹炼钢法coal-oxygen injection steelmaking process
met.煤氧喷吹炼钢设备coal-oxygen injection steelmaking equipment
met.煤-焦油混合物喷吹coal-tar mixture injection
met.煤-燃油混合喷吹coal-fuel oil injection
met.煤-燃油混合物喷吹coal-oil mixture injection
met.煤粉喷吹coal powder injection
met.煤粉喷吹injection of pulverized coal
met.煤粉喷吹pulverized coal injection
met.煤粉喷吹coal injection
met.煤粉喷吹喷煤pulverized coal injection
met.煤粉喷吹操作pulverized coal injection operation
met.煤粉喷吹操作PCI operation
met.煤粉喷吹最佳时间best time for injecting powdered coal
met.熔剂喷吹flux injection
tech.熔融喷吹melting and blowing process
met.喷吹fuel oil injection
met.燃料喷吹fuel injection (【技】从风口向炉缸喷吹燃料并在风口区迅速燃烧气化的技术。它不仅可以节约焦炭,同时还可改善高炉间接还原,有利高炉顺行高产。: Fuel injection at the tuyeres has always been part of normal operating practice on this blast furnace. 风口喷吹燃料已经是这座高炉正常操作的一部分。)
met.燃料喷吹效率fuel injection efficiency
met.燃料喷吹fuel injection rate
met.燃料喷吹管系fuel injection piping
met.燃料喷吹系统fuel injection system
met.燃料喷吹装置fuel injection installation
met.燃料喷吹装置fuel injection facility
met.燃料喷吹设备fuel injection equipment
met.燃料直接喷吹direct fuel injection
met.燃油喷吹fuel oil injection
met.燃油喷吹fuel oil injection rate
met.燃油喷吹熔炼smelting with fuel oil injection
met.电弧炉炼钢用顶吹喷枪top-blowing injection lance for EAF
met.直接喷吹燃料direct fuel injection
met.石灰喷吹系统lime injection system
met.石灰和氧一起喷吹injection of lime with oxygen (Some years ago, it was discovered by French and Luxemburg steel-makers that injection of lime with the oxygen permitted the use of iron of much higher phosphorus content -up to nearly 2 per cent in steelmaking. 若干年前,法国和卢森堡的炼钢工作者发现:将石灰和氧气一起喷吹就可以在炼钢中使用含磷量高达近2%的高磷生铁。)
met.石灰粉喷吹lime-powder injection
met.矿粉喷吹ore injection
met.碳氢化合物喷吹hydrocarbon injection
met.碳氧喷吹用炉底喷嘴bottom tuyere for oxygen and carbon injection
tech.离心喷吹 TEL 法TEL process combined
tech.离心喷吹combined centrifuging and gas attenuating process
met.空气喷吹口拱顶air port arch (平炉的)
el.空气喷吹air blowing
tech.等离子喷吹plasma blowing
met.粉煤喷吹coal powder injection
met.粉煤喷吹pulverized coal injection
met.粉煤喷吹injection of pulverized coal
met.粉煤喷吹最佳效果optimum result of injecting pulverized coal
met.粉煤喷吹pulverized coal injection ratio
met.粉煤喷吹系统pulverized coal injection system (The investment will be used to complete facilities under construction, including a pulverized coal injection system at the No.4 blast furnace, as well as a galvanizing line and other renovations to rolling mills. 这项投资将用于完成一些在建的设备,包括4号高炉的一套粉煤喷吹系统、一条镀锌生产线和轧机的更新改造。)
met.粉煤喷吹设备pulverized coal injection equipment (In addition, the relative cost of coal would be significantly lower than the cost of coke it replaced. This led to the decision late in 1991 to install pulverized coal injection (PCI) equipment for all of Inland's blast furnaces. 此外,煤的相对费用远远低于它所替代的焦炭费用。有鉴于此,于1991年年底决定在内陆钢公司所有的高炉上安装粉煤喷吹设备。)
met.粉煤喷吹设备PCI equipment
met.粉煤喷吹项目PCI project
met.粒煤喷吹granular coal injection
met.粒煤喷吹granulated coal injection
met.粒煤喷吹GC injection
met.粒煤喷吹granulated coal injection process
met.粒煤喷吹granular coal injection method
met.粒煤喷吹高炉blast furnace with injection of granulated coal
met.纯氧喷吹pure oxygen injection
met.综合喷吹combined injection
tech.脉冲喷吹袋式除尘器pulse-jet baghouse
met.自冷却顶吹氧气喷枪self-cooled top blowing oxygen lance
tech.蒸汽喷吹steam blowing
tech.蒸汽喷吹纤维steam-blown fibre
tech.蒸汽喷吹纤维steam-blown fiber
met.辅助燃料喷吹injection of auxiliary fuel
met.辅助燃料喷吹auxiliary fuel injection
met.还原性燃料喷吹reducing fuel injection
met.还原性燃料喷吹injection of reducing fuel
met.还原气体喷吹reducing gas injection (【技】将重油或天然气经裂化处理变成高温的含 CO、 H₂ 的还原气体,直接从高炉中温区炉腰或炉身下部吹人,可避免通过阻损较大的成渣带,有利于高炉顺行、强化气体还原作用、减轻炉缸热量负荷、大幅度降低高炉焦比。)
tech.通孔喷吹hole blowing process
met.通过风口喷吹天然气injection of natural gas through tuyeres
met.重油喷吹系统oil injection system
met.重油煤粉混合浆喷吹oil-coal slurry injection
met.重油煤粉混合浆喷吹oil-coal slurry injection
met.金属熔池喷吹煤粉injection of coal powder into metal bath
met.钢包喷吹工艺ladle injection process
met.钢包喷吹ladle injection station
met.钢包喷吹 CaSi 粉CaSi-powder injection into ladle
met.铁口喷吹blowing on tap hole
met.顶吹喷枪top lance
met.顶吹喷枪top-blowing injection lance
met.顶吹喷枪top blowing lance
met.顶吹喷粉powder top blowing
met.风口喷吹tuyere injection
met.风口喷吹tuyere injectant
met.风口喷吹天然气natural gas into tuyere
met.风口喷吹煤粉pulverized coal injection into tuyere
met.风口喷吹煤粉coal powder injection into tuyere
met.风口喷吹熔剂flux injection through tuyere
met.风口喷吹熔剂flux injection into tuyere
met.风口喷吹矿粉ore fines injection into tuyere
met.风口煤气喷吹tuyere-gas injection
met.风口煤气喷吹gas injection into tuyere
met.风口燃料喷吹fuel injection into tuyere
met.喷吹high rate injection
met.高压固体燃料喷吹系统high-pressure solid fuel injection system
met.高压固体燃料喷吹系统high pressure solid injection system
met.高密度粉煤喷吹high-density pulverized coal injection
met.高炉喷吹injection in blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹blast furnace injection
met.高炉喷吹天然气natural gas injection into BF (【技】天然气的主要成分是 CH₄。 CH₄ 在高温时分解吸收大量热量,因而高炉喷吹天然气时最好能结合高炉富氧。)
met.高炉喷吹工艺blast furnace injection process
met.高炉喷吹废塑料waste plastic injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹废塑料injecting waste plastics into blast furnace (It has been found that the benefits from injecting waste plastics into blast furnace include reducing coke rate and emission of carbon dioxide, and increasing productivity and campaign of blast furnace.. 人们已经发现,高炉喷吹废塑料的优点包括既可降低焦比和二氧化碳排放,又可提高利用系数和高炉寿命。)
met.高炉喷吹废塑料injecting plastic scrap into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹技术blast furnace injection technology
met.高炉喷吹焦炉煤气coke-oven gas injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹煤气gas injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹煤粉pulverized coal injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹煤粉injection of pulverized coal into BF
met.高炉喷吹煤粉PCI into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹煤粉BF pulverized coal injection
met.高炉喷吹煤粉系统PCI system of blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹燃料fuel injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹用煤粉pulverized coal for BF injection
met.高炉喷吹用超细煤粉ultrafine coal powder for BF injection
met.高炉喷吹粒煤granular coal injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹粒煤granular coal injection into BF
met.高炉喷吹辅助燃料injection of auxiliary fuel into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹辅助燃料auxiliary fuel injection into blast furnace
met.高炉喷吹重油heavy oil injection into blast furnace
met.高炉炉身喷吹还原气体reducing gas injection into BF shaft
met.高炉炉身喷吹还原气体injection of reducing gas into stack of BF
met.高炉燃料喷吹fuel injection into blast furnace (【技】将气体、液体或固体燃料通过专门的设备从风口喷人高炉,用于取代高炉炉料中部分焦炭的一种高炉强化冶炼技术。)
met.高炉粒煤喷吹blast furnace granular coal injection
met.高炉风口喷吹天然气natural gas injection into BF tuyere
met.高炉风口喷吹天然气injection of natural gas through BF tuyeres
met.高还原性气体喷吹high reducing gas injection