
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 咨询 | all forms | in specified order only
专家咨询服务系统expert consultancy services system
专题咨询special-subject consultancy
咨询公司consultation company
咨询委员会board of consultants
工程咨询engineering consulting
市场咨询market consultation
技术咨询technology consultation
法律咨询legal consultation
法律咨询legal advice
联合国科学技术应用开发咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Application of Science and Technology to Development
美国科学研究咨询Scientific Advisory Board
美国能源问题快速咨询服务Energy Quick Advice Service
英国腐蚀咨询Corrosion Advice Bureau
防腐咨询中心Corrosion Prevention Advisory Center