
Terms for subject Nursing containing 呼吸 | all forms | in specified order only
呼吸upper respiratory tract
呼吸道感染upper respiratory tract infection
呼吸道烧伤burns of upper respiratory tract
呼吸道阻塞upper respiratory tract obstruction
呼吸道烧伤burns of the lower respiratory tract
呼吸道阻塞Lower respiratory tract obstruction
中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停centric sleep apnea
中毒性呼吸困难toxic dyspnea
使用呼吸训练器using spirometry
-斯托克斯呼吸Cheyne-Stokes respiration
劳力性呼吸困难exertional dyspnea
化学感受性呼吸反射respiratory chemoreflex
压型呼吸Pressure-control respirator
反常呼吸paradoxical breathing
变形性呼吸deforming respiration
口对口呼吸mouth-to-mouth insufflation
呼吸再训练breathing retraining
呼吸功能不全respiratory insufficiency
呼吸breath sounds
呼吸性细支气管respiratory bronchiole
呼吸扰乱respiratory disturbance
呼吸抑制respiratory depression
呼吸测量法assessing respiration
呼吸病史respiratory history
呼吸监护室respiratory intensive care unit
呼吸相关神经元respiration related neurons
呼吸短促的short of breath
呼吸窘迫综合征respiratory distress syndrome
呼吸系疾病一般护理general care of respiratory diseases
呼吸系统结核病tuberculosis of respiratory system
呼吸系统老化respiratory system becoming old
呼吸respiratory passage
呼吸道阻塞obstruction of respiratory tract
呼吸道阻塞respiratory obstruction
呼吸道阻塞airway obstruction
呼吸道隔离respiratory tract isolation
呼吸阻力respiratory resistance
呼吸隔离respiratory isolation
呼吸频率rate of respiration
呼气末正压呼吸end-expiratory positive pressure breathing
哮喘性呼吸asthmatic breathing
喘息式呼吸gasping respiration
夜间阵发性呼吸困难nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea
定压型呼吸pressure limited ventilator
定容型呼吸volume limited ventilator
定时型呼吸time limited ventilator
平均呼吸气流率mean air flow rate
库斯莫尔呼吸Kussmaul respiration
心源性呼吸困难cardiac dyspnea
心脏性呼吸cardiac respiration
急性呼吸衰竭acute respiratory failure
急性上呼吸道炎acute upper respiratory infection
手控呼吸manual respirator
持续正压呼吸continuous positive pressure breathing
持续肺泡内正压呼吸Continuous positive alveolar pressure, CPAP
控制呼吸Controlled respiration
支气管呼吸bronchial breathing sound
支气管呼吸bronchial breathing
支气管肺泡呼吸bronchovesicular breathing sound
支气管肺泡呼吸bronchovesicular breathing
断续性呼吸cogwheel breathing sound
新生儿呼吸暂停apnea of newborn
来回式呼吸装置To-and-fro absorption system
正压呼吸positive pressure respiration
正压人工呼吸artificial respiration of positive pressure
每分钟呼吸minute respiratory volume
比奥呼吸Biot respiration
气管呼吸tracheal breathing
深大呼吸Kussmaul breathing
混合性睡眠呼吸暂停mixed sleep apnea
呼吸slight abdominal breathing
潮式呼吸tidal breathing
病毒性呼吸道感染viral respiratory infection
睡眠呼吸暂停综合征sleep apnea syndrome
空洞性呼吸cavernous respiration
空洞性呼吸cavernous breathing
空瓮性呼吸amphoric respiration
空瓮性呼吸amphoric breathing
简易呼吸simple respirator
管性呼吸tubular breathing sound
粗糙性呼吸coarse respiration
肺泡呼吸vesicular breathing sound
肺源性呼吸困难pulmonary dyspnea
胸壁反常呼吸运动、paradoxical movement of chest wall
脑膜炎性呼吸Biot breathing
腹式呼吸训练training for abdominal breath
自然呼吸general breathing
辅助呼吸assisted respiration
辅助呼吸assisting respirator
呼吸inverse abdominal breathing
酸中毒大呼吸Kussmaul respiration in acidosis
间停呼吸meningitic breathing
间断加压呼吸Intermittent positive pressure breathing, IPPB
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停obstructive sleep apnea
限量型呼吸Volume-control respirator
呼吸困难nasal dyspnea
齿轮性呼吸cog-wheel breathing
齿轮性呼吸cogwheel respiration